Analyses of stress intensity factor solutions for subsurface flaws in flat plates
Li, S. ; Li, Y. ; Lu, K.*; Lacroix, V.*; Dulieu, P.*
Li, S.; Li, Y.; Lu, K.*; Lacroix, V.*; Dulieu, P.*
The stress intensity factor (SIF) solutions for subsurface flaws in flat plates are provided in Appendix A of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI. A part of the SIF solutions was initially provided in the 2015 edition. The solutions were obtained for the fourth order polynomial stress distribution base on the influence function method. The solutions were expanded in the 2021 edition for subsurface flaws near the surface of the plate. The additional solutions were obtained based on the J-integral from the elastic finite element analyses. However, recent investigations have found that there is a minor discrepancy in trend between the two sets of SIF solutions because they were obtained by using different numerical methods. Although the discrepancy is very small, the change in trend causes some difficulties in engineering applications. In this work, the SIF solutions are recalculated using the same numerical method based on the J-integral from elastic finite element analyses. The results are compared with the solutions in the current Section XI, RSE-M, and are finally cross-checked with the results obtained from an independent numerical model. The results are useful to eliminate the discrepancy in trend in the SIF solutions for subsurface flaws in flat plates in the current edition of Section XI.