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 年 ~ 


Isothermal gas chromatographic behavior of Mo oxychlorides as a model of Sg (Z=106)

名取 日菜; 佐藤 哲也   ; 浅井 雅人  ; 伊藤 由太   ; 内馬場 優太; Gong, G.; 塚田 和明  ; 宮地 優太; 永目 諭一郎* 

Natori, Hina; Sato, Tetsuya; Asai, Masato; Ito, Yuta; Uchibaba, Yuta; Gong, G.; Tsukada, Kazuaki; Miyachi, Yuta; Nagame, Yuichiro*


To elucidate the chemical properties of element 106, seaborgium (Sg), we have constructed an off-line isothermal gas chromatographic system. As a model experiment for Sg using the system, gas-phase chemical experiments were performed for volatile oxychlorides of short-lived molybdenum (Mo) isotopes, a homolog of Sg, produced in spontaneous fission of $$^{252}$$Cf. The optimum experimental conditions were obtained for isothermal gas chromatographic experiments using this apparatus. The observed isothermal gas chromatographic behaviors of short-lived Mo isotopes, we have successfully determined values of the adsorption enthalpies of Mo oxychlorides on the column surface. These values were in good agreement with those estimated from the sublimation enthalpies of the compounds.



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