※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

燃料デブリの収納・移送・保管技術の開発,2; 粉状燃料デブリ取り扱い時の水素挙動の評価・考察

Development of technologies for containing, transportation and storage of fuel debris, 2; Evaluation and consideration of hydrogen behavior in handling powder fuel debris

永石 隆二 ; 寺田 敦彦  ; Thwe Thwe, A.  ; 伊藤 辰也  

Nagaishi, Ryuji; Terada, Atsuhiko; Thwe Thwe, A.; Ito, Tatsuya


In the "Development of Technologies for Containing, Transportation and Storage of Fuel Debris", efforts have been made to develop methods for evaluating the amount of hydrogen (H$$_{2}$$) generated from lump-shaped debris, and we are now developing methods for powdered debris. The powdered debris will be generated during the cutting process of debris during retrieval, and some of it will be less than the size of fine sand (0.1 mm) and recovered in the liquid phase system. For such powdered debris, which has small particle size close to the penetration distance of high-LET radiation ($$alpha$$) and high specific surface area, the H$$_{2}$$ behavior would be predicted to be different from that for the lump-shaped debris. In this report, we introduced the evaluation and consideration of the behavior of H$$_{2}$$ generated by radiolysis of water in the powdered debris, which is being developed based on previous researches on contaminated water treatment.



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