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検索結果: 18 件中 1件目~18件目を表示
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Optimized TES microcalorimeters with 14 eV energy resolution at 30 keV for $$gamma$$-ray measurements of the $$^{229}$$Th isomer

村松 はるか*; 林 佑*; 湯浅 直樹*; 紺野 良平*; 山口 敦史*; 満田 和久*; 山崎 典子*; 前畑 京介*; 菊永 英寿*; 滝本 美咲; et al.

Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 200(5-6), p.452 - 460, 2020/09

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:5.70(Physics, Applied)

We have developed a four-pixel array of superconducting transition-edge sensors with gold absorbers for the detection of a 29.2 keV $$gamma$$-ray doublet decay from $$^{229}$$Th. To identify the decay, an energy resolution better than 20 eV full width at half maximum (FWHM) is needed. We measured an energy resolution of 14 eV FWHM for 26 keV $$gamma$$-ray decay from an $$^{241}$$Am isotope in combined data of three pixels. We describe the design and the performance of the devices and discuss the baseline correction method to compensate the variation in the baseline, which was observed during the evaluation of the performance using the $$^{241}$$Am isotope.


Energy of the $$^{229}$$Th nuclear clock isomer determined by absolute $$gamma$$-ray energy difference

山口 敦史*; 村松 はるか*; 林 佑*; 湯浅 直樹*; 中村 圭佑; 滝本 美咲; 羽場 宏光*; 小無 健司*; 渡部 司*; 菊永 英寿*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 123(22), p.222501_1 - 222501_6, 2019/11

 被引用回数:36 パーセンタイル:88.95(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

The low-lying isomeric state of $$^{229}$$Th provides unique opportunities for high-resolution laser spectroscopy of the atomic nucleus. We determine the energy of this isomeric state by measuring the absolute energy difference between two $$gamma$$-decays from the 29.2-keV second-excited state. A transition-edge sensor microcalorimeter was used to measure the absolute energy of the 29.2-keV $$gamma$$-ray with improved precision. Together with the cross-band transition energy (29.2 keV$$rightarrow$$ground) and the branching ratio of the 29.2-keV state measured in a recent study, the isomer energy was determined to be 8.30$$pm$$0.88 eV. Our result is in agreement with latest measurements based on different experimental techniques, which further confirms that the isomeric state of $$^{229}$$Th is in the laser-accessible vacuum ultraviolet range.


Spectroscopic measurements of L X-rays with a TES microcalorimeter for a non-destructive assay of transuranium elements

中村 圭佑; 森下 祐樹; 高崎 浩司; 前畑 京介*; 杉本 哲也*; 木口 優*; 伊豫本 直子*; 満田 和久*

Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 193(3-4), p.314 - 320, 2018/11

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Applied)

Spectroscopic measurement of L X-ray is one of important techniques for a non-destructive assay of transuranium (TRU) elements because L X-rays of the energy ranging from 10 to 25 keV are emitted following internal conversion after the alpha-decay of TRU elements. For identification of L X-ray peaks of TRU elements, the energy resolution of the detector is required to be lower than 100 eV of the full width at half maximum (FWHM). In this work, a transition-edge-sensor (TES) microcalorimeter was operated for spectroscopic measurements of L X-rays emitted from a Np-237 and Cm-244 source. Typical L X-ray peaks of Pa, U and Pu elements were clearly identified in the obtained energy spectra. The FWHM energy resolution of the TES microcalorimeter was obtained to be 32.7 eV at Pu L alpha1 X-ray peak of 14.28 keV with natural line width of 12.20 eV. We considered a feasibility of a non-destructive assay of TRU elements with experimental L X-ray spectra obtained by the TES microcalorimeter.


Uniaxial-pressure control of magnetic phase transitions in a frustrated magnet CuFe$$_{1-x}$$Ga$$_{x}$$O$$_{2}$$ ($$x$$ = 0, 0.018)

中島 多朗*; 満田 節生*; 高橋 慶一郎*; 吉冨 啓祐*; 増田 一也*; 金子 周史*; 本間 勇紀*; 小林 悟*; 北澤 英明*; 小坂 昌史*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 81(9), p.094710_1 - 094710_8, 2012/09

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:63.06(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We have investigated effects of applied uniaxial pressure ($$p$$) on magnetic phase transitions in a triangular lattice antiferromagnet CuFeO$$_{2}$$ (CFO) and a slightly Ga-substituted compound CuFe$$_{1-x}$$Ga$$_{x}$$O$$_{2}$$ (CFGO) with $$x$$ = 0.018 by spherical neutron polarimetry. In both of CFO and CFGO ($$x$$ = 0.018), the application of $$p$$ significantly increases the transition temperature from the paramagnetic phase to a collinear incommensurate antiferromagnetic phase. This suggests that the application of $$p$$ breaks equilateral symmetry of the triangular lattice and partially relieves geometrical spin frustration, which generally suppresses long-range magnetic orderings. Thus we demonstrated that uniaxial pressure can be an effective tool to control magnetic phase transitions in frustrated magnets.


Uniaxial-pressure control of magnetic phase transitions in a frustrated magnet CuFe$$_{1-x}$$Ga$$_{x}$$O$$_{2}$$ (x =0, 0.018)

中島 多朗*; 満田 節生*; 高橋 慶一郎*; 吉冨 啓祐*; 増田 一也*; 金子 周史*; 本間 勇紀*; 小林 悟*; 北澤 英明*; 小坂 昌史*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 81(9), p.094710_1 - 094710_8, 2012/09

We have investigated effects of applied uniaxial pressure ($$p$$) on magnetic phase transitions in a triangular lattice antiferromagnet CuFeO$$_{2}$$ (CFO) and a slightly Ga-substituted compound CuFe$$_{1-x}$$Ga$$_{x}$$O$$_{2}$$ (CFGO) with $$x$$ = 0.018. We have performed neutron diffraction, spherical neutron polarimetry, magnetic susceptibility and pyroelectric measurements under $$p$$ up to 100 MPa applied on the [1$$bar1$$0] surfaces of the single crystal samples.


Exchange-striction associated with the elliptical proper helical magnetic structure in the ferroelectric phase of CuFe$$_{1-y}$$Ga$$_{y}$$O$$_{2}$$

寺田 典樹*; 中島 多朗*; 満田 節生*; 松田 雅昌; 加倉井 和久; 田中 義人*; 北澤 英明*

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 211(1), p.012005_1 - 012005_6, 2010/01

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:66.71(Physics, Applied)

Detailed magnetic structure in the ferroelectric phase of CuFe$$_{1-y}$$Ga$$_{y}$$O$$_{2}$$ has been recently determined to be proper helical structure with the ellipcity of $$sim$$ 0.9 by the comprehensive neutron diffraction study. In the present study, we have investigated the lattice modulation associated with the elliptical magnetic structure, using resonant X-ray diffraction measurements on CuFe$$_{0.965}$$Ga$$_{0.035}$$O$$_{2}$$. We observed the superlattice reflection indexed as (0, 1+2$$q$$$$_{rm m}$$, 0), where $$q$$$$_{rm m}$$ is the wave number of the magnetic modulation. The energy spectrum near the Fe-$$K$$ absorption edge for the superlattice peak intensity conforms with that for the fundamental (0, 2, 0) intensity, suggesting that the superlattice modulation is at least associated with the displacements of the Fe ions, The origin of the superlattice modulation is discussed within the exchange-striction model.



中村 圭佑; 前田 亮; 森下 祐樹; 高崎 浩司; 前畑 京介*; 伊豫本 直子*; 石橋 健二*; 満田 和久*

no journal, , 




中村 圭佑; 杉本 哲也*; 前畑 京介*; 伊豫本 直子*; 石橋 健二*; 森下 祐樹; 高崎 浩司; 満田 和久*

no journal, , 




中村 圭佑; 杉本 哲也*; 前畑 京介*; 伊豫本 直子*; 石橋 健二*; 森下 祐樹; 高崎 浩司; 満田 和久*

no journal, , 




村松 はるか*; 湯浅 直樹*; 林 佑*; 紺野 良平*; 山口 敦史*; 満田 和久*; 山崎 典子*; 菊永 英寿*; 中村 圭佑; 滝本 美咲; et al.

no journal, , 




山口 敦史*; 村松 はるか*; 林 佑*; 満田 和久*; 湯浅 直樹*; 前畑 京介*; 中村 圭佑; 滝本 美咲; 菊永 英寿*

no journal, , 




中村 圭佑; 青木 克憲; 高崎 浩司; 前田 亮*; 前畑 京介*; 伊豫本 直子*; 石橋 健二*; 満田 和久*; 田中 啓一*

no journal, , 



Challenge to improve the $$^{229}$$Th isomer energy measurement with TES calorimeters

田中 圭太*; 平野 航亮*; 山口 敦史*; 村松 はるか*; 林 佑*; 湯浅 直樹*; 中村 圭佑; 滝本 美咲; 羽場 宏光*; 白崎 謙次*; et al.

no journal, , 

Determination of the isomer energy of $$^{229}$$Th is essential to realize a nuclear clock by an UV laser excitation. Several experiments such as spectroscopy of internal conversion electrons or $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy using TES or magnetic calorimeters have been made and the isomer energy seems to converge to around 8 eV. In 2019, we have measured the energy of the 29.2-keV $$gamma$$-ray with a single-pixel TES, and determined the isomer energy to be 8.30$$pm$$0.92 eV (A. Yamaguchi et al. 2019). We continued our experiments at Tohoku University to reduce the statistical errors and determination of the isomer energy with smaller uncertainty. We optimized a TES design and achieved an improved energy resolution of about 20 eV (H. Muramatsu et al. 2020). By using 3 pixels of this new TES elements with a 5 times stronger $$^{233}$$U source, the new measurements we reperformed. We are also trying to resolve two emission lines separating by the isomer energy, which were successfully demonstrated with magnetic calorimeters (T. Sikorskyet al. 2020). We will report the results obtained in our new measurement campaigns.



金子 周史*; 中島 多朗*; 満田 節生*; 寺田 典樹*; 脇本 秀一; 武田 全康; 加倉井 和久; 田中 良和*

no journal, , 

三角格子反強磁性体CuFeO$$_{2}$$は幾何学的スピンフラストレーションを内包しており、磁場印加や磁性を担うFe$$^{3+}$$イオンをわずか数%の非磁性イオンで置換することにより誘起される螺旋磁気構造が結晶の反転対称性を破ることで螺旋軸方向([110])に自発分極P110が発生するマルチフェロイック物質として注目されている。この発表では基底状態が強誘電相であるCuFe$$_{1-x}$$Ga$$_{x}$$O$$_{2}$$(x=0.035)において最近発見された従来のP110とは独立したc-軸方向の電気分極Pcの発現に関する(1)三次元中性子偏極解析による螺旋磁気構造解析及び、(2)Fe, CuのK端での共鳴X線散乱実験による結晶構造解析の結果を報告する。


Study of complex magnetic structures in frustrated magnets by means of polarized neutrons

加倉井 和久; 脇本 秀一; 松田 雅昌*; 石渡 晋太郎*; 奥山 大輔*; 田口 康二郎*; 十倉 好紀*; 西 正和*; 中島 多朗*; 満田 節生*; et al.

no journal, , 

In studying modern functional materials, one is often confronted with complex spin configurations, for example, non-collinear, incommensurate magnetic structure such as helimagnetic structure as a result of frustrated magnetic interactions. Since the giant functional responses in these materials are direct consequences of these complicated magnetic structures, the detailed knowledge of the structure is mandatory to understand the essence of the magnetic functional materials. In this presentation some recent results on complex magnetic materials such as frustrated and multiferroic systems are reported, where the polarized neutron investigations provided important insight into the complex behavior of these functional materials.



前田 亮*; 前畑 京介*; 伊豫本 直子*; 石橋 健二*; 高崎 浩司; 中村 圭佑; 青木 克憲; 満田 和久*; 田中 啓一*

no journal, , 




中村 圭佑; 前田 亮*; 青木 克憲; 安宗 貴志; 高崎 浩司; 前畑 京介*; 伊豫本 直子*; 石橋 健二*; 満田 和久*; 田中 啓一*

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Development of a microcalorimeter for measurement of L X-rays emitted from transuranium elements

中村 圭佑; 前田 亮; 前畑 京介*; 伊豫本 直子*; 石橋 健二*; 高崎 浩司; 満田 和久*

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18 件中 1件目~18件目を表示
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