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中西 千佳*; 太田 雅和; 廣内 淳; 高原 省五

JAEA-Research 2023-012, 29 Pages, 2024/02


OSCAARプログラムは日本原子力研究開発機構で開発した原子炉事故の確率論的リスク評価プログラムである。OSCAARプログラムに含まれる、土壌表面に沈着した放射性核種の再浮遊による長期被ばくに関するモデルを改良するために、セシウム137の再浮遊係数を計算した。再浮遊係数の計算には、大気-土壌-植生の一次元モデルSOLVEG-Rを用いた。風速は粒子の再浮遊挙動に影響の大きい気象因子であることから、風速一定とした場合の再浮遊係数の年平均値を計算した。高さ1mにおける再浮遊係数の年平均値は、風速6m s$$^{-1}$$未満では変動幅が比較的小さく、風速6m s$$^{-1}$$以上では風速の上昇に対応して顕著な増加傾向を示した。風速1m s$$^{-1}$$から7m s$$^{-1}$$での再浮遊係数の値は10$$^{-9}$$から10$$^{-7}$$ m$$^{-1}$$の範囲内であった。


Aerosol experiments and measurement techniques on pool scrubbing-related source term issues

Lebel, L. S.*; Morreale, A. C.*; Freitag, M.*; Gupta, S.*; Allelein, H.-J.*; Klauck, M.*; 孫 昊旻; Herranz, L. E.*

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 16 Pages, 2022/03

Properly assessing pool scrubbing decontamination factors or radionuclide re-entrainment rates in a reactor safety analysis needs to be supported by a sufficiently robust experimental dataset, based on well qualified aerosol measurement techniques. A review of different pool scrubbing-related source term experiments has been conducted, along with a comparison of the measurement techniques that have been employed. In most areas, a fairly robust dataset exists to assess decontamination factors, but there is still a need to better understand some of the underlying aerosol mechanisms. The available dataset of re-entrainment experiments is smaller, and has gaps, for example, in pools with high velocity gas injections, or with re-flooded corium applications where the pool is undergoing film boiling. There are also many measurement techniques (e.g., cascade impactors, light scattering techniques, phase Doppler anemometry, etc.) that have different capabilities and are suitable for studying different aspects of the experiments. Linking the results that the techniques give, and how their results can ultimately be employed in safety analysis (including uncertainty quantification), is an important consideration in applying the results. This work was performed as a collaborative activity within the framework of the NUGENIA IPRESCA (Integration of Pool scrubbing Research to Enhance Source-term Calculations) project.


The Dependence of pool scrubbing decontamination factor on particle number density; Modeling based on bubble mass and energy balances

孫 昊旻; 柴本 泰照; 廣瀬 意育; 久木田 豊

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(9), p.1048 - 1057, 2021/09

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:54.16(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Experimental study on aerosol transport behavior in multiple cells with expandable connecting pipe for safety assessment of sodium-cooled fast reactors

梅田 良太; 近藤 俊樹; 菊地 晋; 栗原 成計

Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 28) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2021/08



Experimental investigation on fiber-coupled Raman spectrometry in presence of aerosols; Application for reactor containment gas detection in severe accident conditions

孫 昊旻; Porcheron, E.*; Magne, S.*; Leroy, M.*; Dhote, J.*; Ruffien Ciszak, A.*; Bentaib, A.*

Proceedings of OECD/NEA Specialist Workshop on Advanced Measurement Method and Instrumentation for enhancing Severe Accident Management in an NPP addressing Emergency, Stabilization and Long-term Recovery Phases (SAMMI 2020) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2020/12

During a severe accident (SA), hydrogen may be generated. To avoid a hydrogen explosion, it is important to monitor gas concentrations of e.g. H$$_{2}$$, O$$_{2}$$, N$$_{2}$$, H$$_{2}$$O, CO and CO$$_{2}$$ in the containment during a SA. A spontaneous Raman spectrometry (SRS) associated with a fiber-coupled probe had been developed. Since the probe had been designed to be implemented in the reactor containment, the SRS was qualified experimentally with the probe being surrounded by aerosols. Particles attached on the probe optical components (contamination) due to a continuous aerosol exposure as well as those in the atmosphere (aerosol) can cause photon-particle interactions such as light scattering (Mie) and fluorescence which may influence the Raman spectrum (RS). In our experiment, the contamination effect and the aerosol effect on the RS were investigated separately. It was found both effects increase the spectrum counts in whole wavelength range. Elementary criterion for the onset of each effect was suggested.


Experimental study on aerosol collection by spray droplets; Application to fission products removal in containment

孫 昊旻; Leblois, Y.*; Gelain, T.*; Porcheron, E.*

Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2020/08

During a severe accident of PWR, fission products (FPs) may be released. Containment spray can be utilized to remove the aerosols of FPs. Therefore, it is important to develop an analytical model for predicting aerosol removal efficiency. The containment spray has high spray coverage ratio where the droplets are expected to impact side walls. In such condition, the gas flow induced by droplets will behave differently from that without droplet impaction where a stable gas circulation is expected. Since the aerosol removal efficiency depends on gas flow, to develop the removal model for the containment spray from this viewpoint, several experiments were carried out in TOSQAN facility. It was confirmed that the spray coverage ratios were comparable to that of the containment spray and many droplets impacted side wall. Aerosol removal was found to be more effective in higher spray water flow rates. Aerosol concentration decay calculated by CFD was in agreement with measured one.



秋葉 美幸*; 堀田 亮年*; 阿部 豊*; 孫 昊旻

日本原子力学会和文論文誌, 19(1), p.1 - 15, 2020/02

プールスクラビングの機構を理解するために、スケールが異なる3つの試験を実施した。小規模個別効果試験では、高速ビデオ, ワイヤメッシュセンサー, PIV等の高分解能二相流計測手法を用いて、単一気泡や二相流構造を把握した。大規模総合効果試験では、定圧と減圧両方の条件におけるエアロゾル除去効果に対する水深や水温の影響を計測した。これらの試験から得られた個別現象と総合現象の関係を明確にするために、中規模総合効果試験を行っている。


Experimental investigation of decontamination factor dependence on aerosol concentration in pool scrubbing

孫 昊旻; 柴本 泰照; 岡垣 百合亜; 与能本 泰介

Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2019, p.1743982_1 - 1743982_15, 2019/06

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:83.61(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Because a pool scrubbing is important for reducing radioactive aerosols to the environment for a nuclear reactor in a severe accident situation, many researches have been performed. However, decontamination factor (DF) dependence on aerosol concentration was seldom considered. DF dependence in the pool scrubbing with 2.4 m water submergence was investigated by light scattering aerosol spectrometers. It was observed that DF increased monotonically as decreasing particle number concentration in a constant thermohydraulic condition. Two validation experiments were conducted to confirm the observed DF dependence. In addition, characteristics of the DF dependence in different water submergences were investigated experimentally. It was found the DF dependence became more significant in higher water submergence.


Experimental investigation on dependence of decontamination factor on aerosol number concentration in pool scrubbing under normal temperature and pressure

孫 昊旻; 町田 真一*; 柴本 泰照; 岡垣 百合亜; 与能本 泰介

Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-26) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2018/07

Pool scrubbing is one of the efficient filters with a high decontamination factor (DF). Because of its high performance, many pool scrubbing research have been performed. In the existing pool scrubbing experiments, an experimental condition of aerosol number concentration was seldom taken into account. It is probably because DF is assumed to be independent of aerosol number concentration, at least, in the concentration where aerosol coagulation is limited. The existing pool scrubbing models also follow this assumption. In order to verify this assumption, we performed a pool scrubbing experiment with different aerosol number concentrations. As a result, DF was increasing as decreasing the aerosol number concentration. In order to ensure a reliability of this result, three validation tests were performed with meticulous care. According to the results of these validation tests, it was indicated that DF dependence on the aerosol concentration was a real phenomenon of the pool scrubbing.



吉田 啓之; 上澤 伸一郎; 堀口 直樹; 宮原 直哉; 小瀬 裕男*

第23回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム講演論文集(USB Flash Drive), 5 Pages, 2018/06




上澤 伸一郎; 吉田 啓之

混相流, 32(1), p.140 - 149, 2018/03




上澤 伸一郎; 吉田 啓之

混相流シンポジウム2017講演論文集(USB Flash Drive), 2 Pages, 2017/08



Development of error reduction methods in aerosol measurement for pool scrubbing experiment

孫 昊旻; 柴本 泰照; 岡垣 百合亜; 与能本 泰介

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2016/06

Pool scrubbing is one of the effective mechanisms to filter out radioactive aerosols in a severe accident of a nuclear reactor. A lot of work has been done on the pool scrubbing models and experiments. However, large discrepancies still exist between the simulation and experimental results. To improve the pool scrubbing model, an accurate decontamination factor (DF) evaluation by an aerosol measurement is inevitable. A pool scrubbing experimental apparatus was constructed. The aerosol particle diameter distribution was measured by a light scattering aerosol spectrometer. We focused on investigating and reducing the error of DF experimentally. Several problems resulting in the error and their solutions for the error reduction were summarized in this paper. Based on the error reduction methods, the DFs of pool scrubbing were measured in two water submergences.


蒸気種遷移挙動評価手法の開発; FP蒸気種及びエアロゾルの化学形や、エアロゾルの物理的パラメータの評価に適用可能な測定技術の調査及び試計測に基づく適用可能性評価

高井 俊秀; 佐藤 勇*; 山下 真一郎; 古川 智弘

JAEA-Technology 2015-043, 56 Pages, 2016/02





日高 昭秀

エネルギーレビュー, 35(9), p.20 - 24, 2015/09




長屋 俊

カレントアウェアネス, (322), p.13 - 17, 2014/12

学術情報流通の分野ではウェブ上の学術コンテンツの増加、多様化などを背景に学術コンテンツに関連した識別子に注目が集まっている。電子ジャーナルをはじめとした電子情報資源を相互にリンクするとともにリンク切れを回避するための解決モデルとしてDOI(Digital Object Identifier)というデジタル識別子の仕組みが考案された。CrossRefはDOIの登録機関(RA: Registration Agency)としての役割を中核に据えながら、DOI登録や付随した検索サービスのみならずDOI登録の際に収集した書誌情報DBであるメタデータデータベースを活用したサービスを順次拡大している。CrossRefの具体的なサービス事例を参照しながら参加機関のスケールメリットを活かしたサービスや仕組み、メタデータの質・量を拡大することで可能となったCrossRefのサービスを解説した。



加田 渉*; 横山 彰人; 佐藤 隆博; 江夏 昌志; 神谷 富裕

放射線と産業, (136), p.40 - 45, 2014/06

イオンビーム照射により、試料から発生する可視光領域の発光(イオン誘起発光、Ion Luminescence: IL)を分光分析する測定装置に、両面凸レンズの顕微集光レンズを開発して付加することで、ILに対する感度が従来よりも3桁程度向上した。この分光技術を既存の大気マイクロPIXE(Particle Induced X-ray Emission)分析技術と組み合わせることにより、化学組成と元素組成を高感度に測定可能なILの顕微イメージング分光(Ion Luminescence Microscopic Imaging and Spectroscopy: ILUMIS)システムを開発した。本システムを用いて、大気中から採取した直径数$$mu$$mのエアロゾル粒子を個別に測定した結果、10分程度で粒子の元素組成と化合物の二次元イメージングの取得に成功した。今後は、大気中を長期間浮遊して越境汚染の伝播媒体となっているエアロゾルの固着・伝播メカニズムを解き明かす重要な情報が得られると考えられる。


イメージング遠隔パーティクルカウンター; 後方散乱光を利用する新しい浮遊微粒子の遠隔計測システム

大図 章; 岡本 隆太*; 川北 裕司*

クリーンテクノロジー, 16(3), p.56 - 61, 2006/03



Effects of gelation and sintering conditions on granulation of Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$ pebbles from Li-Ti complex solution

土谷 邦彦; 河村 弘; Casadio, S.*; Alvani, C.*

Fusion Engineering and Design, 75-79, p.877 - 880, 2005/11

 被引用回数:26 パーセンタイル:83.94(Nuclear Science & Technology)




大図 章

原子力eye, 51(11), p.68 - 71, 2005/11


179 件中 1件目~20件目を表示