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検索結果: 8 件中 1件目~8件目を表示
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Activation and control of visible single defects in 4H-, 6H-, and 3C-SiC by oxidation

Lohrmann, A.*; Castelletto, S.*; Klein, J. R.*; 大島 武; Bosi, M.*; Negri, M.*; Lau, D. W. M.*; Gibson, B. C.*; Prawer, S.*; McCallum, J. C.*; et al.

Applied Physics Letters, 108(2), p.021107_1 - 021107_4, 2016/01

 被引用回数:39 パーセンタイル:82.97(Physics, Applied)

Creation and characterisation of single photon emitters near the surface of 4H- and 6H-silicon carbide bulk substrates and 3C-SiC epitaxially grown on silicon substrates were investigated. These single photon emitters can be created and stabilized by thermal annealing in an oxygen atmosphere at temperatures above 550 $$^{circ}$$C. Hydrofluoric acid (HF) treatment is shown to effectively annihilate the emission from defects and to restore an optically clean surface. However, the emission from the defects can be obtained after re-oxidation above 550 $$^{circ}$$C. By measuring using standard confocal microscopy techniques, the excited state lifetimes for the emitters are found to be in the nanosecond regime in all three polytypes, and the emission dipoles are aligned with the lattice.


Single-photon emitting diode in silicon carbide

Lohrmann, A.*; 岩本 直也*; Bodrog, Z.*; Castelletto, S.*; 大島 武; Karle, T. J.*; Gali, A.*; Prawer, S.*; McCallum, J. C.*; Johnson, B. C.*

Nature Communications (Internet), 6, p.7783_1 - 7783_7, 2015/07

 被引用回数:145 パーセンタイル:96.88(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

A new single photon source (SPS) was found in hexagonal silicon carbide (SiC), and the luminescence from the SPS could be controlled by the operation of the pn diode. The SPS showed electro-luminescence (EL) with spectra between 700 and 850 nm (zero phonon line: 745 nm) and the EL could be easily observed at even room temperature (RT). Also, the SPS has very high thermal stability and can be observed even after 1800 $$^{circ}$$C annealing. The luminescence from the SPS was also observed by photo-luminescence measurements at RT. From Ab initio calculation, it was proposed that the silicon antisite defects beneath cubic SiC inclusion are a reasonable structure for the SPS although the identification of the SPS has not yet done.


Room temperature quantum emission from cubic silicon carbide nanoparticles

Castelletto, S.*; Johnson, B. C.*; Zachreson, C.*; Beke, D.*; Balogh, I.*; 大島 武; Aharonovich, I.*; Gali, A.*

ACS Nano, 8(8), p.7938 - 7947, 2014/08

 被引用回数:86 パーセンタイル:90.46(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Single Photon Sources (SPSs) in cubic (3C) Silicon Carbide (SiC) Nano Particles (NPs) were investigated. As a result, photo luminescence (PL) with broad emission at wavelength ranges between 600 and 800 nm was observed from 3C-SiC NPs at room temperature. The second order photon auto-correlation measurements revealed that defect with the PL characteristic is SPSs. The intensity and stability of the PL increased when samples were irradiated with electrons and subsequently annealed at 500 $$^{circ}$$C. From PL measurements at low temperature and theoretical analysis using spin-polarized density functional theory, the defect can be identified as carbon-antisite carbon-vacancy pair (C$$_{Si}$$V$$_{C}$$).


A Silicon carbide room-temperature single-photon source

Castelletto, S.*; Johnson, B.*; Ivady, V.*; Stavrias, N.*; 梅田 享英*; Gali, A.*; 大島 武

Nature Materials, 13(2), p.151 - 156, 2014/02

 被引用回数:413 パーセンタイル:99.43(Chemistry, Physical)

単一フォトンの発生や検出は量子力学の実験的な基盤や計測理論に重要な役割を示す。また、効率的、高品質の単一発光源は量子情報等の実現にとって不可欠と考えられている。本研究では、室温においても非常に明るく安定な炭化ケイ素(SiC)中の単一発光源の形成と同定に成功した。この単一発光源はSiC中のシリコンサイトを炭素で置換した炭素アンチサイト(C$$_{Si}$$)と炭素空孔(V$$_{C}$$)の複合欠陥(C$$_{Si}$$V$$_{C}$$)として知られる点欠陥であり、高純度SiCに対して、電子線照射と照射後の熱処理を組み合わせることで形成が可能となる。非常に明るい光源(2$$times$$10$$^{6}$$ counts/s)であり、キャビティーの使用が無い場合においても高い量子効率が得られる。


Visible range photoluminescence from single photon sources in 3C, 4H and 6H silicon carbide

Lohrmann, A.*; Castelletto, S.*; Klein, J. R.*; Bosi, M.*; Negri, M.*; Lau, D. W. M.*; Gibson, B. C.*; Prawer, S.*; McCallum, J. C.*; 大島 武; et al.

no journal, , 

The single photon sources (SPSs) in the visible spectral region were fabricated near the surface of semi-insulating (SI) 4H-silicon carbide (SiC), SI 6H-SiC substrates and 3C-SiC epitaxial films by annealing in dry oxygen. The photoluminescence (PL) with high intensity was observed from samples after oxygen annealing above 550 $$^{circ}$$C although blinking characteristics of PL were observed from samples annealed below 550 $$^{circ}$$C. Also, the samples annealed above 550 $$^{circ}$$C showed blinking characteristics after removing oxygen atoms terminating the surface by HF-etching. Therefore, we can conclude that the oxygen termination is important to obtain stable PL characteristics from the SPSs near the surface of SiC.



大島 武; 小野田 忍; 牧野 高紘; 岩本 直也*; Johnson, B. C.*; Lohrmann, A.*; Karle, T.*; McCallum, J. C.*; Castelletto, S.*; 梅田 享英*; et al.

no journal, , 

固体中の単一発光源(SPS)の有するスピンや発光を制御することで、量子コンピューティングやフォトニクスを実現しようという試みが行われている。本研究ではSiCを母材としたSPSの探索を行った。半絶縁性(SI)六方晶(4H)SiC基板に室温にて2MeVのエネルギーの電子線照射後、Ar中、30分間の熱処理を行った。室温又は低温におけるフォトルミネッセンス(PL)測定及び室温における共焦点蛍光顕微鏡(CFM)を用いたアンチバンチング測定によりSPSを探索した。1$$times$$10$$^{17}$$/cm$$^{2}$$の電子線照射後に300$$^{circ}$$Cで熱処理を行った試料に対して80KでのPL測定を行ったところ、850$$sim$$950nm付近にSi空孔が起因のVラインと呼ばれるPL発光が、650$$sim$$700nm付近にC$$_{Si}$$V$$_{C}$$起因のABラインと呼ばれる二種類のPL発光が観測された。ABラインの発光を有する欠陥中心に対して、CFMを用いて室温でアンチバンチグ測定を行った結果、C$$_{Si}$$V$$_{C}$$が単一発光源であることが判明した。また、これまでSteedsらによりABラインは中性のC$$_{Si}$$V$$_{C}$$と主張されていたが、ab initio計算から、この波長領域にPL発光を持つためには正に帯電しているC$$_{Si}$$V$$_{C}$$であるという結果を得た。



大島 武; Lohrmann, A.*; Johnson, B. C.*; Castelletto, S.*; 小野田 忍; 牧野 高紘; 武山 昭憲; Klein, J. R.*; Bosi, M.*; Negri, M.*; et al.

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大島 武; Johnson, B. C.*; Castelletto, S.*; Ivady, V.*; Stavrias, N.*; 梅田 享英*; Gali, A.*

no journal, , 


8 件中 1件目~8件目を表示
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