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上田 祐生; Micheau, C.; 阿久津 和宏*; 徳永 紘平; 山田 雅子*; 山田 悟史*; Bourgeois, D.*; 元川 竜平
Langmuir, 40(46), p.24257 - 24271, 2024/11
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)本研究では、パーフルオロヘキサン中のフルオラスリン酸エステル(TFP)からなるフルオラス抽出系において、n-ヘキサン中の有機リン酸エステル(THP)からなる類似の有機抽出系と比較して、より高い金属イオン抽出性能に寄与する主要因を分子レベルで理解するために、硝酸溶液からのZr(IV)イオンの抽出の巨視的挙動を微視的構造情報と相関させた。拡張X線吸収微細構造、中性子反射率測定、中性子小角散乱により、それぞれZr(IV)イオン周辺の局所配位構造、界面における抽出剤分子の蓄積、バルク抽出相における抽出剤分子の構造が明らかになった。その結果、いずれの抽出系においても、界面には抽出剤分子はあまり蓄積しなかった。フルオラス抽出系では、硝酸との接触により凝集体が形成され、Zr(IV)抽出後も残存した。一方、有機抽出系では、二量体のみが形成された。Zr(IV)イオン周辺の局所的な配位構造とバルク抽出相における抽出剤分子の構造の違いが、フルオラス抽出系における高いZr(IV)抽出性能に寄与していると推測している。特に、フルオラス相中のZr(IV)濃度が増加しても凝集体の大きさはほとんど変化せず、これはフルオラス抽出系で相分離が起こらないことと密接に関係していると考えられる。
上田 祐生; Micheau, C.; 元川 竜平
四季, 64, p.2 - 6, 2024/09
Micheau, C.; 上田 祐生; 元川 竜平; 阿久津 和宏*; 山田 悟史*; 山田 雅子*; Moussaoui, S. A.*; Makombe, E.*; Meyer, D.*; Berthon, L.*; et al.
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 401, p.124372_1 - 124372_12, 2024/05
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:65.37(Chemistry, Physical)Supramolecular organization of amphiphilic extractant molecules is involved in metal cation selectivity and separation kinetics during solvent extraction. The relationship between extractant associates/aggregates formed in the organic bulk phase and at the liquid-liquid interface is poorly understood even though it affects the extraction mechanism. The nanoscopic structures of the extraction systems N,N,N',N'-tetrahexylmalonamide (THMA) in toluene and N,N'-dibutyl-N,N'-dimethyl-2-tetradecylmalonamide (DBMA) in n-heptane, used for either Pd(II) or Nd(III) selective extraction from an acidic aqueous phase, were examined. These systems present markedly different affinity for Pd(II) and Nd(III), and extraction kinetics. Extractant organization in the organic bulk phase and at the interface were compared by small-angle X-ray scattering, interfacial tension, and neutron reflectivity. THMA in toluene forms small associates in the organic bulk phase and accumulates in a diffuse layer at the interface, decreasing Pd(II) coordination probability and resulting in slow extraction. DBMA in n-heptane forms large aggregates and a compact, dense interfacial layer, resulting in rapid Pd(II) and Nd(III) extraction. Thus, Pd(II) extraction is driven by interfacial coordination alone, whereas the incorporation of Nd(III) into the core of large aggregates governs Nd(III) extraction in the interfacial layer. These results suggest that the interface should be described as a nanoscale interphase containing a high extractant concentration compared with the organic bulk phase.
熊田 高之; 元川 竜平; 大場 洋次郎; 中川 洋; 関根 由莉奈; Micheau, C.; 上田 祐生; 杉田 剛; 美留町 厚; 佐々木 未来; et al.
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 56(6), p.1776 - 1783, 2023/12
被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:97.09(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)既存のメイン検出器および高位置分解能フォトマル検出器に加えて新規に導入した前面検出器を組み合わせることにより、波数0.002nmから6nmにわたる散乱を3つの光学機器配置により切れ目なく測定できるようになった。またグラフィカルユーザーインターフェースの導入と併せて装置のユーザビリティが大幅に向上した。
Micheau, C.; 上田 祐生; 元川 竜平; Bauduin, P.*; Girard, L.*; Diat, O.*
Langmuir, 39(31), p.10965 - 10977, 2023/07
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:74.82(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)Understanding clay flotation mechanisms has become a major concern because of the increasing level of environmental contamination of soil and ground water by heavy metals and radionuclides. Clays are often used as sorbents for extracting metals in indirect flotation processes but can function simultaneously as defoamers. However, how foam generation and stability depend on the molecular interactions between the clays and surfactant is still controversial. In the present study, an amine polyethoxylated surfactant was used as a bifunctional surfactant that collected clay particles and acted as a foaming agent in the flotation process. The pH conditions strongly affected the surfactant physicochemical properties, allowing the clay extraction efficiency to be tuned. The interfacial recovery factor of the clays almost reached 100 percent under acidic (pH lower than 6) and neutral (pH 6-10) conditions, whereas it was negative under alkaline conditions (pH higher than 10), contrary to expectations. To elucidate the mechanisms involved in the particle flotation process for each of the pH conditions, the bulk and foam phases were analyzed. The effects of electrostatic interactions between the solutes and multiscale structure on the clay extraction behavior were investigated by electrophoretic measurements, dynamic light scattering, small-angle neutron scattering, and image analysis. Based on these results, three flotation processes were found depending on pH range: surfactant foam fractionation at pH higher than 10; clay particle foam flotation at pH 6-10; and particle froth flotation at pH lower than 6.
Micheau, C.; 上田 祐生; 阿久津 和宏*; Bourgeois, D.*; 元川 竜平
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, 41(2), p.221 - 240, 2023/02
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:56.38(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)Malonamide derivatives, which are among the most extensively investigated extractants in solvent extraction of lanthanoids, actinides, and platinum group metal ions, were deuterated by using Pd/C and Rh/C catalysts with a DO/2-propanol mixture. This method enables to replace the hydrogen atoms by deuterium atoms in the malonamide chemical structure with a controllable deuteration rate. The maximum rate reaches 75 percent approximately, determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. In addition, it has been demonstrated that extraction behavior of the malonamide molecules remains unchanged after the deuteration procedure. Deuterated malonamides should be a powerful tool for fundamental researches on solvent extraction systems, in particular, for structural analysis of the organic phases. The large difference in the neutron scattering cross-section between hydrogen and deuterium leads to a large difference in neutron scattering length density of the malonamide derivatives before and after the deuteration reaction. Therefore, using deuterated malonamides in small-angle neutron scattering and neutron reflectivity studies could give access to the nanoscopic structure of the specific solute species in the bulk organic phase and at the liquid-liquid interface, respectively. This deuteration method could become a general one and be extended to a wide variety of extractant molecules. In this way this work contributes to the development of the fundamental researches in solvent extraction systems.
上田 祐生; Micheau, C.; 徳永 紘平; 杉田 剛; 阿久津 和宏*; 元川 竜平
no journal, ,
The extraction of Zr(IV) from aqueous HNO solutions have been investigated extensively because the presence of Zr in the tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP)-based PUREX process for reprocessing spent nuclear fuel is problematic. We have recently shown that a Zr-loaded organic phase from solvent extraction with TBP shows hierarchical aggregation behaviors of Zr(NO)(TBP) complexes, which self-assemble into primary clusters that coalesce further to form superclusters. This supercluster formation portends the formation of the third phase. Fluorous solvents have excellent chemical properties and immiscibility with both water and organic solutions. Considering these properties, the hierarchical aggregating behaviors of Zr(IV) and the highly hydrophobic fluorous extractant should be different from that of Zr(IV) with TBP. We investigated the extraction performance of a fluoroalkylated phosphate of Zr(IV) from HNO solutions into perfluorohexane and compared them with the TBP in n-hexane.
Micheau, C.; 上田 祐生; 元川 竜平; Moussaoui, S.*; Makombe, E.*; Daniel, M.*; Berthon, L.*; Bourgeois, D.*; 阿久津 和宏*
no journal, ,
The DIAMEX process aims to separate minor f-elements using malonamide as extractant molecules such as N,N'-dimethyl-N,N'-dibutyl-tetradecyl-malonamide (DBMA). Recently, Poirot studied the effect of n-heptane and toluene on the selectivity of DBMA between Pd and Nd and have conclude that Pd extraction is driven by coordination whereas Nd extraction is driven by extractant aggregation. More recently, a specific study on tetrahexylmalonamide (THMA) in toluene demonstrated a superior selectivity for Pd compared to DBMA. THMA molecular structure suggests poor aptitude for aggregation compared with DBMA, and has been much less characterized. Supramolecular features of two different solvent extraction systems based on malonamide extractants, THMA in toluene and DBMA in heptane, have been studied using characterization techniques dedicated to bulk organic phase organisation, ie. small angle X-ray scattering, and to interface characterization, ie. neutron reflectivity and interfacial tension.
元川 竜平; 上田 祐生; Micheau, C.
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元川 竜平; 上田 祐生; Micheau, C.; Bourgeois, D.*; Dourdain, S.*; Diat, O.*
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Neutron scattering is a useful complement to X-ray scattering each other in the study of material structures, mainly because the neutron cross-section varies randomly among elements, whereas the X-ray atomic scattering factor increases with atomic number. The large difference in the scattering cross-section between hydrogen and deuterium is crucial in the use of neutron scattering to analyze the microscopic structure of various materials, so that the difference enables us to observe only the structures formed by one specific component among scatterers composed of other multiple components. Recently, we have developed small-angle neutron scattering diffractometer (SANS-J), at JRR-3 of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan, and the various kinds of studies in chemical separation systems, such as biphasic solvent extraction, flotation process, and solids-liquid separation using adsorbent materials, which are well related to the nuclear process, have been conducted in the place. Here we will present our small-angle scattering diffractometer, SANS-J, which is a typical apparatus installed at the research reactor for neutron scattering, as well as some representative results obtained. We discuss the collaborative research with French institutions not limited to solvent extraction systems.
上田 祐生; Micheau, C.; 徳永 紘平; 阿久津 和宏*; 山田 悟史*; 元川 竜平
no journal, ,
Micheau, C.; 元川 竜平; 上田 祐生; Bauduin, P.*; Diat, O.*; Girard, L.*
no journal, ,
Flotation process takes the advantage of foam to extract and concentrate solutes (ions, molecules, colloids and particles) without using organic solvent. Among all of the potential applications, particle flotation has proven its efficiency for paper deinking, ore and mineral extraction. In addition, the interest in the flotation of clay particles has increased over the past few decades because of the environmental contamination of soil and ground water by heavy metals and radionuclides. In this study, we used Ethomeen C/25, a polyethoxylated tallow amine, for the extraction of Laponite RD, a synthetic clay. This pH-sensitive surfactant plays the role of foaming agent and collector. The objective was to determine how the foam microscopic structure depends on the molecular interaction between the clay and the surfactant and to correlate these results to the extraction efficiency. For this purpose, clay extraction experiments were performed as function of pH. High extraction yield was obtained for pH 10, whereas an unexpected negative recovery factor is observed for higher pHs meaning that clays are repelled from the foam interfaces. To determine the mechanisms involved in the flotation process for each pH condition, bulk and foam were investigated using electrophoretic analysis, dynamic light scattering, small-angle neutron scattering, and image analysis (see Figure 1). From these results, we described the impact of clay on foam structure and stability, and established three different flotation regimes: (i) froth flotation of gel-like clay particles at pH 6, (ii) foam flotation of clay aggregates at 6 pH 10, and (iii) foam fractionation with the depletion of clays at pH 10. A continuous process for soil remediation is designed by alternating regimes (ii) and (iii) adjusting the pH.
Micheau, C.; 元川 竜平; 上田 祐生; 阿久津 和宏*; 山田 悟史*; 山田 雅子*; Bourgeois, D.*; Berthon, L.*
no journal, ,
DIAMEX process uses malonamide molecules for the separation and co-extraction of actinides and lanthanides from the raffinate of the PUREX process. Recent study on the use of malonamide molecules for the extraction and separation of PdII and NdIII by solvent extraction has pointed out two main driving forces that could explain the selectivity. Coordination and extractant aggregation. It has been demonstrated that Pd only needs coordination to be extracted whereas Nd needs in addition the aggregation of the extractant. Extractant aggregation can be beneficial for solvent extraction process if it can be controlled to enhance separation. In order to confirm a potential correlation between the separation efficiency and the extractant aggregation, a model malonamide molecule was investigated. This extractant was dissolved, at room temperature, in pure n-heptane, pure toluene, and mixtures of both solvents at different ratios, and contacted with different nitric acid solutions with and without metal ions. These two solvents possess different relative permittivity, and topology with an aromatic ring for toluene that could lead to additional pi-interaction with the extractant. Distribution ratios of Pd and Nd, as well as separation factors were determined. In parallel, small angle neutron scattering technique was used to determine the size and shape of the aggregates formed. From these results, it can be said that heptane promotes the formation of large assemblies, whereas the presence of toluene tends to reduce the size of the assemblies which was directly correlated to extraction separation efficiency.
Micheau, C.; 上田 祐生; 元川 竜平; 阿久津 和宏*
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Malonamide derivatives, were deuterated by using Pd/C and Rh/C catalysts in a DO/-propanol mixture. The maximum rate reached about 75 percents, determined by NMR and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The extraction behavior of the malonamides was unchanged by deuteration. Deuterated malonamides are a powerful tool for fundamental research on solvent extraction systems and for structural analysis of organic phases. The large difference in the neutron scattering cross section between protium and deuterium leads to a similarly large difference in neutron scattering length density of malonamide derivatives before and after deuteration. Therefore, using deuterated malonamides in small-angle neutron scattering and neutron reflectivity studies may help to reveal the nanoscopic structure of the specific solute species in the bulk organic phase and at the liquid liquid interface, respectively.
上田 祐生; Micheau, C.; 元川 竜平; 徳永 紘平; 阿久津 和宏*; 山田 悟史*
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元川 竜平; 熊田 高之; 中川 洋; 上田 祐生; 関根 由莉奈; Micheau, C.; 杉田 剛; 大場 洋次郎*
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研究用原子炉JRR-3に設置される中性子小角散乱装置(SANS-J)の最近の高度化・更新、及び、測定例を紹介する。SANS-Jで重視しているのは装置駆動とデータ取得に関する安定性とユーザビリティの向上である。以前に故障が頻発していた駆動軸の一部廃止や簡素化を行うとともに、エンコーダー付きモーターやGUIを導入して異常個所の早期発見・復旧を可能にし、ユーザビリティを向上させている。最近では、マシンタイム競争率の高い同装置のスループットの拡大および性能向上を主眼にした改良を進めている。フライトチューブの手前にHe二次元検出器を導入して、以前から要望が高かった1nm Q 7nmの波数領域を効率良く測定できるようにした。また、既存の中性子集光レンズを用いることで、試料-検出器間距離10m位置での入射中性子ビーム強度を3倍に引き上げることに成功した。今後は、超小角散乱測定用フォトマル検出器をフラットパネル検出器に置き換える等の変更を計画している。
上田 祐生; Micheau, C.; 永野 哲志*; 元川 竜平
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