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Journal Articles

Summary of discussion on AESJ special committee; Study of ensuring safety for near-surface disposal of uranium-bearing waste

Iguchi, Tetsuo*; Hasegawa, Makoto; Takahashi, Kuniaki; Enokido, Yuji*

Dekomisshoningu Giho, (52), p.12 - 19, 2015/09

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


Nakayama, Fusao*; Enokido, Yuji*; Yoshida, Eiichi; Matsumoto, Toshiyuki; Hasebe, Shinichi

JNC TN9420 2005-001, 115 Pages, 2005/03



JAEA Reports


; ; Enokido, Yuji*

JNC TJ3420 99-002, 243 Pages, 1999/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Development of high-pressure ice brasting method; Decontamination test MMF cell's test pease

; ; ; Tanimoto, Kenichi; Enokido, Yuji

PNC TN9410 93-053, 99 Pages, 1993/03


It is must deceasse the pool risk for the radio active wastes. So it is necessary to decontaminate the wastes low level $$alpha$$ ($$<$$500$$mu$$Sv/h) during control the secendry wastes. Had been product the decontaminations hood system for scattaring proof. For that, high-pressure ice brasting method tested using the system. The number of the test piece was 12 from MMF. The resultes is as follows; (1)The hood system have good capacity for scattering proof and remort handling. (2)Aa the test condition, the pressure and the flux was used 9kgf/cm$$^{2}$$ and 6m$$^{3}$$/min, feed volume was used 2kg/min. From the results, the number of test piece being low level $$alpha$$ ($$<$$500$$mu$$Sv/H) was 7, containing of ten several mSv/h wastes, from among. The lesves could not decontaminate. (3)The contamination in the hood was decreased from 87mSv/h to 3mSv/h by nomal pressuer icebrasting (the pressure is 4kgf/cm$$^{2}$$, 2m$$^{3}$$/min, the feed volume is 1 kg/min).

Journal Articles

Development of Decommissioning Technologies for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities in PNC

; Enokido, Yuji;

Proceedings of 2nd ASME-JSME International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-2), p.813 - 819, 1993/00


Journal Articles

Development of the Decommissioning Techniques for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities

Tanimoto, Kenichi; ; ; Kikuchi, Yutaka; ; Enokido, Yuji

Donen Giho, (84), p.21 - 34, 1992/12


JAEA Reports

The gamma irradiation experiment of simulated groundwater related the geologic disposal of high level waste

; ; ; Tanimoto, Kenichi; Enokido, Yuji

PNC TN9410 92-208, 68 Pages, 1992/07


The plan of the gelogic disposal of high level waste that need to do estimate the effect of radiation in near field surrouding waste. We have applied "JOYO" spent fuel storage pool as irradiation field and investigated the effect of gamma radiation about quality of groundwater, because we have to obtained a basic data related geologic dispose under irradiaton condition. The experiment was applied artificial brine for simulated groundwater. The same samples were located in "JOYO" spent fuel storage pool without gamma radiation and other effects were estimated. The samples were also observed the variation of quality of artifical brine every fixed time after irradiation and were estimated the effect as the function of time, gamma irradiation were carried out from 24hours (1.0$$times$$10$$^{3}$$$$sim$$1.3$$times$$10$$^{3}$$Gy) to 1440 hours (4.4$$times$$10$$^{4}$$$$sim$$ 6.8$$times$$10$$^{4}$$Gy). The results indicate the following. (1)The change of pH, conductivity and ion concentrations in artifical brine could not be observed in the samples before and after irradiation. (2)Eh of the samples was 241mV before irradiation, but it decreased 156mV after irradiaton for 1440 hours. Eh tend to decrease by increase of the absorption dose. (3)Do of the samples before and after irradiation for 1440 hours were 20.76 and 5930 $$mu$$g/$$ell$$, respectively. Do tend to increases by increase of the absorption dose. (4)Before and after irradiation test for 480 hours, nitric ion was detected 2.9 and 105ppm, respectively, In no gamma irradiaton test, nitric ion was detdcted 4.0 and 5.6ppm, respectively. For 1440 hours, nitric ion was detected 15ppm after irradiation and 11ppm after rest without gamma irradiation. (5)pH, Eh, Do, conductivity and all ion concentrations in artifical brine have no the variation as the function ot time within fixed time (about 4hours) after irradiation. These results suggest that oxygen which were generated by the gamma radiolysis of water was incrased Do, ...

JAEA Reports


; ; ; ; ; Enokido, Yuji

PNC TN9080 92-004, 55 Pages, 1992/03



JAEA Reports


Enokido, Yuji

PNC TN9080 92-002, 31 Pages, 1992/02



JAEA Reports


; Nakano, Tomoyuki; ; ; Asami, Makoto*; Tanimoto, Kenichi; Enokido, Yuji

PNC TN9080 92-001, 107 Pages, 1992/01



Journal Articles

Status and future of irradiation technique for fuel and structure component materials using research reactor

Enokido, Yuji*; ; ; Onishi, Nobuaki; ; Shiozawa, Shusaku

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 31(7), p.742 - 772, 1989/07

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


; Ukai, Shigeharu; Unno, Ichiro; ; Shibahara, Itaru*; Enokido, Yuji*

PNC TN9410 88-206, 71 Pages, 1988/12



JAEA Reports


Unno, Ichiro; Ukai, Shigeharu; ; ; Shibahara, Itaru*; Enokido, Yuji*

PNC TN9410 88-186, 62 Pages, 1988/02



JAEA Reports


Nosaki, Nobuhisa*; ; ; Enokido, Yuji*

PNC TN9520 88-001, 211 Pages, 1988/01



Journal Articles


Enokido, Yuji; Ukai, Shigeharu; Shibahara, Itaru

Donen Giho, (62), p.71 - 76, 1987/06


JAEA Reports


; ; Ukai, Shigeharu; Unno, Ichiro; ; Shibahara, Itaru*; Enokido, Yuji*

PNC TN9410 87-189VOL2, 103 Pages, 1987/02



JAEA Reports


; ; Ukai, Shigeharu; Unno, Ichiro; ; Shibahara, Itaru*; Enokido, Yuji*

PNC TN9410 87-189VOL1, 45 Pages, 1987/02



Journal Articles

Evaluation of the fission gas release behavior from fast reactor mixed oxide fuel based on the measurement of local concentration of theretained gases

Ukai, Shigeharu; ; ; Enokido, Yuji

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 149(3), p.209 - 218, 1987/00


JAEA Reports


; Enokido, Yuji*; Hasegawa, Masahiro; ; Ogata, Yoshiaki

PNC TN9410 85-143, 91 Pages, 1985/08



JAEA Reports

Post irradiation examination on "JOYO" MK-I core fuel subassembly (Fab. No. PPJD18 and PPJD1J)(1); Nondestructive examination on subassembly and its fuel elements

; Enokido, Yuji*;

PNC TN9410 85-139, 89 Pages, 1985/04


Nondestructive examination of subassembly and its fuel elements of two "JOYO" MK-I Core Fuel Subassemblies (Fab. No. PPJD18 and PPJD1J) has been performed. The subassembly (PPJD18)was adjoin in the control rod and its average burnup was 26,700 MWD/MTM. The subassembly (PPJD1J) was adjoin in the blanket fuel subassembly and its average burnup was 23,600 MWD/MTM. The purposes of the Examination were inspected adjoin-effects in the control rod and the blanket about each subassemblies. (1)There was no deterioration of the subassemblies and their fuel elements. (2)The circumferential activation profiles of Wrapper tube by measure Y-intensity a steep slope in reactor center direction for <PPJDIJ> than <PPJD18>. It seems that this phenomenon is difference from position in reactor of both subassemblies. (3)The bowing of outer-most fuel pins in both subassemblies were large. It was confirmed that the fuel pins locates at the surface of Wrapper tube with the direction of reactor center bowed much larger than the others. (4)Fuel densification was detected by X-ray radiography in subassembly by <PPJD1J> which adjoined in blanket fuel. (5)The results of Gas pressure in <PPJD1J> detected low data that seem under the influence of position in reactor.

28 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)