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検索結果: 38 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Study of treatment scenarios for fuel debris removed from Fukushima Daiichi NPS

鷲谷 忠博; 矢野 公彦; 鍛治 直也; 山田 誠也*; 紙谷 正仁

Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2015/05



Dissolution behavior of (U,Zr)O$$_{2}$$-based simulated fuel debris in nitric acid

池内 宏知; 石原 美穂; 矢野 公彦; 鍛治 直也; 中島 靖雄; 鷲谷 忠博

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 51(7-8), p.996 - 1005, 2014/07

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:64.97(Nuclear Science & Technology)

To explore the possibility of dissolving fuel debris as a potential pre-treatment for waste treatment, dissolution tests of U$$_{1-}$$$$_{x}$$Zr$$_{x}$$O$$_{2}$$ and (U,Pu)$$_{1-}$$$$_{x}$$Zr$$_{x}$$O$$_{2}$$ were carried out in 6 M HNO$$_{3}$$ at 353 K. While the U and Zr indicated congruent leaching from the simulated debris with U-rich compositions, a preferential leaching of U was observed with Zr-rich compositions. Taking into account these different dissolution phenomena, the dissolution rate analysis was carried out using surface-area model to calculate the instantaneous dissolution rate (IDR). From these findings, dissolution with HNO$$_{3}$$ is expected to be only applicable in U-rich compositions ($$x$$ $$<$$ 0.3) if the dissolution in 6 M HNO$$_{3}$$ at 353 K is assumed. Application of complexing acids such as mixture of HNO$$_{3}$$ and HF should be considered to increase the dissolution rate of the phases with Zr-rich compositions.


Suggestion of typical phases of in-vessel fuel-debris by thermodynamic calculation for decommissioning technology of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

池内 宏知; 近藤 賀計*; 野口 芳宏*; 矢野 公彦; 鍛治 直也; 鷲谷 忠博

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.1349 - 1356, 2013/09

For the decommissioning of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F), characterization of fuel-debris in cores of Unit 1-3 is necessary. In this study, typical phases of fuel-debris generated in reactor pressure vessel were suggested by means of thermodynamic calculation using compositions of core materials and core temperatures. At low ogygen potential where metallic zirconium remains, (U,Zr)O$$_{2}$$, UO$$_{2}$$, and ZrO$$_{2}$$ were formed as oxides, and oxygen-dispersed Zr, Fe$$_{2}$$(Zr,U), and Fe$$_{3}$$UZr$$_{2}$$ were formed as metals. With an increase in zirconium oxidation, the mass of those metals, especially Fe$$_{3}$$UZr$$_{2}$$, were decreased, but the other phases of metals hardly changed qualitatively. Consequently, (U,Zr)O$$_{2}$$ is suggested as a typical phase of oxide, and Fe$$_{2}$$(Zr,U) is suggested as that of metal. This result can contribute to the characterization of debris in 1F, which will be also revised by considering the effect of iron content in RPV.


Direction on characterization of fuel debris for defueling process in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

矢野 公彦; 北垣 徹; 池内 宏知; 涌井 遼平; 樋口 英俊; 鍛治 直也; 小泉 健治; 鷲谷 忠博

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.1554 - 1559, 2013/09

For the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F), defueling work for the fuel debris in the reactor core of Unit 1-3 is planned to be started within 10 years. Preferential items in the characterization of the fuel debris were identified for the defueling work at 1F, in which the procedure and handling tools were assumed from information of 1F and experience of Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) accident. The candidates of defueling tools for 1F were selected from TMI-2 defueling tools. It was found out that they were categorized as 6 groups by their working principles. Important properties on the fuel debris for the defueling were picked up from considering influence of objective materials on their performance. The selected properties are shape, size, density, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, melting point, hardness, elastic modulus, and fracture toughness. In these properties, mechanical properties, i.e. hardness, elastic modulus, fracture toughness were identified as preferential items, because there are few data on that of fuel debris in the past severe accident studies.


Nitric acid concentration dependence of dicesium plutonium(IV) nitrate formation during solution growth of uranyl nitrate hexahydrate

中原 将海; 鍛治 直也; 矢野 公彦; 柴田 淳広; 竹内 正行; 岡野 正紀; 久野 剛彦

Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 46(1), p.56 - 62, 2013/01

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:6.13(Engineering, Chemical)




中原 将海; 鍛治 直也; 野村 和則

JAEA-Research 2012-009, 15 Pages, 2012/06


晶析工程に関してPuとCsの化合物の生成抑制の観点から、原料液中のCsを減少させることが求められている。照射済核燃料中のCsを粗分離するため、純水及び希薄HNO$$_{3}$$における浸漬試験を行った。浸漬67時間後の純水及び0.1mol/dm$$^{3}$$ HNO$$_{3}$$における燃料粉末からのCsの溶出率は、それぞれ33.8及び38.3%であった。燃料溶解前に燃料粉末を純水もしくは希薄HNO$$_{3}$$溶液に浸漬させることによりCsを粗分離できる可能性を示した。


Salt-free technique for solvent washing process in NEXT process

佐野 雄一; 鍛治 直也; 柴田 淳広; 竹内 正行; 鷲谷 忠博

Proceedings of International Conference on Toward and Over the Fukushima Daiichi Accident (GLOBAL 2011) (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2011/12

As a part of the development of the advanced aqueous reprocessing process which aims at eliminating low radioactive waste containing sodium salt, we studied some salt-free techniques for solvent washing process which is one of the main sources of sodium salt waste in the conventional PUREX process. The batch-wise and counter-current solvent washing experiments were carried out with salt-free reagents, hydrazine carbonate and hydrazine oxalate, and genuine spent solvent. The phase separation behavior and solvent washing efficiency, i.e. DF of Pu, some FP and DBP, were investigated in these experiments, and it was confirmed that the salt-free reagents showed the almost same performance as sodium salt, Na$$_{2}$$CO$$_{3}$$, under the appropriate solvent washing condition. In addition to these solvent washing experiments, decomposition methods of spent reagents containing impurities, such as DBP, were also investigated. Several beaker-scale experiments for electrooxidative or thermal decomposition were carried out with the salt-free reagents containing the simulated impurities. These experimental results clarified the degradation behavior of hydrazine and oxalic ions in the salt-free reagents, and indicated that the generation of explosive degradation products, i.e. hydrogen azide and ammonium, could be kept low enough to avoid an explosive hazard.


A Consideration on proliferation resistance of a FBR fuel cycle system

井上 尚子; 鍛治 直也; 須田 一則; 川久保 陽子; 鈴木 美寿; 小山 智造; 久野 祐輔; 千崎 雅生

Proceedings of INMM 51st Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2010/07

FBR cycle concept has been selected as a promising option for the purpose of the efficient utilization of uranium resources. The innovative technologies and the concern of nuclear proliferation call the needs of the development of advanced safeguards and material accountancy technologies and of the proliferation resistance evaluation methodology that can evaluate as a whole system. In this context, the integrated studies are essential between the system designers and proliferation resistance experts including safeguards. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has started this study for Japanese future nuclear energy system. This is not concluded, however, this joint step-by-step activity provided many benefits and variable findings. This paper describes this activity and its status, and an example of their discussions.


Current status on research and development of uranium crystallization system in advanced aqueous reprocessing of FaCT project

柴田 淳広; 鍛治 直也; 中原 将海; 矢野 公彦; 田山 敏光; 中村 和仁; 鷲谷 忠博; 明珍 宗孝; 近沢 孝弘*; 菊池 俊明*

Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycle; Sustainable Options & Industrial Perspectives (Global 2009) (CD-ROM), p.151 - 157, 2009/09



Dissolution of powdered spent fuel and U crystallization from actual dissolver solution for "NEXT" process development

野村 和則; 比内 浩; 中原 将海; 鍛治 直也; 紙谷 正仁; 大山 孝一; 佐野 雄一; 鷲谷 忠博; 小巻 順

Proceedings of 3rd International ATALANTE Conference (ATALANTE 2008) (CD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2008/05

U crystallization process from the dissolver solution of the spent nuclear fuel has been developed as one of the key essential technologies for the "NEXT" process development. Since several tens % of U is supposed to be recovered at the crystallization process, it is expected to reduce the total mass of nuclear material to be treated in the solvent extraction process. For the U crystallization, it is desirable to prepare the dissolver solution of relatively high U concentration. Although the conventional dissolution method needs significantly long dissolution time in order to obtain the dissolver solution of high U concentration with high dissolution ratio, it is expected the effective dissolution is achieved by powderizing the spent fuel. The beaker-scale experiments on the effective powdered fuel dissolution and the U crystallization from dissolver solution with the irradiated MOX fuel from the experimental fast reactor "JOYO" were carried out at the Chemical Processing Facility (CPF) in Tokai Research and Development Center. The powdered fuel was effectively dissolved into the nitric acid solution and the results were compared with the calculation results of the simulation model. In the U crystallization trials, U crystal was obtained from the actual dissolver solution without any addition of reagent.


超臨界流体を用いた全アクチニド一括分離システムの開発,12; これまでの成果の概要

紙谷 正仁; 鍛治 直也; 小山 智造; 青木 和夫*; 山田 誠也*

no journal, , 




鍛治 直也

no journal, , 



超臨界流体を用いた全アクチニド一括分離システムの開発,16; 総合評価

紙谷 正仁; 鍛治 直也; 小山 智造; 青木 和夫*; 山田 誠也*

no journal, , 



Chemical form estimation of in-vessel fuel debris by thermodynamic calculation with melt progression analysis

池内 宏知; 野口 芳宏*; 近藤 賀計*; 矢野 公彦; 鍛治 直也; 鷲谷 忠博

no journal, , 

For the defueling from Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F) Units 1 to 3, estimation of chemical forms of fuel debris in the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) is necessary. Due to lack of actual information of 1F-core damaged status, the chemical forms had been estimated with the help of thermodynamic equilibration. However, after core degradation, material distribution is quite different from that before the accident. This effect should be considered in the chemical form estimation. In this study, chemical forms of in-vessel fuel debris were roughly evaluated based on the result of melt progression analysis (SA analysis). The case of Unit 2 was especially focused on due to its earliest schedule of defueling.



岩崎 真歩; 佐藤 宗一; 鍛治 直也

no journal, , 

福島第一原子力発電所(1F)の燃料デブリ等の核種分析ではさまざまな核種を対象として放射能測定法が使用される。$$beta$$線を測定する核種に対しては、単離・精製するために、核種毎に複雑な化学分離操作を必要とされ、時間を要するうえに煩雑な操作による分析値の不確かさが増加する。そこで、複雑な分離操作を要せず、短時間で測定が可能なトリプル四重極プラズマ誘導結合質量分析装置(ICP- QQQ-MS)の適用を試みた。今回は燃料デブリに含まれる放射性同位体であるZr-93(半減期: 1.5$$times$$10$$^{6}$$年)の分析において、被覆管の成分である天然のZrによる妨害の影響を評価した。さらにZr-93と同重体である、Nb-93(安定同位体), Mo-93(放射性同位体 半減期: 4.0$$times$$10$$^{3}$$年)については、リアクションガスを用いることによる同重体干渉の除去の可能を検討した。


The Preliminary study for safety design of JAEA's Radioactive Material Analysis and Research Facility "Laboratory-2" dedicated to fuel debris analysis at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station site

佐藤 彰紀; 小坂 一郎; 鍛治 直也

no journal, , 

原子力機構は現在放射性物質分析・研究施設(施設管理棟, 第1棟及び第2棟)を建設中である。第2棟については燃料デブリを取扱い放射能分析と機械的・化学的特性評価を行う施設として計画されているため、遮蔽や臨界安全などいくつかの特徴的な項目について予備的検討を行った。遮蔽評価については保守的に見積もった線源強度、放射化した構造材の影響そして自己遮蔽の影響を除外した計算体系といった保守的な条件を設定した。臨界安全評価については最小臨界量の評価を新燃料条件かつ30cm水反射の条件で行った。評価の結果、保守的な条件を用いて計算を行ったとしても第2棟の遮蔽設計は達成可能であることが確認できた。最小臨界量を求めた結果、臨界安全の観点から現在想定している量の燃料デブリ(5kg)を取扱うことが可能であることが分かった。


Development of salt-free technology for FBR fuel reprocessing

鍛治 直也; 野村 和則; 佐野 雄一; 小泉 務

no journal, , 




山本 弘平; 鍛治 直也; 森本 和幸; 大部 智行; 佐野 雄一; 鹿志村 卓男

no journal, , 



シビアアクシデント後における燃料デブリの湿式処理性に関する検討,1; ウラン・ジルコニウム酸化物固溶体の硝酸溶解基礎試験

星野 貴紀; 矢野 公彦; 鍛治 直也; 鷲谷 忠博; 深澤 哲生*; 小原 浩史*

no journal, , 



シビアアクシデント後における燃料デブリの湿式処理性に関する検討,2; UO$$_{2}$$固溶化による燃料デブリの硝酸可溶化処理の提案

矢野 公彦; 星野 貴紀; 鍛治 直也; 鷲谷 忠博; 深澤 哲生*; 小原 浩史*

no journal, , 


38 件中 1件目~20件目を表示