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検索結果: 77 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors

大島 宏之; 森下 正樹*; 相澤 康介; 安藤 勝訓; 芦田 貴志; 近澤 佳隆; 堂田 哲広; 江沼 康弘; 江連 俊樹; 深野 義隆; et al.

Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.3, 631 Pages, 2022/07

ナトリウム冷却高速炉(SFR: Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor)の歴史や、利点、課題を踏まえた安全性、設計、運用、メンテナンスなどについて解説する。AIを利用した設計手法など、SFRの実用化に向けた設計や研究開発についても述べる。


Measurements of thermal conductivity for near stoichiometric (U$$_{0.7-z}$$Pu$$_{0.3}$$Am$$_{z}$$)O$$_{2}$$ (z = 0.05, 0.10, and 0.15)

横山 佳祐; 渡部 雅; 所 大志郎*; 杉本 理峻*; 森本 恭一; 加藤 正人; 日野 哲士*

Nuclear Materials and Energy (Internet), 31, p.101156_1 - 101156_7, 2022/06

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:59.75(Nuclear Science & Technology)

高レベル放射性廃棄物の減容化の一環として、マイナーアクチニドを含んだ酸化物燃料が高速炉における選択の一つである。しかし、高Am含有MOX燃料の熱伝導率に関する実験データがないために、燃料中のAm含有量が熱伝導率に及ぼす影響は明らかとなっていない。本研究では化学量論組成近傍における(U$$_{0.7-z}$$Pu$$_{0.3}$$Am$$_{z}$$)O$$_{2}$$ (z = 0.05, 0.10, and 0.15)の熱伝導率をレーザーフラッシュ法を用いて室温から1473Kまでの範囲で測定した。結果として、熱伝導率はAm含有量が増加するに従い低下する傾向を示し、1473Kまでは古典的フォノン輸送モデル((A+BT)$$^{-1}$$)に従うことが明らかとなった。係数AはAm含有量に比例して増加する傾向を示し、U$$^{5+}$$及びAm$$^{3+}$$が固溶することによるイオン半径の変化がフォノン伝導に影響したためであると考えられる。係数BはAm含有量に依存しない傾向を示した。



五十嵐 誉廣; 大谷 恭平; 小松 篤史; 加藤 千明; 坂入 正敏*

防錆管理, 66(4), p.141 - 145, 2022/04



${it Operando}$ structure observation of pyroelectric ceramics during power generation cycle

川崎 卓郎; 福田 竜生; 山中 暁*; 坂本 友和*; 村山 一郎*; 加藤 孝典*; 馬場 将亮*; 橋本 英樹*; Harjo, S.; 相澤 一也; et al.

Journal of Applied Physics, 131(13), p.134103_1 - 134103_7, 2022/04

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:8.90(Physics, Applied)

The microscopic origin of the pyroelectric power generation using ferroelectric ceramics for energy harvesting from time-varying waste heat can be understood by conducting ${it operando}$ neutron diffraction measurements. The behavior of the domain orientation and lattice strain in the lead zirconate titanate (PZT)-based ceramics with a tetragonal structure during the novel power generation cycle combining electric field and temperature change were investigated. The [001] domains and the lattice strain of the (111) plane in the direction of parallel to the electric field increase in the process of simultaneous rise in the electric field and temperature, and rapidly decrease in the process of the field drop. The alignment of the domain orientation by the electric field and its randomization by the higher temperature during the cycle are critical features of the current power generation system.



山崎 和彦*; 加藤 裕典*; 二川 正敏; 勅使河原 誠

実験力学, 21(4), p.308 - 313, 2021/12

本研究では、可視波長のナノ秒パルスレーザーによる耐放射線性鉛ガラスの発色と損傷について評価した。試験体として鉛含有量の異なるPbO-55wt%, 71wt%及びPbOを含まないガラスの3種類の耐放射線ガラスを用いた。ピークパワー1kWのナノ秒パルスレーザー照射により、相変化を伴う変色とダメージ形成が観測された。高鉛濃度ガラスはレーザー強度に対する着色の閾値が低いが、損傷形成の閾値は両PbOガラスともほぼ同じであった。一方、PbOを含まないガラスにレーザー照射しても変化は見られなかった。また、ラマンスペクトルにおける波数200-500cm$$^{-1}$$および1000cm$$^{-1}$$の強度変化の結果から、ナノ秒パルスレーザー照射によるPbOの光化学反応および熱反応を考察した。



五十嵐 誉廣; 小松 篤史; 加藤 千明; 坂入 正敏*

鉄と鋼, 107(12), p.998 - 1003, 2021/12


 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)




五十嵐 誉廣; 小松 篤史; 加藤 千明; 坂入 正敏*

防錆管理, 65(10), p.365 - 370, 2021/10



Hydrogen absorption mechanism into iron in aqueous solution including metal cations by laser ablation tests and first-principles calculations

五十嵐 誉廣; 大谷 恭平; 加藤 千明; 坂入 正敏*; 富樫 侑介*; 馬場 和彦*; 高木 周作*

ISIJ International, 61(4), p.1085 - 1090, 2021/04

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:11.70(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

水溶液中の金属カチオン(Zn$$^{2+}$$, Mg$$^{2+}$$, Na$$^{+}$$)が鉄への水素透過に及ぼす影響を明らかにするために、鉄表面からの水素透過量をレーザーアブレーションを用いた電気化学試験により測定した。また、金属カチオンによる水素透過の基本的なメカニズムを得るために、第一原理計算を使用して金属カチオンの吸着ポテンシャルと鉄表面周辺の電子状態を取得した。実験解析から、溶液中のZn$$^{2+}$$によって鉄表面の陽極反応が抑制されることがわかった。また量子解析から、ZnイオンはNa, Mgイオンよりも鉄表面に強く結合することがわかった。これより、鉄の溶解反応はZn層の形成により抑制され鉄への水素透過の抑制につながることが示唆された。


Pyroelectric power generation from the waste heat of automotive exhaust gas

Kim, J.*; 山中 暁*; 村山 一郎*; 加藤 孝典*; 坂本 友和*; 川崎 卓郎; 福田 竜生; 関野 徹*; 中山 忠親*; 武田 雅敏*; et al.

Sustainable Energy & Fuels (Internet), 4(3), p.1143 - 1149, 2020/03

 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:64.91(Chemistry, Physical)

Waste heat is a potentially exploitable energy source but remains a problem awaiting a solution. To explore solutions for automobile applications, we investigate pyroelectric power generation from the temperature variation of exhaust gas using a novel electro-thermodynamic cycle. Niobium-doped lead zirconate titanate stannate (PNZST) ceramics were applied as pyroelectric materials, and their structural characteristics were investigated. In the driving cycle assessments (JC-08) using real exhaust gas, the maximum power generated was identified as 143.9 mW cm$$^{-3}$$ (777.3 J L$$^{-1}$$ per 1 cycle) over a temperature range of 150-220 $$^{circ}$$C and an electric field of 13 kV cm-1. The net mean generating power of the total driving cycle was 40.8 mW cm$$^{-3}$$, which is the most enhanced result in our power generating systems to date and 314 times greater than our first report. Materials with sharp transition behaviors with the temperature and electric field are worthy of study with regard to pyroelectric energy harvesting materials, and their corresponding crystal and domain structures were investigated to optimize performance.


Electrical and crystallographic study of an electrothermodynamic cycle for a waste heat recovery

Kim, J.*; 山中 暁*; 中島 啓*; 加藤 孝典*; Kim, Y.*; 福田 竜生; 吉井 賢資; 西畑 保雄; 馬場 将亮*; 武田 雅敏*; et al.

Advanced Sustainable Systems (Internet), 2(11), p.1800067_1 - 1800067_8, 2018/11

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:25.21(Green & Sustainable Science & Technology)

An innovative electrothermodynamic cycle (pyroelectric effect with an external electric field) was recently presented, which is based on temporal temperature variations in wasted heat from engine exhaust gas. In this paper, for further improvement, a generating mechanism of the cycle is investigated using in-operando time-resolved synchrotron X-ray diffraction with generating assessment. The polarizations of the sample are gained from both crystal/domain changes and simultaneous electrical measurements. Three types of materials are prepared: soft and hard types of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) and lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate (PMN-PT). Among them, PMN-PT has the highest generating power. When an external electric field is applied, the PMN-PT exhibits only 180$$^circ$$ domain rotations, whereas PZTs exhibit both 90$$^circ$$ and 180$$^circ$$ rotations. A strong driving force for 180$$^circ$$ rotation depresses rotations in other angles and increases polarization changes. The results show that the material development, which has only 180$$^circ$$ switching domains, has potential for use in the establishment of a high-efficiency waste heat recovery system.


Temperature stability of PIN-PMN-PT ternary ceramics during pyroelectric power generation

茂呂 拓哉*; Kim, J.*; 山中 暁*; 村山 一郎*; 加藤 孝典*; 中山 忠親*; 武田 雅敏*; 山田 昇*; 西畑 保雄; 福田 竜生; et al.

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 768, p.22 - 27, 2018/11

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:61.30(Chemistry, Physical)

Relaxor-based ternary Pb(In$$_{1/2}$$Nb$$_{1/2}$$)O$$_3$$-Pb(Mg$$_{1/3}$$Nb$$_{2/3}$$)O$$_3$$-PbTiO$$_3$$ (PIN-PMN-PT) ceramics near a morphotropic phase boundary were grown, and their electrical properties at various temperatures were investigated in the electrothermodynamic cycle for the future environment-friendly automotive applications. Structural disordering, depending on the PIN content, influenced the diffuse phase transition between the tetragonal and cubic structures and contributed to the power-generating behavior. The net power-generating energies (P$$_{net}$$) were 2.43-3.01 mW/cm$$^3$$ at temperatures above 200$$^circ$$C and were maintained at above 1 mW/cm$$^3$$ over a temperature range of approximately 100 degrees. Therefore, the PIN-PMN-PT system has a possibility of a wider usage temperature range, the disordering of the perovskite crystal structure can be controlled, and it will be a candidate for the application of pyroelectric energy conversion system.


Effect of a raw material powder on sintered CeO$$_{2}$$ pellets by 28 GHz microwave irradiation

赤司 雅俊; 松本 卓; 加藤 正人

Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 118, p.1391 - 1394, 2018/06



Pyroelectric power generation with ferroelectrics (1-x)PMN-xPT

Kim, J.*; 山中 暁*; 中島 啓*; 加藤 孝典*; Kim, Y.*; 福田 竜生; 吉井 賢資; 西畑 保雄; 馬場 将亮*; 武田 雅敏*; et al.

Ferroelectrics, 512(1), p.92 - 99, 2017/08

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:53.18(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We have been investigating a novel electrothermodynamic cycle based on temporal temperature variations using the pyroelectric effect to utilize the waste heat as renewable energy. An improved generating performance with relaxer ferroelectric ceramics was achieved using 75Pb(Mg$$_{2/3}$$Nb$$_{1/3}$$)O$$_3$$-25PbTiO$$_3$$ which is well known for the high dielectric and pyroelectric properties. The potential was evaluated by using the hysteresis loops and generating properties are analyzed both in laboratory and engine dynamometer. Results showed 0.48 mW/cm$$^3$$ in engine dynamometer assessment, which is 3 times larger than the previous study using Pb(Zr,Ti)O$$_3$$.


Relationship between the material properties and pyroelectric-generating performance of PZTs

山中 暁*; Kim, J.*; 中島 啓*; 加藤 孝典*; Kim, Y.*; 福田 竜生; 吉井 賢資; 西畑 保雄; 馬場 将亮*; 山田 昇*; et al.

Advanced Sustainable Systems (Internet), 1(3-4), p.1600020_1 - 1600020_6, 2017/04



Oxygen potentials, oxygen diffusion coefficients and defect equilibria of nonstoichiometric (U,Pu)O$$_{2pm x}$$

加藤 正人; 渡部 雅; 松本 卓; 廣岡 瞬; 赤司 雅俊

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 487, p.424 - 432, 2017/04

 被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:82.76(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

(U,Pu)O$$_{2pm x}$$の酸素ポテンシャルについて、最新の実験データベースを用い、欠陥化学に基づいて評価した。酸素分圧と定比組成からのずれxを解析し、点欠陥の生成エネルギを評価した。得られた欠陥反応の平衡定数を用いて、欠陥濃度、酸素ポテンシャル及び拡散係数の間の関係を記述した。


Corrosion properties of Zircaloy-4 and M5 under simulated PWR water conditions

柴田 晃; 加藤 佳明; 田口 剛俊; 二川 正敏; 前川 克廣*

Nuclear Technology, 196(1), p.89 - 99, 2016/10

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:46.39(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Development of science-based fuel technologies for Japan's Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors

加藤 正人; 廣岡 瞬; 生澤 佳久; 武内 健太郎; 赤司 雅俊; 前田 宏治; 渡部 雅; 米野 憲; 森本 恭一

Proceedings of 19th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC 2014) (USB Flash Drive), 12 Pages, 2014/08




菖蒲 信博; 加藤 昌俊*; 高尾 朋枝*; 寺島 大輔*; 田中 良枝*; 白須 桐紀*; 天澤 弘也; 鯉渕 浩人; 仲田 久和

JAEA-Review 2013-028, 175 Pages, 2013/12




Effect of oxygen-to-metal ratio on properties of corium prepared from UO$$_{2}$$ and zircaloy-2

廣岡 瞬; 加藤 正人; 森本 恭一; 米野 憲; 内田 哲平; 赤司 雅俊

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 437(1-3), p.130 - 134, 2013/06

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:36.85(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

In order to evaluate the method to clean up molten corium generated in the severe accident of reactor melt down, physical properties such as melting temperature and thermal conductivity are necessary. In this study, corium which simulates the molten core of a BWR was prepared from UO$$_{2}$$ and zircaloy-2. Oxygen to metal (O/M) ratio of the corium was adjusted to hyper-stoichiometry, and the physical properties were investigated.


Melting temperature and thermal conductivities of corium prepared from UO$$_{2}$$ and zircalloy-2

加藤 正人; 内田 哲平; 廣岡 瞬; 赤司 雅俊; 米野 憲; 森本 恭一

Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol.1444, p.91 - 96, 2012/09

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:55.21(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Pellets of UO$$_{2}$$ react with zircalloy (Zry) cladding to form corium in severe accident of LWRs. It is important to know thermal and chemical properties of corium to analyze fuel behavior in severe accident and to treat corium in post-accident. However, their data are limited. In this work, corium was prepared from UO$$_{2}$$ and Zry-2, and its melting temperature and thermal conductivity were investigated as a parameter of U content. In the heating curves in the melting temperature measurement, thermal arrests were clearly observed. The solidus temperatures of 75%U, 50%U and 25%U-sample were determined to be 2622$$^{circ}$$C, 2509$$^{circ}$$C and 2540$$^{circ}$$C, respectively, which were consistent with solidus temperature reported in the UO$$_{2}$$-ZrO$$_{2}$$ system. The melted samples were taken from W-capsule and sliced in a plate. Thermal diffusivity of the plate sample was measured. The data were lower than that of UO$$_{2}$$.

77 件中 1件目~20件目を表示