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新居 陽一*; 山本 慧; 菅野 将誠*; 前川 禎通*; 小野瀬 佳文*
Physical Review Letters, 134(2), p.027001_1 - 027001_5, 2025/01
While the rectification phenomenon caused by the simultaneous breaking of time reversal and spatial inversion symmetries has been extended to a wide range of (quasi)particles and waves, the nonreciprocal diffraction, which is the imbalance of upward and downward deflections, was previously observed only for photons and remained to be extended to other (quasi)particles. Here, we present evidence of the nonreciprocal diffraction of surface acoustic wave (SAW) utilizing a magnetoelastic grating on a SAW device. Asymmetric diffraction intensities were observed when the ferromagnetic resonance was acoustically excited. Based on a theoretical model, we ascribe the microscopic origin of this phenomenon to the resonant scattering involving ferromagnetic resonance excitations. The novel property may pave an avenue to further development of SAW devices for various purposes including microwave communications and quantum engineering applications.
鈴木 博人*; Zhao, G.*; 岡本 淳*; 坂本 祥哉*; Chen, Z.-Y.*; 野中 洋亮*; 芝田 悟朗; Zhao, K.*; Chen, B.*; Wu, W.-B.*; et al.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 91(6), p.064710_1 - 064710_5, 2022/06
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)The magnetic properties and the electronic excitations of the new diluted magnetic semiconductor BaK
have been studied by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS). The sum rule analysis of the XMCD spectra indicates that the Mn atoms are in the high-spin configurations of
, whereas the presence of competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions between the Mn ions reduces the net spin moment. Based on a comparison of the RIXS line shapes with those of Ga
As, it is concluded that the ground state of Mn in Ba
consists of both the
electron configurations.
中堂 博之; 今井 正樹; 松尾 衛; 前川 禎通; 齊藤 英治
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 90(8), p.081003_1 - 081003_11, 2021/08
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:41.20(Physics, Multidisciplinary)We demonstrate observation of the angular momentum compensation temperature , at which the net angular momentum is quenched in ferrimagnets. Using the Barnett effect, in which an object is magnetized by mechanical rotation owing to spin-rotation coupling, we measure
in the Ho
system. We determine
to be 240 K in Ho
(HoIG). We find that
increases with Dy content and show that
of Ho
corresponds with room temperature. We also demonstrate that
Fe-NMR measurements can be applied to explore domain wall dynamics in HoIG. We find that the NMR intensity exhibits a maximum at
in the multi-domain state. We provide a simple model for describing this NMR signal enhancement caused by enhancement of domain-wall mobility at
松岡 秀樹*; Barnes, S. E.*; 家田 淳一; 前川 禎通; Bahramy, M. S.*; Saika, B. K.*; 竹田 幸治; 和達 大樹*; Wang, Y.*; 吉田 訓*; et al.
Nano Letters, 21(4), p.1807 - 1814, 2021/02
被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:76.40(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)Magnetocrystalline anisotropy, a key ingredient for establishing long-range order in a magnetic material down to the two-dimensional (2D) limit, is generally associated with spin-orbit interaction (SOI) involving a finite orbital angular momentum. Here we report strong out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy without orbital angular momentum, emerging at the interface between two different van der Waals (vdW) materials, an archetypal metallic vdW material NbSe possessing Zeeman-type SOI and an isotropic vdW ferromagnet V
. We found that the Zeeman SOI in NbSe
induces robust out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy in V
down to the 2D limit with a more than 2-fold enhancement of the transition temperature. We propose a simple model that takes into account the energy gain in NbSe
in contact with a ferromagnet, which naturally explains our observations. Our results demonstrate a conceptually new magnetic proximity effect at the vdW interface, expanding the horizons of emergent phenomena achievable in vdW heterostructures.
今井 正樹; 中堂 博之; 松尾 衛; 前川 禎通; 齊藤 英治
Physical Review B, 102(1), p.014407_1 - 014407_5, 2020/07
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:37.32(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)The angular momentum compensation temperature of ferrimagnets has attracted much attention because of high-speed magnetic dynamics near
. We show that NMR can be used to investigate domain wall dynamics near
in ferrimagnets. We performed
Fe-NMR measurements on the ferrimagnet Ho
= 245 K. In a multi-domain state, the NMR signal is enhanced by domain wall motion. We found that the NMR signal enhancement shows a maximum at
in the multi-domain state. The NMR signal enhancement occurs due to increasing domain-wall mobility toward
. We develop the NMR signal enhancement model involves domain-wall mobility. Our study shows that NMR in multi-domain state is a powerful tool to determine
, even from a powder sample and it expands the possibility of searching for angular momentum-compensated materials.
今井 正樹; 中堂 博之; 小野 正雄; 針井 一哉; 松尾 衛; 大沼 悠一*; 前川 禎通; 齊藤 英治
Applied Physics Letters, 114(16), p.162402_1 - 162402_4, 2019/04
被引用回数:22 パーセンタイル:71.17(Physics, Applied)We demonstrate that the angular momentum compensation temperature , at which the net angular momentum in the sample disappears, can be controlled in Ho
by partially substituting Dy for Ho. The
can be detected using the Barnett effect, by which mechanical rotation magnetizes an object due to spin-rotation coupling. We found that
increases with the Dy content and clarified that the
of Ho
coincides with room temperature. The Barnett effect enables us to explore materials applicable to magnetic devices utilizing the angular momentum compensation only by rotating the powder sample at room temperature.
今井 正樹; 緒方 裕大*; 中堂 博之; 小野 正雄; 針井 一哉; 松尾 衛*; 大沼 悠一*; 前川 禎通; 齊藤 英治
Applied Physics Letters, 113(5), p.052402_1 - 052402_3, 2018/07
被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:66.68(Physics, Applied)We report direct observation of gyromagnetic reversal, which is the sign change of gyromagnetic ratio in a ferrimagnet HoFe
, by using the Barnett effect measurement technique at low temperatures. The Barnett effect is a phenomenon in which magnetization is induced by mechanical rotation through the coupling between rotation and total angular momentum
of electrons. The magnetization of Ho
induced by mechanical rotation disappears at 135 K and 240 K. The temperatures correspond to the magnetization compensation temperature
and the angular momentum compensation temperature
, respectively. Between
, the magnetization flips over to be parallel against the angular momentum due to the sign change of gyromagnetic ratio. This study provides an unprecedented technique to explore the gyromagnetic properties.
兵頭 俊夫*; 和田 健*; 望月 出海*; 木村 正雄*; 峠 暢一*; 設楽 哲夫*; 深谷 有喜; 前川 雅樹*; 河裾 厚男*; 飯田 進平*; et al.
Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 791(1), p.012003_1 - 012003_8, 2017/02
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:72.26(Physics, Multidisciplinary)本論文では、高エネルギー加速器研究機構(KEK)物質構造科学研究所(IMSS)低速陽電子実験施設(SPF)で得られた最近の成果を報告する。全反射高速陽電子回折(TRHEPD)実験では、ルチル型TiO(110)(
望月 出海*; 有賀 寛子*; 深谷 有喜; 和田 健*; 前川 雅樹*; 河裾 厚男*; 設楽 哲夫*; 朝倉 清高*; 兵頭 俊夫*
表面科学, 37(9), p.451 - 456, 2016/09
望月 出海*; 有賀 寛子*; 深谷 有喜; 和田 健*; 前川 雅樹; 河裾 厚男; 設楽 哲夫*; 朝倉 清高*; 兵頭 俊夫*
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(10), p.7085 - 7092, 2016/03
被引用回数:22 パーセンタイル:67.52(Chemistry, Physical)本研究では、全反射高速陽電子回折(TRHEPD)法を用いて、30年来議論が続くルチル型の二酸化チタン表面の原子配置を決定した。陽電子の反射強度の入射角依存性を測定し、様々な構造モデルを仮定した計算結果との比較を行った。構造解析の結果、OnishiとIwasawaが提唱した構造モデルに最表面の酸素原子の非対称性を取り入れることにより、実験結果をよく説明できることがわかった。
辻本 和文; 佐々 敏信; 前川 藤夫; 松村 達郎; 林 博和; 倉田 正輝; 森田 泰治; 大井川 宏之
Proceedings of 21st International Conference & Exhibition; Nuclear Fuel Cycle for a Low-Carbon Future (GLOBAL 2015) (USB Flash Drive), p.657 - 663, 2015/09
Li, H.; 前川 雅樹; 河裾 厚男; 谷村 直樹*
Journal of Physics; Condensed Matter, 27(24), p.246001_1 - 246001_5, 2015/06
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:30.61(Physics, Condensed Matter)Positron lifetime spectra of Fe, Co and Ni were measured under magnetic field using a Na source. Very small but distinguishable difference of positron lifetime upon magnetic field reversal was observed suggesting the existence of two bulk lifetimes associated with majority and minority spin electrons. Using two spin-dependent Fe bulk lifetimes, the difference Doppler broadening of annihilation radiation spectra between majority and minority spin electrons were also examined. Agreement between experiment and theory indicates that spin-polarized positron annihilation spectroscopy may have potential in investigation of spin-aligned electron momentum distribution.
Zhang, H. J.; 山本 春也; Gu, B.; Li, H.; 前川 雅樹; 深谷 有喜; 河裾 厚男
Physical Review Letters, 114(16), p.166602_1 - 166602_5, 2015/04
被引用回数:56 パーセンタイル:89.83(Physics, Multidisciplinary)スピン偏極陽電子ビームを用いた最表面ポジトロニウム消滅過程の観測を通じて、Bi/Ag二層膜中のラシュバ-エデルシュタイン効果に伴う電荷-スピン変換の直接検出に初めて成功した。同一の通電方向に対して、BiとAgの表面では逆のスピン偏極が得られた。スピン偏極率は、膜の厚さが増すとともに指数関数的に減少することが知られた。以上の結果は、Bi/Ag界面で生成したスピンが、両層を通じて最表面に伝導・蓄積することを示している。
前川 雅樹; Zhang, H.; Li, H.; 深谷 有喜; 河裾 厚男
JJAP Conference Proceedings, Vol.2 (Internet), p.011305_1 - 011305_7, 2014/11
A spin-polarized positron beam generated using a Na source, solid neon moderator and magnetic lens was developed. The beam diameter, beam flux and spin polarization were 0.5 mm, 1
and 27 %, respectively. An electromagnet system, which can generate
1 T magnetic field, was also developed and equipped with the beam apparatus. Using this apparatus, Doppler broadening of annihilation radiation spectra under a high magnetic field were measured for bulk polycrystalline Fe, Co and Ni samples and a thin film Co
MnSi sample. These spectra showed a clear asymmetry upon field reversal.
前川 雅樹; 和田 健*; 深谷 有喜; 河裾 厚男; 望月 出海*; 設楽 哲夫*; 兵頭 俊夫*
European Physical Journal D, 68(6), p.165_1 - 165_6, 2014/06
被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:66.53(Optics)The brightness of a linac-based intense positron beam was enhanced for reflection high-energy positron diffraction (RHEPD) measurements. It gave more than 60 times intensified diffraction pattern from a Si(111)-77 reconstructed surface compared to a previous result with a
Na-based positron beam. An improved signal-to-noise ratio in the obtained pattern due to the intensified beam allowed to observe clear fractional-order spots in the higher Laue-zones, those had not been observed previously.
深谷 有喜; 前川 雅樹; 河裾 厚男; 望月 出海*; 和田 健*; 設楽 哲夫*; 一宮 彪彦*; 兵頭 俊夫*
Applied Physics Express, 7(5), p.056601_1 - 056601_4, 2014/05
被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:60.30(Physics, Applied)本研究では、全反射条件下におけるSi(111)-再構成表面からの反射高速陽電子回折(RHEPD)パターンが、結晶内部のバルク原子からの寄与を含まないことを報告する。このことは、バルク原子を含む通常の試料の測定においても、最表面原子の情報のみを反映した回折パターンを観測可能であることを意味する。
兵頭 俊夫*; 深谷 有喜; 前川 雅樹; 望月 出海*; 和田 健*; 設楽 哲夫*; 一宮 彪彦*; 河裾 厚男
Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 505(1), p.012001_1 - 012001_5, 2014/04
被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:93.28(Physics, Applied)反射高速陽電子回折(RHEPD)は1992年に提唱され、1998年に初めて実証された。それ以来、RHEPDは表面科学の分野へ多くの寄与を果たしている。最近、原子力機構のRHEPD装置を高エネルギー加速器研究機構低速陽電子実験施設に移設し、輝度増強した高強度陽電子ビームラインへの接続を行った。この陽電子ビームの高強度化により、鮮明なRHEPDパターンが得られるようになった。Si(111)-表面をテスト試料として用い、RHEPDパターンの観測を行った。陽電子のエネルギーは10kVに設定した。このエネルギーでは、全反射の臨界角は2
深谷 有喜; 前川 雅樹; 望月 出海*; 和田 健*; 兵頭 俊夫*; 河裾 厚男
Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 505, p.012005_1 - 012005_6, 2014/04
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:49.85(Physics, Applied)反射高速陽電子回折(RHEPD)は、陽電子の全反射が存在するため、最表面を研究する上で非常に有力な手法である。全反射条件下では、陽電子の結晶表面への侵入深さは約0.2nmと見積もられる。この深さは、1-2原子層分に相当する。したがって、RHEPDは表面敏感であり、最表面の原子配置を精度よく決定することができる。本講演では、Na線源を用いたRHEPD実験により明らかにした2つの表面系を取り上げる。1つはSi(111)-
前川 雅樹; 深谷 有喜; Zhang, H.; Li, H.; 河裾 厚男
Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 505, p.012033_1 - 012033_4, 2014/04
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:90.53(Physics, Applied)Spin polarizations of electrostatic positron beams generated using a Ge and a
Na sources with tungsten moderators were 47% and 30%, respectively. A comparable spin polarization (27%) was obtained with much reduced beam diameter (0.5 mm), when electromagnetic lenses, a
Na source and a tungsten moderator were used. Replacing the tungsten moderator with a solid neon moderator in this system, the beam flux was significantly enhanced with maintaining the spin polarization. The Doppler broadening of annihilation radiation spectra of polycrystalline Fe measured using the above beams showed clear asymmetry upon field reversal.
Zhang, H.; 山本 春也; 深谷 有喜; 前川 雅樹; Li, H.; 河裾 厚男; 関 剛斎*; 齊藤 英治*; 高梨 弘毅*
Scientific Reports (Internet), 4, p.4844_1 - 4844_5, 2014/04
被引用回数:43 パーセンタイル:82.65(Multidisciplinary Sciences)Current-induced spin polarization (CISP) on the outermost surfaces of Au, Cu, Pt, Pd, Ta, and W nanoscaled films were studied using a spin-polarized positron beam. The Au and Cu surfaces showed no significant CISP. In contrast, the Pt, Pd, Ta, and W films exhibited large CISP (3 to 15% per input charge current of 10 A/cm
) and the CISP of Ta and W were opposite to those of Pt and Pd. The sign of the CISP obeys the same rule in spin Hall effect suggesting that the spin-orbit coupling is mainly responsible for the CISP. The magnitude of the CISP is explained by the Rashba-Edelstein mechanism rather than the diffusive spin Hall effect. This settles a controversy, that which of these two mechanisms dominates the large CISP on metal surfaces.