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神山 健司; 松場 賢一; 加藤 慎也; 今泉 悠也; Mukhamedov, N.*; Akayev, A.*; Pakhnits, A.*; Vurim, A.*; Baklanov, V.*
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles; Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future (FR22) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2022/04
To achieve in-vessel retention for mitigating the consequences of core disruptive accidents (CDAs) of sodium-cooled fast reactors, controlled material relocation (CMR) has been proposed as an effective safety concept. CMR is not only aiming at eliminating the potential for exceeding prompt criticality events that affect the integrity of the reactor vessel, but also enhancing the potential for the in-vessel cooling of degraded core materials during CDAs. Based on this concept several design measures have been studied, and, to evaluate their effectiveness, experimental evidences to show relocation of molten-core material were required. With this background, a series of experimental program called EAGLE (Experimental Acquisition of Generalized Logic to Eliminate re-criticalities) has been carried out collaboratively over 20 years between Japan Atomic Energy Agency and National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NNC/RK) using an out-of-pile and in-pile test facilities of NNC/RK. The EAGLE program is divided into three phases, they are called EAGLE-1, EAGLE-2 and EAGLE-3, to cover whole phase after core-melting begins. The subject for EAGLE-1 and the first half of EAGLE-2 is CMR in the early phase of CDA in which the core melting progresses rapidly driven by positive reactivity insertions. The subject for the latter half of EAGLE-2 and whole EAGLE-3 is CMR in the later phase of CDA in which the gradual core melting by decay heat and relocation and cooling of degraded core materials occurs. In the paper, the major achievement of the EAGLE program and future plans are presented.
神山 健司; 小西 賢介; 佐藤 一憲; 豊岡 淳一; 松場 賢一; 鈴木 徹; 飛田 吉春; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Vityuk, V. A.*; Vurim, A. D.*; et al.
Proceedings of 10th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-10) (USB Flash Drive), 8 Pages, 2014/12
The relocation of degraded core material through the Control Rod Guide Tubes (CRGTs) is one of essential subjects to achieve the in-vessel retention (IVR) in the case of postulated core disruptive accidents (CDAs) of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs). The CRGT is available as the discharge path by its failure in the core region and heat-transfer from the core-material to the CRGT is one of dominant factors in its failure. In case of a core design into which a fuel subassembly with an inner duct structure (FAIDUS) is introduced, a mixture of solid-fuel and liquid-steel is supposed to remain in the core region since the FAIDUS could effectively eliminate fuel in liquid-state from the core region. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to obtain experimental knowledge for the evaluation of heat-transfer from the mixture of solid-fuel and liquid-steel to the CRGT. In the present study, an experiment was conducted using Impulse Graphite Reactor which is an experimental facility in National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the experiment, the mixture of solid-fuel and liquid-steel was generated by a low-power nuclear heating of fuel and transferring its heat to steel, and then, data to consider the heat-transfer characteristics from the mixture of solid-fuel and liquid-steel to the CRGT were obtained. The heat-transfer characteristic was revealed by evaluating thermocouple responses observed in the experiment. Through the present study, knowledge was obtained to evaluate heat-transfer from the remaining core-materials to the CRGT.
神山 健司; 小西 賢介; 佐藤 一憲; 豊岡 淳一; 松場 賢一; Zuyev, V. A.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Vityuk, V. A.*; Vurim, A. D.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; et al.
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 51(9), p.1114 - 1124, 2014/09
被引用回数:16 パーセンタイル:72.71(Nuclear Science & Technology)Recently, a design option which leads molten fuel to upward discharge has been considered to minimize technical difficulties for practical application to JSFR. In the present study, a series of experiments which consisted of three out-of-pile tests and one in-pile test were conducted to investigate effectiveness of the upward discharge option on eliminating energetics potential. Experimental data which showed a sequence of upward fuel-discharge and effects of initial pressure conditions on upward-discharge were obtained through the out-of-pile and in-pile test. Preliminary extrapolation of the present results to the supposed condition in early phase of the CDA in the JSFR design, suggested that sufficient upward flow rate of molten-fuel was expected to prevent the core-melting from progressing beyond the fuel subassembly scale and that the upward discharge option would be effective in eliminating the energetic potential.
神山 健司; 小西 賢介; 佐藤 一憲; 豊岡 淳一; 松場 賢一; Zuyev, V. A.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Vurim, A. D.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; Kolodeshnikov, A. A.*; et al.
Proceedings of 8th Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-8) (USB Flash Drive), 7 Pages, 2012/12
小西 賢介; 豊岡 淳一; 神山 健司; 佐藤 一憲; 久保 重信*; 小竹 庄司*; 小山 和也*; Vurim, A. D.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; et al.
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 237(22), p.2165 - 2174, 2007/11
被引用回数:45 パーセンタイル:92.43(Nuclear Science & Technology)FBR実用化に向けての炉心安全上の重要課題である、炉心損傷時における再臨界問題の排除に技術的見通しを得るため、EAGLEプロジェクトを進めている。カザフスタン共和国の試験炉IGRを用いて炉内中規模試験(WF試験)を実施し、肉厚3mmのスティール製壁構造の溶融燃料プール接触による破損挙動を調べた。試験の結果、壁の背後にナトリウムが在る場合とない場合との間の壁破損時間の差は1秒未満程度であることがわかった。過渡伝熱計算に基づき壁表面温度履歴の分析を行った結果、ナトリウムで冷やされた壁が早期に破損する現象は、燃料プールから壁に向かう高い熱流束存在の結果として生じていることがわかった。試験の結果は、溶融燃料の流出経路を通じた流出が早期に開始することを示唆しており、これは再臨界問題排除シナリオを構築するうえで有利な特性である。
小西 賢介; 久保 重信*; 佐藤 一憲; 小山 和也*; 豊岡 淳一; 神山 健司; 小竹 庄司*; Vurim, A. D.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; et al.
Proceedings of 5th Korea-Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-5), p.465 - 471, 2006/11
小西 賢介; 豊岡 淳一; 神山 健司; 佐藤 一憲; 久保 重信*; 小竹 庄司*; 小山 和也*; Vurim, A. D.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; et al.
Proceedings of Technical Meeting on Severe Accident and Accident Management (CD-ROM), 16 Pages, 2006/03
小西 賢介; 豊岡 淳一; 神山 健司; 佐藤 一憲; 久保 重信*; 小竹 庄司*; 小山 和也*; Vurim, A. D.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; et al.
no journal, ,
神山 健司; 小西 賢介; 佐藤 一憲; 松場 賢一; 飛田 吉春; 豊岡 淳一; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Vityuk, V.*; Kukushkin, I.*; Vurim, A. D.*; et al.
no journal, ,
久保 重信; 飛田 吉春; 佐藤 一憲; 小竹 庄司*; 遠藤 寛*; 小山 和也*; 小西 賢介; 神山 健司; 松場 賢一; 豊岡 淳一; et al.
no journal, ,
神山 健司; 松場 賢一; 加藤 慎也; 今泉 悠也; Mukhamedov, N.*; Akayev, A.*; Pakhnits, A.*; Vurim, A.*; Baklanov, V.*
no journal, ,
豊岡 淳一; 小西 賢介; 神山 健司; 佐藤 一憲; 久保 重信*; 小竹 庄司*; 小山 和也*; Vurim, A. D.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; et al.
no journal, ,
神山 健司; 小西 賢介; 佐藤 一憲; 豊岡 淳一; 松場 賢一; Vurim, A. D.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Gaydaychuk, V.*; Vasilyev, Y.*
no journal, ,
小西 賢介; 豊岡 淳一; 神山 健司; 佐藤 一憲; 久保 重信*; 小竹 庄司*; 小山 和也*; Vurim, A. D.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; et al.
no journal, ,
小山 和也*; 猿山 一郎*; 小西 賢介; 豊岡 淳一; 神山 健司; 佐藤 一憲; 久保 重信*; 小竹 庄司*; Vurim, A. D.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; et al.
no journal, ,
小西 賢介; 久保 重信*; 小山 和也*; 神山 健司; 豊岡 淳一; 佐藤 一憲; 小竹 庄司*; Vurim, A. D.*; Zuyev, V.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; et al.
no journal, ,
豊岡 淳一; 小西 賢介; 神山 健司; 佐藤 一憲; 久保 重信*; 小竹 庄司*; 小山 和也*; Vurim, A. D.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; et al.
no journal, ,
神山 健司; 松場 賢一; 飛田 吉春; 豊岡 淳一; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Vityuk, V. A.*; Kukushkin, I.*; Vurim, A. D.*; Baklanov, V. V.*; Kolodeshnikov, A. A.*
no journal, ,
加藤 慎也; 松場 賢一; 神山 健司; Mukhamedov, N.*; Akayev, A.*; Pakhnits, A.*; Vurim, A.*; Baklanov, V.*
no journal, ,
To achieve the In-Vessel Retention (IVR) in case of Core Disruptive Accidents (CDAs) is of prime importance in enhancing safety of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs). In order to ensure IVR, we are investigating the feasibility of the controlled material relocation (CMR) which enables to decrease the reactivity of degraded core and encourage cooling of relocated material. EAGLE-1 and -2, which have already conducted as the collaboration studies of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NNR-RK), focused on the molten-fuel discharge on the early phase of CDAs and demonstrated the molten-material discharge through the intra-subassembly sodium-filled duct without an inner structure1). In EAGLE-3, the discharge of molten-core material, which gradually expands in the core region by decay heat during the later phase of CDAs, toward the lower sodium plenum through the control rod guide tubes (CRGTs) has been focused. CRGTs have internal structures, such as a sodium-flow regulator, which could affect fuel discharge. Thus, in order to clarify the effect of the internal structures in the CRGT on the discharge behavior of the molten-core material, a series of experiments has been conducted. The knowledge obtained through the EAGLE-3 experiments are presented here.
小西 賢介; 豊岡 淳一; 神山 健司; 佐藤 一憲; 久保 重信*; 小竹 庄司*; 小山 和也*; Vurim, A. D.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; et al.
no journal, ,