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A Conceptual design study for the error field correction coil power supply in JT-60SA

松川 誠; 島田 勝弘; 山内 邦仁; Gaio, E.*; Ferro, A.*; Novello, L.*

Plasma Science and Technology, 15(3), p.257 - 260, 2013/03

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:29.08(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)



Minimization of reactive power fluctuation in JT-60SA magnet power supply

島田 勝弘; 寺門 恒久; 山内 邦仁; 松川 誠; Baulaigue, O.*; Coletti, R.*; Coletti, A.*; Novello, L.*

Plasma Science and Technology, 15(2), p.184 - 187, 2013/02

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:20.90(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

In JT-60SA, the four thyristor converters in poloidal field coil (PFC) power supplies are used for plasma initiation. In this case, the large reactive power fluctuation induced by the "Booster PS" is the cause of large voltage fluctuation across the terminals of the motor-generator. To minimize the reactive power fluctuation during plasma initiation, an asymmetric control method and a sequential timing control to start/stop each "Booster PS" are foreseen. To evaluate the effectiveness of above control methods for the "Booster PS", the reactive power has been simulated by using "PSCAD/EMTDC" code. From the simulation it results that the reactive power induced by the four units of the "Booster PS" can be dramatically reduced. In addition, the voltage fluctuation of the motor-generator connected to the "Booster PS" is expected to be suppressed to less than 10%, which ensures the stable control of JT-60SA magnet power supplies.


Vacuum insulation and achievement of 980 keV, 185 A/m$$^{2}$$ H$$^{-}$$ ion beam acceleration at JAEA for the ITER neutral beam injector

戸張 博之; 谷口 正樹; 柏木 美恵子; 大楽 正幸; 梅田 尚孝; 山中 晴彦; 土田 一輝; 武本 純平; 渡邊 和弘; 井上 多加志; et al.

Plasma Science and Technology, 15(2), p.179 - 183, 2013/02

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:4.21(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

ITER NBI用負イオン加速器及びHVブッシング開発において1MV真空絶縁が共通課題である。HVブッシングでは、外径1.56mのセラミックリングとその外周にFRPリングを二重配置し、これを5段積み重ねて1MVを絶縁する。二重構造ゆえ絶縁体周辺に三重点が複数存在する。これら三重点の電界を同時に低減するために、電界解析により形状を選定した3つの電界緩和部品の組合せる電界緩和構造を考案した。これを1段分の実規模モックアップに適用し耐電圧試験を実施したところ、定格の120%の-240kVを安定に保持し、ITERで要求される絶縁性能を実証した。MeV級加速器では、加速器内に存在する段差や端部における局所的な電界集中により十分な耐電圧性能が得られていなかった。そこで、電極間距離の延伸,端部曲率の増大を図り、電界を低減させ、真空中で1MVの安定保持を達成した。また、加速器内の磁場及び空間電荷反発によりビーム偏向を補正する電極を用いることで、ビームの電極への衝突を抑制し、ITER要求値をほぼ満足する980keV, 185A/m$$^{2}$$の負イオンビーム加速に成功した。


Estimation of TBR on the gap between neighboring blanket modules in the DEMO reactor

染谷 洋二; 飛田 健次

Plasma Science and Technology, 15(2), p.171 - 174, 2013/02

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:12.53(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)



Design study of top lid with clamp structure in JT-60SA cryostat

中村 誠俊; 芝間 祐介; 正木 圭; 逆井 章

Plasma Science and Technology, 15(2), p.188 - 191, 2013/02

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:4.21(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)



Detailed analysis of the transient voltage in a JT-60SA PF coil circuit

山内 邦仁; 島田 勝弘; 寺門 恒久; 松川 誠; Coletti, R.*; Lampasi, A.*; Gaio, E.*; Coletti, A.*; Novello, L.*

Plasma Science and Technology, 15(2), p.148 - 151, 2013/02

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:24.88(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

One of the most essential issues for designing a power supply system of superconducting coil is to avoid any overvoltage. Here, the most concerned overvoltage can appear between turns due to the transiently concentrated voltage distribution inside the coil, which is mainly caused by parasitic capacitances and high dv/dt. For this reason, the coil power supply, especially fast high voltage generation circuit, should equip proper snubber(s) in order to suppress the dv/dt. However, it is too complicated to accurately evaluate the transient voltage in the coil because of the distributed parameters of the mutual inductance between turns and the capacitance between adjacent conductors. In this study, such a complicated system is modeled with reasonably detailed circuit network with lumped ones, and is integrated into the overall simulation model of JT-60SA PF coil circuit. Then a detailed circuit analysis is conducted in order to evaluate the possible voltage transient in the coil circuit. As a result, appropriate circuit parameters in the coil power supply including the snubbers are obtained.


ITER superconducting magnet system and manufacturing technology development

小泉 徳潔; 中嶋 秀夫

no journal, , 



Prospects of fusion simulation research for BA IFERC-CSC

矢木 雅敏

no journal, , 

IFERC-CSC (Computational Simulation Center in International Fusion Energy Research Center) is one of the projects of BA (Broader Approach) in Rokkasho, Japan. It will be available to a scientific community of more than 1,000 European and Japanese fusion researchers for the next five years starting from January 2012. The mission is to exploit large-scale and high performance fusion simulations which contribute to the fusion development (ITER & BA). The plasma theory and simulation group in JAEA has been promoted the NEXT (Numerical EXperiment of Tokamak) project, which is directed at understanding the complex properties of fusion plasmas and predicting the physical processes in the next generation of tokamaks, using recently advanced computer resources. In this presentation, the prospects of fusion simulation research for BA IFERC-CSC will be discussed briefly based on the extension of NEXT project in JAEA.


Plasma operational domain and the status of the project for JT-60SA

井手 俊介; JT-60SAチーム

no journal, , 

One of the objectives in JT-60SA is to establish a plasma operational scenario of high normalized beta ($$beta_{N}$$) and high bootstrap current fraction ($$f_{BS}$$) towards a steady-state tokamak DEMO. Towards this, integrated achievement and sustainment of high confinement, high $$beta_{N}$$ stability, full non-inductive current drive and heat and particle control are required. For this, various kinds of the operational scenarios have been developed and their performance have been investigated. By utilizing the JT-60SA actuators, it is expected on JT-60SA that an advanced plasma of high $$f_{BS}$$ of $$gt sim 60%$$, a high $$beta_{N}$$ of $$sim 4.3$$ is sustained fully non-inductively at 2.3 MA, for example. Towards ITER and DEMO relevant regime, operation at a higher current is also desired. JT-60SA is designed to operate up to 5.5 MA for this. In this presentation, expected plasma domain and the latest status of the construction will be explained.

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