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中島 慎介*; Moro, A.*; 小松 廉*; Faragasso, A.*; 松日楽 信人*; Woo, H.*; 川端 邦明; 山下 淳*; 淺間 一*
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima-Daiichi Decommissioning Research 2024 (FDR2024) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2024/10
Fuel debris retrieval at the bottom of the primary containment vessel (PCV) is one of the significant tasks for the decommissioning of the nuclear power plant and in particular for 1F. It is challenging for conventional manipulators to perform the retrieval process due to the presence of radiation, water leakage, and poor lighting conditions. We tackle those problems with the design and fabrication of a novel mechanical manipulator and its control and navigation algorithm. Continuous Variable Transmission (CVT)-based actuation improves the robot's shock resistance. AI-based navigation algorithm enables semiautonomous navigation and grasping in the cluttered environment inside the PCV.
Rizaal, M.; Luu, V. N.; 中島 邦久; 三輪 周平
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima-Daiichi Decommissioning Research 2024 (FDR2024) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2024/10
Thermochemistry prevailing between gaseous CsOH and concrete main chemical phase CaCO at temperatures up to 570C was investigated with various scenarios using the thermogravimetric method. The aim was to elucidate the decreasing behavior of cesium (Cs) trapping on CaCO observed in the transpiration method. A quasi-two-compartment platinum crucible was developed to realize co-measurements of both CsOH and CaCO during thermal treatment. Post-test X-ray diffraction was conducted to identify the chemical compound formed on the CaCO precursor. The early presence (timely sensitivity) of CsOH near the heated surface of CaCO was found to play a key role in the trapping (in the form of CsCO). Such a factor is crucial because, otherwise, the Ca(OH) would predominate the surface upon CaCO decomposition where leading to no reaction with CsOH.
森下 祐樹; 山田 勉*; 中曽根 孝政*; 菅野 麻里奈*; 佐々木 美雪; 眞田 幸尚; 鳥居 建男*
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配管に直接挿入できる新しいコンパクトなアルファ/ベータ検出器の作成した。検出器であるホスウィッチ検出器は、アルファ粒子とベータ粒子用のシンチレーターで構成される。アルファ粒子の場合、厚さ3.25mg/cmのZnS(Ag)シンチレータが1層目として使用され、6mm6mm6mmのセリウムドープGdGaAlO (GGAG)シンチレータが2層目シンチレータとして用いられた。GAGGシンチレータの底部には有効径8mmの小型光電子増倍管(H14603、浜松ホトニクス株式会社)を光学グリスで接続した。信号は小型光電子増倍管に内蔵されたプリアンプで増幅され、デジタイザー(DT5730S、CAEN)に入力された。アルファ/ベータ識別性能を確認した。続いて、アルファ粒子とベータ粒子を放出するトリウム源を同時に測定した。アルファ波形とベータ波形を区別するために、電荷積分(CI)法を採用した。2次元パルス形状識別(PSD)マップは、アルファ粒子とベータ粒子の2つのクラスターの分布を示し、どちらも効果的に識別された。検出器の外形寸法は22.0mm22.0mm30.0mmで、配管内に直接挿入して測定することが可能である。今後の課題として、シンチレータの組み合わせを変更することで、アルファ粒子とベータ粒子の識別の最適化を目指す。
Riyana E. S.; 坂本 雅洋; 松村 太伊知; 寺島 顕一; 奥村 啓介; 神野 郁夫
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The activity ratio of short half-life noble gas fission products, Kr to Xe (A(Kr/Xe)), has close relationship with the criticality () in the primary containment vessel (PCV) or fuel debris canister, in which fuel debris are accumulated. In this paper, we investigated the time-dependence of the A(Kr/Xe) when the changes according to an incident such as the change of geometry in the PCV. Our calculation shows a slow change of the A(Kr/Xe) value with the maximum or minimum values before settling in a new stable value after several hours from the change. The applicability and the suitability of the A(Kr/Xe) time-dependent measurement is discussed for the monitoring of the in PCV.
Guvar, C.*; Faure, J.*; Testud, V.*; Roger, J.*; Domenger, R.*; Valette, R.*; Brackx, E.*; Bouyer, V.*; Journeau, C.*; Berlemont, R.*; et al.
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高崎 浩司
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佐藤 拓未; 須藤 彩子; 永江 勇二
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In the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, various reactor structures melted and formed fuel debris, which accumulated in the primary containment vessel region. This fuel debris is considered to have a heterogeneous distribution of components at different locations. Understanding the distribution of GdO, which may behave as potential neutron absorber materials in the fuel UO, is especially important from the viewpoint of criticality safety for fuel retrieval. We conducted solidification tests of reactor materials to investigate component segregation and solidification behavior in fuel debris using a Cold Crucible Induction Heating technique at the Research Centre (CVR) in Czech Republic. In the tests, GdO was concentrated in the periphery of the sample, suggesting that it may segregate in the early solidification region. On the other hand, Fe was concentrated in the central region, i.e., in the late solidification region. Fe is considered to be concentrated in the late solidification position because, thermodynamically, it is distributed to the liquid phase during the solidification process. No significant segregation was observed in the simulated fission products.
坪田 陽一; Laffolley, H.; Porcheron, E.*; Journeau, C.*; Delacroix, J.*; Guvar, C.*; Brackx, E.*; Lallot, Y.*; Bouland, A.*
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山田 大地; 今渕 貴志; 川端 邦明
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This paper introduces the development of a 3-D information representation method to assist remote robot operators in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS). This research aims to make remote robot operation easier and improve the safety and efficiency of FDNPS decommissioning. The proposal method is to overlay grid lines on the camera image. This method helps the operator's spatial awareness without increasing workload because its usage is the same as using camera images. The experiment evaluates the implementation of this method for ground robot moving operation, and its results show that this method improves operator distance awareness and reduces workload.
寺島 顕一; 坂本 雅洋; 松村 太伊知; Riyana E. S.; 神野 郁夫; 奥村 啓介
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At the time of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident, mixed oxide (MOX) fuels were partially loaded in the core of Unit-3 while not in Unit-1 and Unit-2. Since the MOX fuel contain larger amount of plutonium even if its burnup degree is relatively smaller than that of UO fuel, it is expected to distinguish whether fuel debris are originated from MOX or UO. Therefore, we focused on Cm and Eu generated until the accident. From the burnup calculations, the possibility of a method for detecting the MOX-derived fuel debris was suggested.
三輪 周平; 中島 邦久; 唐澤 英年; Rizaal, M.; Luu, V. N.; Mohamad, A. B.
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鈴木 健太; 山田 大地; 川端 邦明
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池内 宏知
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FDR2024 Track 1「Fukushima Daiichi Accident Analysis and Fuel Debris Retrieval」でのキーノート講演として、デブリ性状把握Pjでの福島第一原子力発電所(1F)サンプルの分析に係るこれまでの成果と今後の展望を概括する。
羽成 敏秀; 川端 邦明; 今渕 貴志
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Pshenichnikov, A.; Zubekhina, B.; 多木 寛; Pham, V. H.
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It is well-known that that Cs aerosols and B aerosols interaction is possible during a severe accident. If it occurs before an interaction with steel and debris it can result in a completely different contaminating phases formation. All the factors can be combined and checked only in an integral large-scale bundle test. JAEA has an experience in making BWR bundle degradation tests using the LEISAN facility. During 13 years after the 1F accidents, JAEA/CLADS has performed CR, CRFCB, CRFCBF and CLADS-MADE large-scale bundle tests. The CLADS-MADE-05 is the next test in the series aiming at understanding the control blade melt propagation and mock-up assembly degradation together with Cs and B containing aerosol release. In the current work, first brief overview of the large-scale test results will be given.
西村 昭彦; 赤岡 克昭; 奥村 啓介
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寺阪 祐太; 佐藤 優樹
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We are working on the development and field application of radiation detectors based on optical fibers, aimed at understanding the contamination situation inside and outside the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) reactor buildings. In particular, we are developing sensors that focus on the high sensitivity and characteristic response of optical fibers to beta rays, especially for measuring Sr/Y. This nuclide is beta emitters and is not well-mapped compared to gamma-emitting nuclides such as Cs. Here, we have developed two new methods: a wavelength-resolving analysis method that utilizes the wavelength dependency of light attenuation inside optical fibers to obtain information on the incident position of radiation, and a Cherenkov TOF (Time-of-Flight) method that uses the energy dependency of the Cherenkov radiation angle inside optical fibers for nuclide discrimination.