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Thermodynamic properties and revised Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers equations of state parameters of the hydrated and dehydrated monomeric silica species at $$t$$ = 0.01-600$$^{circ}$$C, $$P$$ = 1-3000 bars, $$rho$$$$_{rm H2O}$$ = 0.35-1.1 g cm$$^{-3}$$, and $$I_{m}$$ = 0$$m$$

Walker, C. S.*; Arthur, R. C.*; 安楽 総太郎; 笹本 広; 三原 守弘

Applied Geochemistry, 175, p.106086_1 - 106086_17, 2024/11

水和した単量体シリカ(Si(OH)$$_{4}$$(aq), SiO(OH)$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$及びSiO$$_{2}$$(OH)$$_{2}$$$$^{2-}$$)及び脱水状態を想定した単量体シリカ(SiO$$_{2}$$(aq), HSiO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$及びSiO$$_{3}$$$$^{2-}$$)化学種の状態パラメータに関わる修正Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers式(r-H-K-F EoS)と熱力学特性は、シリカを含む全ての構成物の生成及び分解反応におけるpH、組成、温度及び圧力依存性を表すために幅広く用いられている。そのため、水和及び脱水状態の単量体シリカ化学種の生成反応に関わる平衡定数の実験値を文献から収集し、イオン相互作用理論に基づきイオン強度0へ外挿し、熱力学特性及びr-H-K-F EoSパラメータを導出した。同一の研究で全ての生成反応を考慮することで、単量体シリカ化学種の熱力学特性及びr-H-K-F EoSパラメータが見直され、これにより、温度=0.01-100$$^{circ}$$C、圧力=1-3000 bars,水の密度=0.35-1.1 g cm$$^{-3}$$の条件において、十分に合致するようになった。これらの温度・圧力は、放射性廃棄物の地層処分が想定される深さ1km程度までの温度(0.01-100$$^{circ}$$C)及び圧力(1-270 bars)を包括している。


Developing an online composition prediction for an HI-I$$_{2}$$-H$$_{2}$$O system using deep neural network

田中 伸幸; 竹上 弘彰; 野口 弘喜; 上地 優; Myagmarjav, O.; 小野 正人; 杉本 千紘

Chemical Engineering Science, 299, p.120479_1 - 120479_11, 2024/11



Advances in understanding cesium retention on calcium silicate material

Rizaal, M.; 中島 邦久

Chemosphere, 363, p.142870_1 - 142870_9, 2024/09

Retention or trapping of cesium, one of the radiologically important fission products, in the nuclear reactor becomes a great concern as the occurrence may affect radioactivity in the long term or its environmental fate. Herein the chemical compound of cesium that had been largely trapped on the nuclear reactor structural material of (calcium silicate) thermal insulator in a simulated nuclear accident condition was investigated. A combined pre- and post-water dissolution analysis through infrared (IR) spectroscopy and optical emission spectroscopy (OES) was explored to resolve the characterization difficulty encountered in conventional X-ray diffraction analysis reported in the previous works. This method allowed us to identify for the first time the related large amount of water-soluble cesium in the calcium silicate material after a high-temperature chemical reaction as cesium metasilicate (Cs$$_{2}$$SiO$$_{3}$$). It was evidenced by similar vibrational characteristics of the material to that in the synthesized Cs$$_{2}$$SiO$$_{3}$$ as well as the dissolved Cs and Si in the leaching water having a molar ratio of 2.16$$pm$$0.33. The corresponding 79-98% of the retained cesium in calcium silicate materials in the case study of 700 and 800$$^{circ}$$C reactions was of this compound, emphasizing its significance once formed. Thermodynamic considerations further corroborated the higher stability of Cs$$_{2}$$SiO$$_{3}$$ in the cesium-calcium silicate reaction than other cesium silicates such as Cs$$_{2}$$Si$$_{4}$$O$$_{9}$$, Cs$$_{2}$$Si$$_{2}$$O$$_{5}$$, or Cs$$_{6}$$Si$$_{2}$$O$$_{7}$$. This clearly poses a high environmental risk due to the volatility of cesium metasilicate as it may spread out further through the water leak path from a damaged nuclear reactor.


Liquid water radiolysis induced by secondary electrons generated from MeV-energy carbon ions

土田 秀次*; 手塚 智哉*; 甲斐 健師; 松谷 悠佑*; 間嶋 拓也*; 斉藤 学*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 161(10), p.104503_1 - 104503_8, 2024/09



Ferroaxial transitions in glaserite-type Na$$_2$$Ba${it M}$(PO$$_4$$)$$_2$$ (${it M}$ = Mg, Mn, Co, and Ni)

梶田 遥一*; 永井 隆之*; 山岸 茂直*; 木村 健太*; 萩原 雅人; 木村 剛*

Chemistry of Materials, 36(15), p.7451 - 7458, 2024/08

Ferroaxial transitions of Na$$_{2}$$Ba${it M}$(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$ (${it M}$ = Mg, Mn, Co, and Ni) with the glaserite structure, featuring rotational distortions of PO$$_{4}$$ tetrahedra, are investigated. Neutron powder diffraction (NPD) measurements on polycrystalline samples were carried out in the temperature range from room temperature to 800 K. Structure analyses on the NPD data revealed that all of the compounds studied here have a ferroaxial structure (space group: ${it P}$ $$bar{3}$$)at room temperature and undergo a ferroaxial transition into a non-ferroaxial phase (space group: ${it P}$ $$bar {3}$$${it m}$1) upon heating. Structural parameters change continuously at the transition temperature, which suggests that the ferroaxial transition of Na$$_{2}$$Ba${it M}$(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$ systems is of the second order. Furthermore, to examine the structural stability, ab initio phonon calculations were carried out for Na$$_{2}$$BaMg(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$. The calculated result shows that the rotational phonon mode instability inherent in the non-ferroaxial ${it P}$ $$bar{3}$$${it m}$1 phase leads to the ${it P}$ $$bar{3}$$ phases as a ground state, which well explains the experimental result. This study revealed that Na$$_{2}$$Ba${it M}$ (PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$ systems with the glaserite structure are a class of ferroaxial compounds showing a second-order pure ferroaxial transition.


Beryllium-7 depositions in Hokuriku, Japan in winter (1991-2021); Factors causing the temporal variation

吉田 圭佑; 加藤 慎吾; 奥山 慎一; 石森 有; 井上 睦夫*

Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences (Internet), 24, p.1 - 12, 2024/08

The factors causing the temporal variation of $$^{7}$$Be deposition in the Hokuriku region (the Sea of Japan side of central Honshu, the main island of Japan) during winter (November to February) were examined using monthly samples of $$^{7}$$Be deposition conducted over 30 years, spanning from 1991 to 2021. The predominant factors on $$^{7}$$Be deposition at a Hokuriku region site were as follows: 1) the amount of $$^{7}$$Be generated by cosmic rays, 2) the volume of air transported from the Arctic, and 3) the amount of precipitation at the observation site. The contribution of each of these factors fluctuated depending on the sampling period. The temporal variations in $$^{7}$$Be deposition during the first half of the sampling period (1991-2005) were primarily driven by cosmic rays. In contrast, during the latter half of the period (2006-2021), meteorological factors, particularly snowfall, emerged as significant contributors. This shift in influence was attributed to the effects of climate change in the Hokuriku region.


Ferroelectricity induced by a combination of crystallographic chirality and axial vector

永井 隆之*; 萩原 雅人; 横井 里江*; 森分 博紀*; 木村 剛*

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146(33), p.23348 - 23355, 2024/08

Ferroelectric materials compatible with magnetism and/or conductive properties provide a platform for exploring unconventional phenomena, such as the magnetoelectric effect, nonreciprocal responses, and nontrivial superconductivity. Though recent studies on multiferroics have offered several approaches, the search for magnetic and/or conducting ferroelectric materials is still a challenging issue under the traditional "d$$^{0}$$-ness" rule, refusing active d electrons. Here, we propose the emergence of ferroelectricity through a combination of crystallographic chirality and axial vector, accepting even non-d$$^{0}$$ magnetic ions. This proposal is demonstrated in quasi-one-dimensional magnetic systems SrM$$_{2}$$V$$_{2}$$O$$_{8}$$ (M = Ni, Mg, and Co). The ferroelectric phase transition is observed by measurements of neutron powder diffraction and dielectric properties in all compositions. Structural analyses and first-principles calculations indicate that these magnetic compounds are identified as proper-type ferroelectrics whose ferroelectric phase transition is achieved by spiral motions of crystallographic screw chains formed by edge-shared MO6 octahedra, considered as the combination of locally defined chirality and axial vector. Computationally predicted magnitude of spontaneous polarization of SrM$$_{2}$$V$$_{2}$$O$$_{8}$$ reaches $$sim$$10$$^{circ}$$$$mu$$C/cm$$^{2}$$, comparable to that of conventional ferroelectrics, despite the incorporation of non-d$$^{0}$$ magnetic elements. The mechanism proposed in this study offers a unique approach to the exploration of new ferroelectrics beyond the traditional paradigms.


Development of a non-destructive carbon quantification method in iron by negative muon lifetime measurement

二宮 和彦*; 久保 謙哉*; 稲垣 誠*; 吉田 剛*; 竹下 聡史*; 反保 元伸*; 下村 浩一郎*; 河村 成肇*; Strasser, P.*; 三宅 康博*; et al.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 333(7), p.3445 - 3450, 2024/07

A novel nondestructive light element analysis method for bulk materials using muon beams was demonstrated. This method is based on the lifetime measurement of muons in a material and performed by measuring muon-decay electrons and identifying elements using the atomic number based on muon lifetimes. Muon irradiation on pure iron and two steel samples with known carbon contents was conducted to prepare a calibration curve for the quantitative analysis. We also performed a muon lifetime measurement for a Japanese sword and successfully determined its carbon content as 0.51 wt% using the calibration curve, without sample destruction.


Theoretical study of cellobiose conversion by supported metal catalysts

中田 悠人; 佐々木 岳彦*; Thomsen, B.; 志賀 基之

Chemical Physics Letters, 845, p.141285_1 - 141285_9, 2024/06



Globular pattern formation of hierarchical ceria nanoarchitectures

青柳 登; 元川 竜平; 奥村 雅彦; 上田 祐生; 斉藤 拓巳*; 西辻 祥太郎*; 田口 富嗣*; 蓬田 匠; 佐崎 元*; 池田 篤史

Communications Chemistry (Internet), 7, p.128_1 - 128_13, 2024/06

Dissipative structures often appear as an unstable counterpart of ordered structures owing to fluctuations that do not form a homogeneous phase. Even a multiphase mixture may simultaneously undergo one chemical reaction near equilibrium and another one that is far from equilibrium. Here, we observed in real-time crystal seed formation and simultaneous nanocrystal aggregation proceeding from tetravalent cerium complexes to ceria nanoparticles in an acidic aqueous solution and investigated the resultant hierarchical nanoarchitecture. The formed particles exhibited two very different size ranges. The hierarchically assembled structures in solutions were ceria colloids, viz. primary core clusters of crystalline ceria and secondary clusters assembled through surface ions. Such self-assembly is widespread in multi-component complex fluids, paradoxically moderating hierarchical reactions. Stability and instability are not only critical but also complementary for co-optimization around the nearby free energy landscape prior to bifurcation.


Consideration of the dielectric response for radiation chemistry simulations

樋川 智洋; 甲斐 健師; 熊谷 友多; 横谷 明徳*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 160(21), p.214119_1 - 214119_9, 2024/06



Microbially formed Mn(IV) oxide as a novel adsorbent for removal of Radium

田中 万也; 山路 恵子*; 升屋 勇人*; 富田 純平; 小澤 麻由美*; 山崎 信哉*; 徳永 紘平; 福山 賢仁*; 小原 義之*; Maamoun, I.*; et al.

Chemosphere, 355, p.141837_1 - 141837_11, 2024/05

本研究では生物性マンガン酸化物を用いて人形峠坑水からのラジウム除去実験を行った。その結果、7.6mgの生物性マンガン酸化物を用いて3L坑水中から98%以上の$$^{226}$$Raを除去することが出来た。これは固液分配係数に換算すると10$$^{7.4}$$ mL/gという非常に高い値となり、生物性マンガン酸化物が実際の坑水処理に有効であることを示している。


Securing reversibility of U$$^{V}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$/U$$^{VI}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$redox equilibrium in [emim]Tf$$_{2}$$N-based liquid electrolytes towards uranium redox-flow battery

鷹尾 康一朗*; 大内 和希; 小松 篤史; 北辻 章浩; 渡邉 雅之

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 27(14), p.e202300787_1 - e202300787_7, 2024/05

U$$^{rm V}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$/U$$^{rm VI}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$の1-エチル-3-メチルイミダゾリウムビス(トリフルオロメチル)スルホニルアミド([emim]Tf$$_{2}$$N)イオン液体中での電気化学的挙動を研究し、劣化ウランをレドックスフロー電池の電極活物質として利用するために、U$$^{rm V}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$/U$$^{rm VI}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$の酸化還元可逆性を達成するために何が必要かを明らかにした。結果として、Cl$$^{-}$$存在下の[emim]Tf$$_{2}$$N中において、グラッシーカーボンを作用電極として用いU$$^{rm V}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$/U$$^{rm VI}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$の酸化還元反応の可逆性を得ることに成功した。また、溶質の拡散性を向上させるために、補助分子溶媒であるN,N-ジメチルホルムアミド(DMF)で希釈した。Cl$$^{-}$$を含む50:50v/vの[emim]Tf$$_{2}$$N-DMF液体電解質中で[U$$^{rm VI}$$O$$_{2}$$Cl$$^{4}$$]$$^{2-}$$ + e$$^{-}$$ = [U$$^{rm V}$$O$$_{2}$$Cl$$^{4}$$]$$^{3-}$$の可逆的酸化還元反応を示すことに成功した。


Interpenetration of rubber and silane coupling agent on an inorganic substrate revealed by spin-contrast-variation neutron reflectivity

熊田 高之; 岩原 大輔*; 西辻 祥太郎*; 阿久津 和宏*; 三浦 大輔; 元川 竜平; 杉田 剛; 鳥飼 直也*; 網野 直也*; 奥 隆之; et al.

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128(21), p.8797 - 8802, 2024/05



Investigation of sorption behavior of $$^{137}$$Cs in a river-sea system boundary area after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident

高田 兵衛*; 脇山 義史*; 和田 敏裕*; 平尾 茂一*; 青野 辰雄*; 中西 貴宏; 御園生 敏治; 尻引 武彦; 青山 道夫*

Marine Chemistry, 262, p.104384_1 - 104384_6, 2024/05

The radiocesium ($$^{137}$$Cs) distribution between dissolved and particulate phases was examined in river water and coastal seawater as a function of the $$^{137}$$Cs sorption behavior on suspended particles. Dissolved $$^{137}$$Cs activity concentrations in the Tomioka River (salinity $$<$$ 0.1) and in coastal seawater at Tomioka fishery port (salinity $$>$$ 30), Fukushima Prefecture, from June 2019 to October 2021 were 3.6-20 Bq/m$$^{3}$$ (geometric mean 11 Bq/m$$^{3}$$) and 2.4-86 Bq/m$$^{3}$$ (13 Bq/m$$^{3}$$), respectively. Although the suspended particle concentration was lower in the river (0.2-44 mg/L; geometric mean 2 mg/L) than in seawater (0.8-24 mg/L; 6.4 mg/L), the mean $$^{137}$$Cs activity on suspended particles was 11,000 Bq/kg-dry in the river versus 3,200 Bq/kg-dry in seawater. Proportions of ion-exchangeable, organically bound, and refractory fractions of $$^{137}$$Cs on suspended particles were determined by sequential extraction. The ion-exchangeable fraction accounted for 0.3-2.0% (mean 1.2%) and 0.4-1.3% (0.8%) at the river and port sites, respectively. The organically bound fraction accounted for 0.3-4.8% (1.8%) and 0.1-5.5% (2.1%) at the river and port sites, respectively. In both areas, the refractory fraction accounted for $$>$$ 90% of $$^{137}$$Cs. Unexpectedly, the ion-exchangeable fraction did not differ between the river and port sites, and the percentage at the river site did not vary during the sampling period. Therefore, the ion-exchangeable fraction in the river's lower reach was originally low or had decreased before the particles arrived there. The small labile $$^{137}$$Cs fraction on suspended particles indicates that the mobility of radiocesium to marine biota in this coastal region is low.


Existence of local polar domains in perovskite oxyfluoride, BaFeO$$_2$$F

勝又 哲裕*; 鈴木 涼*; 佐藤 直人*; 小田 良哉*; 本山 慎吾*; 鈴木 俊平*; 中島 護*; 稲熊 宜之*; 森 大輔*; 相見 晃久*; et al.

Chemistry of Materials, 36(8), p.3697 - 3704, 2024/04



Electrochemical behavior of neptunium in NaCl-2CsCl melt

林 博和; 湊 和生*

Electrochemistry (Internet), 92(4), p.043020_1 - 043020_5, 2024/04

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.03

NaCl-2CsCl溶融塩中のネプツニウムの挙動をサイクリックボルタンメトリ法やディファレンシャルパルスボルタンメトリ法などの電気化学的手法によって823から923Kにおいて測定した。NaCl-2CsCl溶融塩中において、Np$$^{4+}$$イオンは、LiCl-KCl共晶溶融塩中と同様に、Np$$^{3+}$$イオンを経てNpに還元されることを明らかにした。また、サイクリックボルタモグラムから、Np$$^{3+}$$及びNp$$^{4+}$$イオンの拡散係数を導出した。さらに、Np$$^{3+}$$/Np$$^{0}$$及びNp$$^{4+}$$/Np$$^{3+}$$酸化還元反応の式量電位が、E$$^*$$(Np$$^{3+}$$/Np$$^0$$) = -3.353 + 7.67$$times$$10$$^{-4}$$T及びE$$^*$$(Np$$^{4+}$$/Np$$^{3+}$$) = -1.175 + 4.99$$times$$10$$^{-4}$$ T vs. Cl$$_2$$/Cl$$^-$$ (V)であることを示し、Np$$^{3+}$$及びNp$$^{4+}$$イオンの活量係数を、NpCl$$_3$$及びNpCl$$_4$$の過冷却液体状態のギブス自由エネルギーの文献値を用いて導出した。


Phase transformation and equation of state in Ti-45Al alloy under high pressure

Li, X.*; Zhu, R.*; Xin, J.*; Luo, M.*; Shang, S.-L.*; Liu, Z.-K.*; Yin, C.*; 舟越 賢一*; Dippenaar, R. J.*; 肥後 祐司*; et al.

CALPHAD; Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 84, p.102641_1 - 102641_6, 2024/03

The phase transformations and pressure-volume dependencies of the Ti-45Al alloy with respect to pressure have been investigated by means of in-situ observation using multi anvil-type high-pressure devices and synchrotron radiation. Under hydrostatic compression from 0 to 10.1 GPa, about 2.3 vol. % of $$gamma$$ transforms continuously to $$alpha$$2. Lattice parameters as well as volume fractions of these two phases have been determined as a function of pressure. Bulk moduli estimated using Birch-Murnaghan's equation of state are 148 GPa for the $$gamma$$ phase, 138 GPa for the $$alpha$$2 phase, and 149 GPa for their two-phase mixture of Ti-45Al alloy. First-principles have also applied to investigate bulk moduli of two single phases, and the deviation between calculations and measurements is discussed and attributed to mainly phase transformation. The presently study provides useful insights into thermodynamics of $$alpha$$2 and $$gamma$$ phases under high pressure.


Crystal-like atomic arrangement and optical properties of 25La$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$-75MoO$$_{3}$$ binary glasses composed of isolated MoO$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$

増野 敦信*; 棟方 咲衣*; 岡本 芳浩; 家路 豊成*; 小杉 佳久*; 島川 祐一*

Inorganic Chemistry, 63(12), p.5701 - 5708, 2024/03

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.03(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)



Contrast dependence of scattering profiles for poly(ethylene glycol) in water; Investigation by small-angle neutron scattering with $$^{3}$$He spin filter and small-angle X-ray scattering

領木 研之*; 渡部 史*; 奥平 琢也*; 高橋 慎吾*; 奥 隆之; 廣井 孝介; 元川 竜平; 中村 洋*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 160(11), p.114907_1 - 114907_9, 2024/03

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.02

Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements were performed for deuterated and non-deuterated poly(ethylene glycol) (d-PEG and h-PEG, respectively) in D$$_{2}$$O and a D$$_{2}$$O/H$$_{2}$$O mixed solvent (Mix) to compere the scattering profiles. To determine the coherent scattering intensity of SANS, a $$^{3}$$He spin filter was utilized. The scattering profiles determined by SANS measurements were analyzed in terms of the wormlike chain model with touched beads along the contour of the chain. However, the SAXS profiles were not explained by the same model with uniform beads but with beads each consisting of a core and a shell having different electron densities. To explore the chain thickness determined form the SANS profile, scattering intensities for different combinations of d-PEG/D$$_{2}$$O, d-PEG/Mix, h-PEG/D$$_{2}$$O, and h-PEG/Mix were also examined.

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