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本田 充紀; 金田 結依; 村口 正和*; 早川 虹雪*; 小田 将人*; 飯野 千秋*; 石井 宏幸*; 後藤 琢也*
AIP Advances (Internet), 14(5), p.055034_1 - 055034_6, 2024/05
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)本研究は、希少かつ有毒な物質から得られる従来の熱電材料に代わるものとして、福島風化黒雲母(WB)を利用することを検討したものである。WBは粉砕、分級、溶融塩処理による熱処理を経て650Cから850
丸山 遥香*; 齊藤 英治; 他2名*
AIP Advances (Internet), 14(3), p.035217_1 - 035217_8, 2024/03
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)We developed a radio frequency discharge apparatus for He gas to investigate the spin states of metastable helium (He) interacting with solid-state surfaces. Our apparatus consisted of a stainless steel vacuum chamber, in which a coil produced He
by discharging introduced He gas. The spin states of the He
were detected using optical pumping and probing techniques. The chamber was designed to accommodate various solid-state samples. We measured the He
polarization produced at a dielectric prism surface by total internal reflection of the circularly polarized pumping light. Our apparatus can be used to investigate possible spin transfer from various solid surfaces to He
鈴木 和也; 水上 成美*
AIP Advances (Internet), 13(3), p.035225_1 - 035225_6, 2023/03
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:36.13(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)垂直磁化したMnGa電極とFeCoB電極からなるMgOバリア磁気トンネル接合(MTJ)を研究した。この垂直(-)MTJでは、トンネル磁気抵抗(TMR)を高めるために、MnGaとMgOの間の中間膜に薄い準安定bcc CoMn合金を利用した。さらに、MnGaとCoMnの間に薄いMgを介在させた場合の効果についても検討した。その結果、正方晶MnGa電極を用いた
重田 出*; Oku, Shuta*; 窪田 崇秀*; 木村 尚次郎*; 関 剛斎*; 篠崎 文重*; 淡路 智*; 高梨 弘毅; 廣井 政彦*
AIP Advances (Internet), 13(2), p.025116_1 - 025116_5, 2023/02
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)Superconducting properties were investigated in epitaxially layered films consisting of superconductor NbN and half-metallic Heusler alloy CoMnSi(CMS). Temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity
(T) was measured by applying perpendiar magnetic fields to the surface of NbN/CMS films. With the increase of the CMS thickness
, the upper critical field
decreased monotonically, but the superconducting transition temperature T
had the minimum of 10.1 K at
5 nm. The T
behavior was in qualitative agreement with the theory of the
-coupling. The pair-breaking parameter
determined by the superconducting fluctuation theory took the maximum at
= 3
5 nm, which would be related to the minimum of
. The experimental results reveal that the superconductivity of the NbN layer in NbN/CMS films is affected by the interplay between the superconducting NbN layer and the half-metallic CMS layer.
本田 充紀; 金田 結依; 矢板 毅
AIP Advances (Internet), 13(1), p.015314_1 - 015314_6, 2023/01
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:18.74(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)粘土鉱物の一種である風化黒雲母に対するSrの収着効率について検討した。放射性廃棄物処理問題の一つである福島第一原子力発電所事故による汚染水処理において、Sr
)の添加質量比が1:1, 1:5, 1:10とそれぞれ1倍,5倍,10倍と増加するにつれ、収着Sr
野村 英志*; 千葉 桃子*; 松尾 咲琴*; 野田 千晶*; 小林 悟*; Manjanna, J.*; 河村 幸彦*; 大石 一城*; 廣井 孝介; 鈴木 淳市*
AIP Advances (Internet), 12(3), p.035034_1 - 035034_5, 2022/03
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:47.88(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)We report results of polarized small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments at T = 10 K and 300 K for cubic FeO
submicron- sized particles, where formation of a complex spin vortex is expected. Magnetic SANS intensities of magnetization components in the direction perpendicular and parallel to the magnetic field were observed to change significantly at around the coercivity. Magnetization components parallel to the field minimizes around the coercivity both at T = 10 K and 300 K, whereas those perpendicular to the magnetic field maximizes near the coercivity and the maximum value differ greatly, depending on the temperature. Based on results of micromagnetic simulations, the observed SANS intensities were interpreted as due to magnetic structural changes from a flower to a spin vortex state and gradual tilting of a vortex core from the external field to magnetocrystalline anisotropy axes at low fields.
松谷 悠佑; 楠本 多聞*; 谷内 淑恵*; 平田 悠歩; 三輪 美沙子*; 石川 正純*; 伊達 広行*; 岩元 洋介; 松山 成男*; 福永 久典*
AIP Advances (Internet), 12(2), p.025013_1 - 025013_9, 2022/02
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:54.70(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)ホウ素中性子捕捉療法(Boron Neutron Capture Therapy: BNCT)は、腫瘍細胞選択的にホウ素薬剤を集積させ、Bと熱中性子の核反応から発生する
Be反応からの中性子生成の推定が可能となった。本研究では、病院設置型BNCTの治療効果の評価へ向けて、PHITSで考慮されている中性子発生断面積や中性子エネルギー分布の基礎的検証を行った。さらに、熱中性子や反跳陽子の発生数 を試算し、BF
熊添 博之*; 五十嵐 康彦*; Iesari, F.*; 清水 亮太*; 小松 遊矢*; 一杉 太郎*; 松村 大樹; 齋藤 寛之*; 岩満 一功*; 岡島 敏浩*; et al.
AIP Advances (Internet), 11(12), p.125013_1 - 125013_5, 2021/12
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:27.02(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)This letter presents a Bayesian sparse modeling method to analyze extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) data with basis functions built on two-body signals. This method allows us to evaluate regression coefficients proportional to the radial distribution functions of the respective elements and their errors and is very effective for analysis of EXAFS with weak absorption intensity and severe signal-to-noise ratio. As an application example, we used it to analyze EXAFS of an yttrium oxyhydride (YOH
) epitaxial thin film. This EXAFS data shows weak absorption intensity due to the small amount of X-ray absorption in the thin film sample. However, this approach revealed that the radial distance ratio of the second neighbor yttrium to the first neighbor oxygen coincides with that of a tetrahedral configuration. This result demonstrates that the interstitial oxygen position is tetrahedral in the YO
thin film.
鈴土 知明; 都留 智仁
AIP Advances (Internet), 11(6), p.065012_1 - 065012_7, 2021/06
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:33.95(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)本研究では、第一原理計算手法を利用して、モリブデン(Mo)とタングステン(W)の自己格子間原子(SIA)を他のBCC遷移金属と比較して解析した。特に、{110}平面上で111
Yoon, J.-Y.*; 竹内 祐太郎*; DuttaGupta, S.*; 山根 結太*; 金井 駿*; 家田 淳一; 大野 英男*; 深見 俊輔*
AIP Advances (Internet), 11(6), p.065318_1 - 065318_6, 2021/06
被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:78.00(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)We investigate the relationship between structural parameters, magnetic ordering, and the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) of MnSn
) thin films annealed at various temperature
. The crystal structure changes with
and at
C near the stoichiometric composition (
) epitaxial single-phase
) is obtained. At room temperature, a larger AHE is obtained when the single-phase epitaxial Mn
Sn with the lattice constant closer to that of bulk is formed. The temperature dependence of the AHE shows different behaviors depending on
and can be explained by considering the variation of magnetic ordering. A close inspection into the temperature and composition dependence suggests a variation of magnetic phase transition temperature with composition and/or a possible correlation between the AHE and Fermi level position with respect to the Weyl points. Our comprehensive study would provide the basis for utilizing the unique functionalities of non-collinear antiferromagnetic materials.
中沢 哲也
AIP Advances (Internet), 11(4), p.045032_1 - 045032_8, 2021/04
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:5.26(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)Fe分子のさまざまな電子状態における分子構造とエネルギー準位をCCSDおよびCCSD(T)計算によって調べた。Fe
)は基底状態の次に最低のエネルギー状態にあり、基底状態とほとんど等しいエネルギー状態で縮退している。CCSD(T)計算ではスピン多重度13に対して、基底状態と5つの励起状態が0.20eV未満にあるのが確認された。一方、スピン多重度9, 11, 15の電子状態は、0.20eV以上にのみ確認された。また、詳細な自然結合軌道(NBO)分析から、スピン多重度13においてFe
林 慶*; 齋藤 亘*; 杉本 和哉*; 大山 研司*; 林 好一*; 八方 直久*; 原田 正英; 及川 健一; 稲村 泰弘; 宮崎 譲*
AIP Advances (Internet), 11(2), P. 029903_1, 2021/02
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)MgSi is a potential thermoelectric (TE) material that can directly convert waste energy into electricity. In expectation of improving its TE performance by increasing electron carrier concentration, the element boron (B) is doped in Mg
Si single crystals (SCs). Their detailed crystal structures are definitely determined by using white neutron holography and single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SC-XRD) measurements. The white neutron holography measurement proves that the doped B atom successfully substitutes for the Mg site. The SC-XRD measurement confirms the B-doping site and also reveals the presence of the defect of Si vacancy (VSi) in the B-doped Mg
Si SCs. Regarding TE properties, the electrical conductivity,
, and the Seebeck coefficient, S, decreases and increases, respectively, due to the decrease in the electron carrier concentration, contrary to the expectation. The power factor of the B-doped Mg
Si SCs evaluated from
and S does not increase but rather decreases by the B-doping.
鈴土 知明; 海老原 健一; 都留 智仁
AIP Advances (Internet), 10(11), p.115209_1 - 115209_8, 2020/11
被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:61.66(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)BCC金属の脆性破壊のメカニズムはまだ明確には理解されているとは言えない。本研究では、鉄のへき開破壊の解析のため一連の3次元分子動力学シミュレーションを行った。特に、湾曲したき裂フロントから始まるモードI変形に焦点を当てた。シミュレーション結果、{100}面でへき開による脆性破壊が観察されたが、他の面では転位の放出によりき裂が鈍化した。この結果は{100}がbcc遷移金属で優先的に観測されるへ開面あるという一般的な実験的観察を再現した。
林 慶*; 齋藤 亘*; 杉本 和哉*; 大山 研司*; 林 好一*; 八方 直久*; 原田 正英; 及川 健一; 稲村 泰弘; 宮崎 譲*
AIP Advances (Internet), 10(3), p.035115_1 - 035115_7, 2020/03
被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:69.95(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)MgSi is a potential thermoelectric (TE) material that can directly convert waste energy into electricity. In expectation of improving its TE performance by increasing electron carrier concentration, the element boron (B) is doped in Mg
Si single crystals (SCs). Their detailed crystal structures are definitely determined by using white neutron holography and single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SC-XRD) measurements. The white neutron holography measurement proves that the doped B atom successfully substitutes for the Mg site. The SC-XRD measurement confirms the B-doping site and also reveals the presence of the defect of Si vacancy (VSi) in the B-doped Mg
Si SCs. Regarding TE properties, the electrical conductivity,
, and the Seebeck coefficient, S, decreases and increases, respectively, due to the decrease in the electron carrier concentration, contrary to the expectation. The power factor of the B-doped Mg
Si SCs evaluated from
and S does not increase but rather decreases by the B-doping.
大柳 洸一*; 吉川 貴史*; 齊藤 英治
AIP Advances (Internet), 10(1), p.015031_1 - 015031_5, 2020/01
被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:63.97(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)We report the nonlocal spin Seebeck effect (nlSSE) in a lateral configuration of Pt/YFe
(YIG)/Pt systems as a function of the magnetic field
(up to 10 T) at various temperatures
(3 K
300 K). The nlSSE voltage decreases with increasing B in a linear regime with respect to the input power (the applied charge-current squared
). The reduction of the nlSSE becomes substantial when the Zeeman energy exceeds thermal energy at low temperatures, which can be interpreted as freeze-out of magnons relevant for the nlSSE. Furthermore, we found the nonlinear power dependence of the nlSSE with increasing
at low temperatures (
20 K), at which the B-induced signal reduction became less visible. Our experimental results suggest that in the nonlinear regime, high-energy magnons are overpopulated compared to those expected from the thermal energy. We also estimate the magnon spin diffusion length as functions of
久保田 正人; 児子 精祐*; 加藤 誠一*; 雨宮 健太*
AIP Advances (Internet), 9(9), p.095050_1 - 095050_4, 2019/09
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:8.48(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)アルミ酸化膜のメモリ機能と微視的な物性の関係を明らかにするために、放射光吸収測定を行い、電気特性の変化に伴う酸素サイトの電子状態の変化を直接的に捉えることに成功した。
長村 光造*; 町屋 修太郎*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 川崎 卓郎; Harjo, S.; Zhang, Y.*; 藤田 真司*; 飯島 康裕*; Hampshire, D. P.*
AIP Advances (Internet), 9(7), p.075216_1 - 075216_11, 2019/07
被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:40.98(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)In the commercial coated conductor tapes, the twinned structure of REBCO (REBaCu
, RE = Y and Gd) is characterized as either
orientation based on the tape length direction. In this study, we investigate the effects of the two different twinned structures on the critical current
of the REBCO tapes by combining; transport critical current and synchrotron radiation diffraction measurements. For the tapes with
oriented twins, we observed the inverted parabolic strain behavior on the uniaxial strain dependence of
. In contrast, the ones with
oriented twins showed a weak strain behavior without any maximum appeared in the strain dependence. Such a different uniaxial strain dependence was analyzed by using the one-dimensional twin model with different fractional lengths of A-domains and B-domains of REBCO twins. This model explains the essential features of the different uniaxial strain dependence we observed.
齊藤 結花*; 常磐 拳志郎*; 近藤 崇博*; Bao, J.*; 寺澤 知潮; 乗松 航*; 楠 美智子*
AIP Advances (Internet), 9(6), p.065314_1 - 065314_6, 2019/06
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:18.78(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)Longitudinal strains in epitaxial monolayer graphene (EMG) grown on SiC substrates were evaluated by -polarization Raman microscopy. Due to the covalent bonds formed at the interface between graphene and the substrate, strong compressive strains were loaded on the EMG, which were sensitively detected by Raman spectroscopy. Our polarization Raman microscope was specially designed for evaluating the longitudinal (
-polarization) strain, as well as the lateral (
-polarization Raman microscopy revealed the relationship between the fluctuation of the local strains and the sample morphology in the SiC-graphene through submicron spatial resolution mapping. The amount of strain estimated through Raman shift and its spatial inhomogeneity have critical influence on the mobility of electrons, which are essential for future device applications of EMG.
池内 和彦*; 中島 健次; 河村 聖子; 梶本 亮一; 脇本 秀一; 鈴木 謙介*; 藤田 全基*
AIP Advances (Internet), 8(10), p.101318_1 - 101318_5, 2018/10
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)中性子散乱実験により、Al不純物を導入した実効ホール濃度0.25の銅酸化物超伝導体、LaSr
平賀 晴弘*; 大山 研司*; 小坂 昌史*; 松村 大樹
AIP Advances (Internet), 8(10), p.101424_1 - 101424_5, 2018/10
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:3.92(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)The specific heat of MnFe
Si was measured over a wide temperature range. Aside from the lattice and electronic specific heat components, another component had a significant contribution to the specific heat at low temperatures in the case of
= 0.2; however, its contribution decreased when
= 1.0. It is observed that the net component was retained at temperatures significantly higher than
for both
. The XAFS spectra of the Mn
-edge for
= 0 not only indicated a smooth structure near the edge, but also an unusually small amplitude in the extended high energy region; however, these features disappeared with Fe doping. The specific heat and XAFS data were discussed interms of the charge degree of freedom or electronic inhomogeneity.