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JAEA-Review 2024-037, 141 Pages, 2024/11


JRR-3(Japan Research Reactor No.3)には、日本原子力研究開発機構(原子力機構)が所管する15台の中性子ビーム利用実験装置が設置されており、装置高度化を含めた原子力機構の独自利用を行うとともに施設供用装置として外部利用者に供し、様々な研究成果を創出している。本報告書は、運転再開後の令和3年度、令和4年度の独自利用研究および中性子ビーム利用実験装置の高度化などの技術開発の進捗状況を取りまとめたものである。



長谷美 宏幸; 甲斐 哲也

JAEA-Testing 2024-001, 39 Pages, 2024/08


RAIM (Resonance Analysis code for neutron IMaging)は大強度陽子加速器施設J-PARCの物質・生命科学実験施設(MLF)などのパルス中性子源で測定した共鳴吸収スペクトルを解析し、試料の原子核の密度や温度などの情報を求める解析コードである。RAIMは中性子のパルス関数と断面積データをもとにした共鳴吸収関数の畳み込み計算によりパルス中性子源で測定される共鳴吸収スペクトルを再現し、測定で得られた共鳴吸収スペクトルデータに対してフィッティングを行うことで、試料に含まれる特定の元素の密度や温度を求めることができる。また、RAIMは計算設定のパラメータを極力少なくすることや、2次元検出器で測定した数多くのスペクトルを一括で処理するスクリプトを用意するなど、共鳴イメージングデータを容易に解析することを念頭に開発されている。本書はRAIMの計算機へのインストール方法および共鳴吸収スペクトルのシミュレーションと測定データへのフィッティング方法について説明するマニュアルである。


Practical tests of neutron transmission imaging with a superconducting kinetic-inductance sensor

Vu, TheDang; 宍戸 寛明*; 相澤 一也; 小嶋 健児*; 小山 富男*; 及川 健一; 原田 正英; 奥 隆之; 曽山 和彦; 宮嶋 茂之*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1006, p.165411_1 - 165411_8, 2021/08


 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:15.03(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We found that the sizes of the Gd islands determined from the transmission image correlated strongly with those determined from the SEM image. We demonstrated the CB-KID could be used to identify (1) tiny voids in a thermally sprayed continuous Gd$$_2$$O$$_3$$ film in and (2) various mosaic morphologies and different eutectic microstructures in Wood's metal samples. The fact that the CB-KID system could be used to identify features of samples with a wide distribution of sizes and thicknesses is promising for real application of the device for imaging samples of interest to material scientists. Operating the CB-KID at higher temperatures appreciably improved the efficiency for simultaneously identifying the X and Y positions of hotspots. We also compared the detection efficiency with the PHITS simulations. We now plan to improve the detection efficiency by increasing the thickness of the $$^{10}$$B neutron conversion layer


Analysis and mapping of detailed inner information of crystalline grain by wavelength-resolved neutron transmission imaging with individual Bragg-dip profile-fitting analysis

櫻井 洋亮*; 佐藤 博隆*; 足立 望*; 諸岡 聡; 戸高 義一*; 加美山 隆*

Applied Sciences (Internet), 11(11), p.5219_1 - 5219_17, 2021/06

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:33.74(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

As a new method for evaluating single crystal and oligocrystal, pulsed neutron Bragg-dip transmission analysis/imaging method is being developed. In this study, a single Bragg-dip profile fitting analysis method was newly developed, and applied for analyzing detailed inner information in a crystalline grain position-dependently. In the method, the spectrum profile of a single Bragg-dip is analyzed at each position over a grain. As a result, it is expected that changes of crystal orientation, mosaic spread angle and thickness of a perfect crystal can be evaluated from the wavelength, the width and the integrated intensity of the Bragg-dip, respectively. For confirming this effectiveness, the method was applied to experimental data of position-dependent Bragg-dip transmission spectra of a Si-steel plate consisting of oligocrystals. As a result, inner information of multiple crystalline grains could be visualized and evaluated. The small change of crystal orientation in a grain, about 0.4$$^{circ}$$, could be observed by imaging the Bragg-dip wavelengths. By imaging the Bragg-dip widths, both another grain and mosaic block in a grain were detected. Furthermore, imaging results of the integrated intensities of Bragg-dips were consistent with the results of Bragg-dip width imaging. These small crystallographic changes have not been observed and visualized by previous Bragg-dip analysis methods.


Neutron Bragg-edge transmission imaging for microstructure and residual strain in induction hardened gears

Su, Y. H.; 及川 健一; 篠原 武尚; 甲斐 哲也; 堀野 孝*; 井戸原 修*; 三阪 佳孝*; 友田 陽*

Scientific Reports (Internet), 11, p.4155_1 - 4155_14, 2021/02


 被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:76.24(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

A time-of-flight Bragg-edge neutron transmission imaging was used to investigate the microstructure and strain distributions in a gear hardened by a newly developed two-step induction-heating method: precursor (Sample 1) and final product (Sample 2). The edge- position and edge-broadening were determined and mapped with high spatial resolution, which enabled us to confirm the two-dimensional distributions of the microstructure and residual strain. A deep hardened layer was made for Sample 1 in which martensite was formed on the entire teeth and the outer peripheral portion of the gear body. Sample 2 was subjected to double induction-hardening, where a tempered martensite was formed as the thermal refined microstructure between a fine-grained martensite at the tooth surface and a ferrite-pearlite microstructure at the core. The relationship between edge-broadening and the Vickers hardness described by a linear equation was employed to derive the elastic residual strain. The residual strain map for Sample 2 revealed that a steep compressive strain was introduced into the fine-grained martensite at the tooth surface by the super rapid induction- heating and quenching process. The reversal of tension was speculated to occur below 2 mm from the tooth tip, and the strain was almost zero in the core region.


Homogeneity of neutron transmission imaging over a large sensitive area with a four-channel superconducting detector

Vu, TheDang; 宍戸 寛明*; 小嶋 健児*; 小山 富男*; 及川 健一; 原田 正英; 宮嶋 茂之*; 奥 隆之; 曽山 和彦; 相澤 一也; et al.

Superconductor Science and Technology, 34(1), p.015010_1 - 015010_10, 2021/01

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:27.66(Physics, Applied)

We demonstrated that a four-readout superconducting neutron imaging system shows good spatial heterogeneity and linearity using the delay-line method. We examined the precise pattern of a $$^{10}$$B-dot-array absorber and found the X-direction pitch (Px) = 250.7 um with a scatter of (Hx)= 5.4 um and the Y-direction pitch (Py)= 249.1 um with a scatter of (Hy)= 3.4 um while the $$^{10}$$B dot array was fully extended toward the X direction across the detector sensitive area. We consider that this demonstrates detection with good spatial homogeneity and conclude. The transmission-imaging system is suitable for use at pulsed neutron facilities. We also reported a clear transmission image of tiny screws and nuts, and ladybug (insect). We recognize that further efforts to improve the detection efficiency are necessary to make using the detector more practical.


Monte Carlo radiation transport modelling of the current-biased kinetic inductance detector

Malins, A.; 町田 昌彦; Vu, TheDang; 相澤 一也; 石田 武和*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 953, p.163130_1 - 163130_7, 2020/02


 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:53.41(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Radiation transport simulations were used to analyse neutron imaging with the current-biased kinetic inductance detector (CB-KID). The PHITS Monte Carlo code was applied for simulating neutron, $$^{4}$$He, $$^{7}$$Li, photon and electron transport, $$^{10}$$B(n,$$alpha$$)$$^{7}$$Li reactions, and energy deposition by particles within CB-KID. Slight blurring in simulated CB-KID images originated $$^{4}$$He and $$^{7}$$Li ions spreading out in random directions from the $$^{10}$$B conversion layer in the detector prior to causing signals in the $$X$$ and $$Y$$ superconducting Nb nanowire meander lines. 478 keV prompt gamma rays emitted by $$^{7}$$Li nuclei from neutron-$$^{10}$$B reactions had negligible contribution to the simulated CB-KID images. Simulated neutron images of $$^{10}$$B dot arrays indicate that sub 10 $$mu$$m resolution imaging should be feasible with the current CB-KID design. The effect of the geometrical structure of CB-KID on the intrinsic detection efficiency was calculated from the simulations. An analytical equation was then developed to approximate this contribution to the detection efficiency. Detection efficiencies calculated in this study are upper bounds for the reality as the effects of detector temperature, the bias current, signal processing and dead-time losses were not taken into account. The modelling strategies employed in this study could be used to evaluate modifications to the CB-KID design prior to actual fabrication and testing, conveying a time and cost saving.



清水 一行*; 林田 洋寿*; 戸田 裕之*; 甲斐 哲也; 松本 吉弘*; 松本 佳久*

日本金属学会誌, 83(11), p.434 - 440, 2019/11

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:5.33(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

Neutron imaging experiment was performed to visualize the distribution of solute hydrogen in an Al-10.1%Zn-1.2%Mg alloy and a pure palladium after hydrogen charging. Changes in the contrast of neutron transmission images caused by hydrogen were clearly observed in a palladium. In the wavelength range of 2-3 AA and 5-13.5 AA, the mean neutron transmission around the center of a hydrogen-charged palladium were 0.692 and 0.511, respectively. The hydrogen content in a palladium was estimated to be 10.8 mol% from the measured neutron transmission. This study has demonstrated that hydrogen content can be analyzed by considering the wavelength dependence of neutron intensity. On the other hand, hydrogen could not be observed from the neutron transmission image in Al-Zn-Mg alloys. This was due to the low hydrogen content, which was mass ppm level even after hydrogen charging, and statistical precision was not sufficient to discuss the amount of hydrogen of the mass ppm order.


Visualization of phase distribution in lead-bismuth eutectic during one-dimensional solidification process

伊藤 大介*; 佐藤 博隆*; 齊藤 泰司*; Parker, J. D.*; 篠原 武尚; 甲斐 哲也

Journal of Visualization, 22(5), p.889 - 895, 2019/06

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:6.62(Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications)

Solidification process of lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) is one of the key phenomena to prevent flow channel blockage accident in an LBE-cooled accelerator-driven system. However, the solidification of liquid metal cannot be observed optically and it is difficult to detect noninvasively. In this study, the one-dimensional solidification process of the LBE was visualized by pulsed neutron transmission imaging. Neutrons have higher transmittivity to the LBE than X-ray and neutron transmission spectrum of the LBE sample can be obtained by pulsed neutron imaging technique. The solid and liquid phases of the LBE were identified during the solidification process by the presence or absence of Bragg edge in the measured neutron transmission spectrum, and the transient behavior of the solid-liquid interface could be visualized. In addition, the characteristic spatial distribution of the crystalline structure was found in Bragg-edge transmission image after the solidification.


Deformation analysis of reinforced concrete using neutron imaging technique

小山 拓*; 上野 一貴*; 関根 麻里子*; 松本 吉弘*; 甲斐 哲也; 篠原 武尚; 飯倉 寛; 鈴木 裕士; 兼松 学*

Materials Research Proceedings, Vol.4, p.155 - 160, 2018/05

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Characterization & Testing)

We developed, in this study, a novel method to observe internal deformation of concrete by the neutron transmission imaging technique. In order to visualize the internal deformation of concrete, the cement paste markers containing Gd$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ powder were two-dimensionally dispersed around the ferritic deformed rebar in the reinforced concrete. This experiment was conducted using BL22, RADEN, in the Material and Life Science Experimental Facility of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. The transmission images of the reinforced concrete sample were taken at several positions on the vertical sample stage, and the displacement of the marker from the initial position was successfully evaluated within approximately $$pm$$0.1 mm accuracy by image analysis for selected markers with higher contrast and circularity. Furthermore, concrete deformation under pull-out loading to the embedded rebar was evaluated by the same way, and its reaction compressive deformation was successfully observed by analyzing the displacement of the markers. The results obtained in this study bring beneficial knowledge that the measurement accuracy of the marker displacement can be improved more by choosing a spherical shape of the marker and by increasing the contrast of the marker.


Using LiF crystals for high-performance neutron imaging with micron-scale resolution

Faenov, A.*; 松林 政仁; Pikuz, T.*; 福田 祐仁; 神門 正城; 安田 良; 飯倉 寛; 野島 健大; 酒井 卓郎; 塩澤 方浩*; et al.

High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 3, p.e27_1 - e27_9, 2015/10

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:47.92(Optics)

This paper describes an overview of our recent discovery - clear demonstration that LiF crystals can be efficiently used as a high-performance neutron imaging detector based on optically stimulated luminescence of color centers generated by neutron irradiation. It is shown that the neutron images we have obtained are almost free from granular noise, have a spatial resolution of 5.4 $$mu$$m and a linear response with a dynamic range of at least 10$$^{3}$$. The high contrast and good sensitivity of LiF crystals allow us to distinguish two holes with less than 2% transmittance difference. We propose to use such detectors in areas where high spatial resolution with high image gradation resolution is needed, including diagnostics of different plasma sources such as laser and z-pinch produced plasmas.


High thermo-separation efficiency of $$^{99m}$$Tc from molten $$^{100}$$MoO$$_{3}$$ samples by repeated milking tests

永井 泰樹; 川端 方子; 佐藤 望; 橋本 和幸; 佐伯 秀也; 本石 章司*

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 83(8), p.083201_1 - 083201_4, 2014/07

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:58.98(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

High thermo-separation efficiencies of about 90% and 70% have been obtained for the first time for $$^{rm 99m}$$Tc from molten MoO$$_{3}$$ samples containing $$^{99}$$Mo with thicknesses of 4.0 and 8.8 mm, respectively, by repeated milking tests. $$^{99}$$Mo was produced with $$^{100}$$Mo($$n$$,2$$n$$)$$^{99}$$Mo by using neutrons from $$^{3}$$H($$d$$,$$n$$)$$^{4}$$He. The thermo-separation efficiency was determined by measuring the 141 keV $$gamma$$-ray yield of $$^{rm 99m}$$Tc within the molten MoO$$_{3}$$ samples with a radiation detector as a function of the furnace temperature and time. The diffusion coefficients of $$^{rm 99m}$$Tc in the molten MoO$$_{3}$$ samples were estimated in order to help understand the $$^{rm 99m}$$Tc release mechanism. The present result solves a long-standing problem of decreasing the separation efficiency of $$^{rm 99m}$$Tc from MoO$$_{3}$$ while increasing the sample mass or repeating sublimation in thermo-separation, and will bring a major breakthrough to obtain high-quality $$^{rm 99m}$$Tc from MoO$$_{3}$$ irradiated by accelerator-neutrons (protons) or reactor-neutrons.


Hydrogen and hydration in proteins and nucleic acids; Neutron diffraction from bio-macromolecules at JAERI

新村 信雄; 新井 栄揮; 栗原 和男; 茶竹 俊行*; 田中 伊知朗*; Bau, R.*

Hydrogen- and Hydration-Sensitive Structural Biology, p.17 - 35, 2005/00




坂佐井 馨; 片桐 政樹; 松林 政仁; Rhodes, N.*; Schoonveld, E.*

JAERI-Research 2004-020, 19 Pages, 2004/12


ZnS:Ag/$$^{6}$$LiFシンチレータと波長シフトファイバを用いた背面読み取り法により位置検出を行う64$$times$$64チャンネル高位置分解能中性子イメージ検出器の検出特性を英国ラザフォードアップルトン研究所のISISにおいて測定した。その結果、ISISが実際に用いているApplied Scintillator Technology(AST)社製シンチレータを用いた場合、熱中性子に対して検出効率が24.5%であることがわかった。また、同時に$$gamma$$線感度を$$^{60}$$Co線源を用いて測定した結果、7$$times$$10$$^{-5}$$counts/photonsであることがわかった。原研で開発したZnS:Agと$$^{6}$$LiFとの比が1.5:1としたシンチレータでは熱中性子に対して検出効率が14.5%とISISのものに対して約60%であることがわかった。検出効率については、1-1, 1-2, 2-1、及び2-2コインシデンス法についてそれぞれ評価した。本検出器による中性子イメージ特性は、原研CNRF施設を用いて評価した。直径2mmの穴のあいたCdコリメータを用いて測定した結果、明瞭なビームイメージが得られることがわかった。2-2コインシデンス法を用いた場合には、検出効率は下がるものの位置分解能が改善されることを確認した。



坂佐井 馨; 片桐 政樹; 中村 龍也

JAERI-Research 2004-019, 33 Pages, 2004/12




Application of invasion mathematical model in dosimetry for boron neutron capture therapy for malignant glioma

山本 和喜; 熊田 博明; 中井 啓*; 遠藤 聖*; 山本 哲哉*; 松村 明*

Proceedings of 11th World Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy (ISNCT-11) (CD-ROM), 14 Pages, 2004/10



Preliminary examination of a CCD camera with a scintillator coated fiber optic plate for neutron imaging

松林 政仁; 曽山 和彦

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 529(1-3), p.384 - 388, 2004/08

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:48.24(Instruments & Instrumentation)

高空間分解能イメージングを目的として、蛍光体塗布Fiber Optic Plate(FOP)付きCCDカメラを冷・熱中性子ビームで試験した。CCDカメラとシンチレータとの光学的結合法としてFOP結合法と従来型のレンズ結合法を比較すると高空間分解能イメージングにはFOP結合法が有利である。JRR-3Mの冷・熱中性子ラジオグラフィ装置場を用いてGd$$_{2}$$O$$_{2}$$S(Tb)シンチレータの塗布重量,FOPのテーパー比をパラメータとして発光量,Edge Spread Function(ESF),MTFチャートの可視化等の測定を行った。その結果、テーパー比1:1の場合には塗布重量5mg/cm$$^{2}$$で最良値が得られ熱中性子:ESF 35$$mu$$m,冷中性子:ESF 37$$mu$$mとなった。FOPのテーパー比を1:2あるいは1:3とした場合には25$$mu$$mのLine Pairs(LP)まで冷中性子により分離可視化できた。さらに撮像応用例として小さなリチウムイオン電池の三次元CT,PC用ハードディスク軸受け部のオイルの動きの可視化を行った。


Novel instrument system for discriminating secondary particles in high-spatial-resolution neutron detection

山岸 秀志; 中村 龍也; 曽山 和彦; 正岡 聖; 相澤 一也

Review of Scientific Instruments, 75(7), p.2340 - 2345, 2004/07

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:45.46(Instruments & Instrumentation)

ヘリウム-3($$^{3}$$He)ガスを用いた高位置分解能二次元中性子検出器(2D-ND)の開発のため、二次粒子を識別する機能を有した新しい計測システム(InSPaD)の検討を行った。InSPaDは各信号チャンネルに特定の弁別レベルを単に設定することによって、$$^{3}$$He(${it n}$,${it p}$)${it T}$反応で発生したプロトンとトリトンのトラックを識別することができる。そして、そのシステムは高い位置検出分解能,高計数率,低バックグラウンド及び安定性を実現する。InSPaDを用いた2D-NDのシミュレーションを行い、$$^{3}$$Heに10%のC$$_{2}$$H$$_{6}$$を混合し、圧力0.3MPaで封入したガス条件で、0.46mmの位置分解能が得られることを示した。また、MSGCを用いた中性子計測実験により、二次粒子の飛程及び出力パルス波高分布を測定し、シミュレーション結果と測定結果がよく合っていることを確認した。以上の検討及び実験結果からInSPaDの実現の見通しが得られた。



栗原 和男; 田中 伊知朗*; 新村 信雄

日本結晶学会誌, 46(3), p.193 - 200, 2004/05

この入門講座はX線タンパク質結晶構造解析経験者のための中性子構造生物学実験用回折装置の解説である。生命現象の中で水素原子の果たす役割や生体物質と水とのかかわりは大変重要である。それらを原子レベルで観察し議論することを可能にする、最も有効な実験手法の一つが中性子回折法である。この研究分野は中性子イメージングプレート(NIP)の開発によって飛躍的に躍進した。このNIPを装備した高分解能生体高分子用中性子回折装置BIX-3, BIX-4が原研に設置されている。ここでは、中性子回折装置建設及び実験計画をたてるうえで知っていて欲しい重要な違いに限定して、本回折装置の主要機器や全体詳細構造及び周辺機器,大型結晶育成から回折データ取得及び処理までの中性子回折実験の流れを紹介し、さらに生体高分子用中性子回折装置の今後の展望について述べる。



曽山 和彦; 松林 政仁; 正岡 聖; 中村 龍也; 松村 達也*; 木下 勝之*

JAERI-Research 2003-032, 22 Pages, 2004/03



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