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検索結果: 14 件中 1件目~14件目を表示
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High-temperature rupture failure of high-burnup LWR-MOX fuel under a reactivity-initiated accident condition

谷口 良徳; 三原 武; 垣内 一雄; 宇田川 豊

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 195, p.110144_1 - 110144_11, 2024/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

A reactivity-initiated accident (RIA)-simulated test CN-1 on a high-burnup 64 GWd/t mixed-oxide fuel rod sheathed with M5$$^{TM}$$ cladding was conducted at the Nuclear Safety Research Reactor, resulting in fuel failure. A small opening with slight ballooning deformation characterized the post-test visual appearance of the test fuel rod. Simulation using fuel performance codes FEMAXI-8/RANNS predicted rod survival under early phase loading induced by pellet-cladding mechanical interaction and subsequent boiling transition, and the cladding surface temperature measured online confirmed the occurrence of boiling transition. The experimental observation and simulation indicate that the failure was caused by a high-temperature rupture following increased rod-internal pressure. The RANNS sensitivity analysis revealed that a mechanical state parameter dedicated to predicting plastic instability might be an effective index for evaluating the risk of rupture failure during RIAs.


Fission gas release from irradiated mixed-oxide fuel pellet during simulated reactivity-initiated accident conditions; Results of BZ-3 and BZ-4 tests

垣内 一雄; 宇田川 豊; 天谷 政樹

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 155, p.108171_1 - 108171_11, 2021/06

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:23.22(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In order to investigate fission gas release behavior of high-burnup mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel pellet for LWR under reactivity-initiated accident (RIA), the tests called BZ-3 and BZ-4 were conducted at the Nuclear Safety Research Reactor (NSRR) in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). Electron probe microanalysis and rod-puncture tests were performed on the fuel pellets before and after pulse irradiation tests, and from the comparison between the puncture test results and the results evaluated from EPMA, it was suggested that fission gas release from not only the Pu-spot but also the Pu-spot-excluded region.


Fracture-mechanics-based evaluation of failure limit on pre-cracked and hydrided Zircaloy-4 cladding tube under biaxial stress states

Li, F.; 三原 武; 宇田川 豊; 天谷 政樹

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 57(6), p.633 - 645, 2020/06

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:29.11(Nuclear Science & Technology)

To better understand the failure limit of fuel cladding during the pellet-cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) phase of a reactivity-initiated accident (RIA), pre-cracked and hydrided cladding samples with base metal final heat-treatment status of cold worked (CW) and recrystallized (RX) were tested under biaxial stress conditions (axial to hoop strain ratios of 0 and 0.5). Displacement-controlled biaxial-expansion-due-to-compression (biaxial-EDC) tests were performed to obtain the hoop strain at failure (failure strain) of the samples. The conversion of the failure strains to J-integral at failure by finite-element analysis involving data of stress-relieved (SR) cladding specimens from our previous study revealed that the failure limit in the dimension of J-integral at failure unifies the effects of pre-crack depth. About 30 to 50 percent reduction in the J-integral at failure was observed as the strain ratio increased from 0 to 0.5 irrespective of the annealing type, pre-crack depth, and hydrogen content. the rate of fractional decreases of J-integral at failure with increase of hydrogen content are in the order of CW$$>$$SR$$>$$RX, which are essentially independent of strain ratio for the CW and SR samples. The results were incorporated into the failure prediction model of the JAEA's fuel performance code in the form of a correction factor that considers the biaxial loading effect.


The Effect of base irradiation on failure behaviors of UO$$_{2}$$ and chromia-alumina additive fuels under simulated reactivity-initiated accidents; A Comparative analysis with FEMAXI-8

宇田川 豊; 三原 武; 谷口 良徳; 垣内 一雄; 天谷 政樹

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 139, p.107268_1 - 107268_9, 2020/05


 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:29.11(Nuclear Science & Technology)

This paper reports a computer-code analysis on the base-irradiation behavior of the chromia-and-alumina-doped BWR rod irradiated to 64 GWd/t in Oskarshamn-3, Sweden, and subjected to the reactivity-initiated-accident (RIA) test OS-1, which resulted in a fuel failure due to pellet-cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) at the lowest fuel-enthalpy increase in all the BWR tests ever performed. The inverse calculation which utilized post-irradiation examination data as its constraint conditions revealed that the OS-1 rod had very likely experienced more intense PCMI loading due to higher swelling rate during base irradiation than other BWR rods subjected to previous RIA tests and thus had been prone to experience enhanced radial-hydride formation. The significant difference in the cladding hoop-stress more than 50 MPa discriminates the OS-1 rod from other BWR rods and supports the interpretation that enhanced radial-hydrides formation differentiated the PCMI-failure behavior observed in the test OS-1 from the previous BWR-fuel tests.


Analytical study of SPERT-CDC test 859 using fuel performance codes FEMAXI-8 and RANNS

谷口 良徳; 宇田川 豊; 天谷 政樹

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 139, p.107188_1 - 107188_7, 2020/05

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:9.57(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The fuel-failure-limit data obtained in the simulated reactivity-initiated-accident experiment SPERT-CDC 859 (SPERT859) has entailed a lot of discussions if it represents fuel-failure behavior of typical commercial LWRs for its specific pre-irradiation condition and fuel state. The fuel-rod conditions before and during SPERT859 were thus assessed by the fuel-performance codes FEMAXI-8 and RANNS with focusing on cladding corrosion and its effect on the failure limit of the test rod. The analysis showed that the fuel cladding was probably excessively corroded even when the influential calculation conditions such as fuel swelling and creep models were determined so that the lowest limit of the cladding oxide layer thickness was captured. Such assumption of excessive cladding corrosion during pre-irradiation well explains not only the test-rod state before pulse irradiation but also the fuel-failure limit observed. Such understanding undermines anew the representativeness of the test data as a direct basis of safety evaluation for LWR fuels.


Behavior of high-burnup LWR-MOX fuel under a reactivity-initiated accident condition

谷口 良徳; 宇田川 豊; 三原 武; 天谷 政樹; 垣内 一雄

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference / Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference (Global/Top Fuel 2019) (USB Flash Drive), p.551 - 558, 2019/09

A pulse-irradiation test CN-1 on a high-burnup MOX fuel with M5$$^{TM}$$ cladding was conducted at the Nuclear Safety Research Reactor (NSRR) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). Although the transient signals obtained during the pulse-irradiation test did not show any signs of the occurrence of PCMI failure, the failure of the test fuel rod was confirmed from the visual inspection carried out after test CN-1. Analyses using fuel performance codes FEMAXI-8 and RANNS were also performed in order to investigate the fuel behavior during normal operation and pulse-irradiation regarding the test fuel rod of CN-1, and the results were consistent with this observation result. These experimental and calculation results suggested that the failure of test fuel rod of CN-1 was not caused by hydride-assisted PCMI but high-temperature rupture following the increase in rod internal pressure. The occurrence of this failure mode might be related to the ductility remained in the M5$$^{TM}$$ cladding owing to its low content of the hydrogen absorbed during normal operation.


Behavior of high-burnup advanced LWR fuels under design-basis accident conditions

天谷 政樹; 宇田川 豊; 成川 隆文; 三原 武; 谷口 良徳

Proceedings of 2017 Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting (WRFPM 2017) (USB Flash Drive), 10 Pages, 2017/09

JAEA has conducted a research program called ALPS-II program for advanced fuels of LWRs. In this program, the tests simulating a RIA and a LOCA have been performed on the high burnup advanced fuels irradiated in European commercial reactors. The failure limits of the high-burnup advanced fuels under RIA conditions have been obtained by the pulse irradiation tests at the NSRR in JAEA. The information about pellet fragmentation etc. during the pulse irradiations was also obtained from post-test examinations on the test rods after the pulse irradiation tests. As for the simulated LOCA test, integral thermal shock tests and high-temperature oxidation tests have been performed at the RFEF in JAEA. The fracture limits under LOCA and post-LOCA conditions etc. of the high-burnup advanced fuel cladding have been investigated, and it was found that in terms of these materials the fracture boundaries do not decrease and the oxidation does not significantly accelerate in the burnup level examined.



篠崎 崇; 三原 武; 宇田川 豊; 杉山 智之; 天谷 政樹

JAEA-Research 2014-025, 34 Pages, 2014/12




Behavior of irradiated BWR fuel under reactivity-initiated-accident conditions; Results of tests FK-1, -2 and -3

杉山 智之; 中村 武彦; 草ヶ谷 和幸*; 笹島 栄夫; 永瀬 文久; 更田 豊志

JAERI-Research 2003-033, 76 Pages, 2004/01


低温起動時の反応度事故(RIA)条件下における燃料挙動を明らかにするため、燃焼度41$$sim$$45GWd/tUの沸騰水型原子炉(BWR)燃料のパルス照射実験を原子炉安全性研究炉(NSRR)において実施した。試験燃料棒は福島第一原子力発電所三号機で用いられたBWR8$$times$$8BJ(STEP I)型セグメント燃料棒を短尺加工したもので、NSRRにおいて約20ms以内の短時間に293$$sim$$607J/g(70$$sim$$145cal/g)の熱量が与えられた。その際、燃料棒被覆管はペレット・被覆管機械的相互作用により高速に変形したが、被覆管の延性が十分高く破損には至らなかった。被覆管周方向の塑性歪は最大部で1.5%に達した。被覆管温度は局所的に最大約600$$^{circ}$$Cに達しており、X線回折測定の結果はパルス照射時の温度上昇により被覆管照射欠陥が回復したことを示していた。パルス照射による核分裂生成ガスの放出割合は、ピーク燃料エンタルピ及び定常運転条件に依存して、3.1%$$sim$$8.2%の値であった。


Failure thresholds of high burnup BWR fuel rods under RIA conditions

中村 武彦*; 更田 豊志; 杉山 智之; 笹島 栄夫

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 41(1), p.37 - 43, 2004/01

 被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:74.72(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Phenomenon identification and ranking tables (PIRTs) for rod ejection accidents in pressurized water reactors containing high burnup fuel

Boyack, B. E.*; Motta, A. T.*; Peddicord, K. L.*; Alexander, C. A.*; Deveney, R. C.*; Dunn, B. M.*; 更田 豊志; Higar, K. E.*; Hochreiter, L. E.*; Langenbuch, S.*; et al.

NUREG/CR-6742, 263 Pages, 2001/09




石川 迪夫; 若林 利男*; 塩沢 周策; 望月 弘保*; 大西 信秋

原子力工業, 32(12), p.17 - 31, 1986/00



NSRR実験プログレス・レポート,8; 1979年1月~1979年6月

石川 迪夫

JAERI-M 8779, 75 Pages, 1980/03




Comparative analysis on base-irradiation behaviors of OS-1 test rod and other BWR-fuel rods subjected to previous NSRR tests

宇田川 豊

no journal, , 

This presentation reports a computer-code analysis on the base-irradiation behavior of the chromia-and-alumina-doped BWR rod irradiated to 64 GWd/t in Oskarshamn-3, Sweden, and subjected to the reactivity-initiated-accident (RIA) test OS-1, which resulted in a fuel failure due to pellet-cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) at the lowest fuel-enthalpy increase in all the BWR tests ever performed. The inverse calculation which utilized post-irradiation examination data as its constraint conditions revealed that the OS-1 rod had very likely experienced more intense PCMI loading due to higher swelling rate during base irradiation than other BWR rods subjected to previous RIA tests and thus had been prone to experience enhanced radial-hydride formation. The significant difference in the PCMI-related parameters between the OS-1 rod and other BWR rods supports the interpretation that enhanced radial-hydrides formation differentiated the PCMI-failure behavior observed in the test OS-1 from the previous BWR-fuel tests.

14 件中 1件目~14件目を表示
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