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検索結果: 32 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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宮川 和也; 早野 明; 佐藤 菜央美; 中田 弘太郎*; 長谷川 琢磨*

JAEA-Data/Code 2023-009, 103 Pages, 2023/09


本ボーリング調査は、経済産業省資源エネルギー庁委託事業「令和3年度および令和4年度高レベル放射性廃棄物等の地層処分に関する技術開発事業(JPJ007597) (岩盤中地下水流動評価技術高度化開発)」の一環として、令和2年度に実施した物理探査などのデータに基づき推定した地下深部の低流動域分布の妥当性を確認することを目的としたものである。ボーリング孔名はHoronobeFossilseawaterBoring-1であり、HFB-1孔と称す。HFB-1孔は幌延深地層研究センターの隣接地に掘削された垂直孔であり、令和3年度に地表から深度200mまで掘削され、令和4年度に深度200mから深度500mまで掘削されたものである。本稿は、令和2年度以降の幌延深地層研究計画に示された研究課題の1つである地下水の流れが非常に遅い領域を調査・評価する技術の高度化に必要な基礎データとして、HFB-1孔の掘削に関わる情報およびボーリング調査から得られた各種データ(岩芯記載、物理検層、化学分析など)を取りまとめたものである。


Evolution of porewater in a Neogene sedimentary formation in the Horonobe area, Hokkaido, Japan: Modeling of burial diagenesis

宮川 和也; 柏谷 公希*; 小村 悠人*; 中田 弘太郎*

Geochemical Journal, 57(5), p.155 - 175, 2023/00

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:0.00(Geochemistry & Geophysics)



ウラニル錯体化学に基づくテーラーメイド型新規海水ウラン吸着材開発(委託研究); 令和3年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業

廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東京工業大学*

JAEA-Review 2022-028, 54 Pages, 2022/11




微生物生態系による原子炉内物体の腐食・変質に関する評価研究(委託研究); 令和2年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業

廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 慶應義塾*

JAEA-Review 2021-048, 181 Pages, 2022/01




ウラニル錯体化学に基づくテーラーメイド型新規海水ウラン吸着材開発(委託研究); 令和2年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業

廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東京工業大学*

JAEA-Review 2021-041, 42 Pages, 2022/01




微生物生態系による原子炉内物体の腐食・変質に関する評価研究(委託研究); 令和元年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業

廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 慶應義塾大学*

JAEA-Review 2020-047, 63 Pages, 2021/01




Electrochemical behavior of carbon steel with bentonite/sand in saline environment

北山 彩水; 谷口 直樹; 三ツ井 誠一郎

Materials and Corrosion, 72(1-2), p.211 - 217, 2021/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Current designs for the geological disposal of high-level radioactive wastes in Japan use carbon steel overpack containers surrounded by a mixed bentonite/sand buffer material, which will be located in a purpose built repository deep in the underground. There are suitable sites for a repository in Japan, however coastal areas are preferred from a logistics point of view. It is therefore important to perform the long-term performance of the carbon steel overpack and mixed bentonite/sand buffer material in the saline groundwaters of coastal areas. In the current study, the passivation behavior and initial corrosion rates of carbon steel with and without mixed bentonite/sand were tested as a function of pH in representative saline groundwaters. The main findings of the current study indicate that passivation of carbon steel with buffer material will be difficult in a saline environment, even at high pH = 12 conditions, and that the corrosion rate of carbon steel was more strongly affected by the presence of buffer material than by the concentration.


ウラニル錯体化学に基づくテーラーメイド型新規海水ウラン吸着材開発(委託研究); 令和元年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業

廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東京工業大学*

JAEA-Review 2020-026, 41 Pages, 2020/12


日本原子力研究開発機構(JAEA)廃炉環境国際共同研究センター(CLADS)では、令和元年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業(以下、「本事業」という)を実施している。本事業は、東京電力ホールディングス福島第一原子力発電所の廃炉等をはじめとした原子力分野の課題解決に貢献するため、国内外の英知を結集し、様々な分野の知見や経験を、従前の機関や分野の壁を越えて緊密に融合・連携させた基礎的・基盤的研究及び人材育成を推進することを目的としている。平成30年度の新規採択課題から実施主体を文部科学省からJAEAに移行することで、JAEA とアカデミアとの連携を強化し、廃炉に資する中長期的な研究開発・人材育成をより安定的かつ継続的に実施する体制を構築した。本研究は、研究課題のうち、「ウラニル錯体化学に基づくテーラーメイド型新規海水ウラン吸着材開発」の令和元年度の研究成果について取りまとめたものである。本研究では、海水中におけるウラン支配種であるウラニルイオンが他の金属にはまず見られない平面5座配位を好むというユニークな錯体化学的特徴を示すことに基づいて海水ウラン吸着材の吸着部位となる配位子構造をデザインし、海水ウラン回収技術における既存課題の解決およびまったく新しい海水ウラン吸着材の開発を行う。その第1フェーズとして、本研究ではウラニルイオンに対して特異的配位能を有する平面5座開環キレート配位子の開発およびその基本性能評価を行うことを目的とする。


塩析出を伴う海水流動沸騰熱伝達; 析出物の役割

小泉 安郎*; 上澤 伸一郎; 小野 綾子; 柴田 光彦; 吉田 啓之

日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2019講演論文集(USB Flash Drive), 1 Pages, 2019/10



Saturated pool nucleate boiling on heat transfer surface with deposited sea salts

上澤 伸一郎; 小泉 安郎; 柴田 光彦; 吉田 啓之

Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 3(4), p.041002_1 - 041002_13, 2017/10

The progress of the accident of Fukushima Daiichi NPS has been calculated by severe accident analysis codes, for example, MAAP, SAMPSON and so on. However, the effects of the seawater on thermal-hydraulic behavior have not been considered in these calculations, although the seawater was injected into the reactors to cool down the nuclear fuels. Saturated pool nucleate boiling heat transfer experiments with on NaCl solution, natural seawater and artificial seawater were performed to examine the effects of salts on boiling heat transfer. The experimental results indicated that boiling curves were well predicted with the Rohsenow correlation although large coalescent bubble formation was inhibited in the NaCl solution, natural seawater and artificial seawater experiments. However, calcium sulfate was deposited on the heat transfer surface in the experiments with artificial seawater. After the formation of a deposit layer, a slow surface-temperature excursion was initiated at a heat flux lower than the usual critical heat flux. We confirmed that the relationship between the salt concentrations of the artificial seawater in the bulk fluid and the vaporization rate at the surface at which the slow surface-temperature excursion initiated. This relationship suggested that if the salt concentration of the seawater exceeded 11 wt%, the deposition of calcium sulfate on the heat transfer surface occurred even if the heat flux was zero.


Effect of chloride ion on corrosion behavior of SUS316L-grade stainless steel in nitric acid solutions containing seawater components under $$gamma$$-ray irradiation

佐野 雄一; 安倍 弘; 竹内 正行; 飯嶋 静香; 内田 直樹

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 493, p.200 - 206, 2017/09

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:58.69(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Seawater effects on the soundness of spent fuel cladding tube

本岡 隆文; 上野 文義; 山本 正弘

Proceedings of 2016 EFCOG Nuclear & Facility Safety Workshop (Internet), 6 Pages, 2016/09



Simulation for radiolytic products of seawater; Effects of seawater constituents, dilution rate, and dose rate

端 邦樹; 佐藤 智徳; 本岡 隆文; 上野 文義; 塙 悟史; 笠原 茂樹; 塚田 隆

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 53(8), p.1183 - 1191, 2016/08

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:47.31(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Radiolysis calculations of simulated seawater were conducted using reported data on chemical yields and chemical reaction sets to predict the effects of seawater constituents on water radiolysis. Hydrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen peroxide were continuously produced from simulated seawater during $$gamma$$-ray irradiation. The concentration of molecular hydrogen exceeded its saturation concentration before it reached the steady-state concentration. The production behavior of these molecules was significantly promoted by the addition of bromide ions because of the high reactivity of bromide anion with the hydroxyl radical, an effective hydrogen scavenger. It is also shown that the concentrations of these molecules were effectively suppressed at dilution levels of less than 1%.


Pool nucleate boiling on heat transfer surface with deposited sea salts

上澤 伸一郎; 小泉 安郎; 柴田 光彦; 吉田 啓之

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 15 Pages, 2016/06

The progress of the accident of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi NPS has been calculated by severe accident analysis codes, for example, MAAP, SAMPSON and so on. However, effects of seawater on thermal-hydraulic behavior are not considered in these calculations, although the seawater was injected into the reactors to cool down the nuclear fuels. As one of the possible effects, deposition of sea salts on a heat transfer surface is considered. In the present study, we conducted pool nucleate boiling heat transfer experiments in real seawater, artificial seawater, distilled water and NaCl solution to understand thermal-hydraulic effects of seawater on nucleate boiling phenomena with/without deposited sea salts. The experimental results indicated that the sea salt deposition covered the whole of the heat transfer surface in the only artificial seawater of high concentration. When the deposit on the whole of the heat transfer surface occurred, the spatial-average surface temperature kept rising although the input heating power was constant. Besides, the time fluctuation of the local temperature on the heat transfer surface with the deposition was not confirmed although the temperature on the surface without the deposition decreased when the boiling occurred. Therefore, the deposit of sea salts on the heat transfer surface affected the nucleate boiling heat transfer.


Effects of constituents of seawater on formation of volatile iodine by aqueous phase radiation chemistry

端 邦樹; 城戸 健太朗; 西山 裕孝; 丸山 結

NEA/CSNI/R(2016)5 (Internet), p.196 - 203, 2016/05

Model calculations of radiolysis of seawater with iodide were carried out to predict effects of seawater constituents on iodine chemistry at the time of a severe accident. Through the calculations based on $$gamma$$-radiolysis of solutions at ambient temperature, it was found that the production of molecular iodine (I$$_{2}$$) was promoted by the addition of seawater constituents. Especially, Br$$^{-}$$ and HCO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$ had a large impact on its production. The production yields of radiolytic species were affected by the addition of I$$^{-}$$ as well. It was also shown that the pH of seawater is an important parameter to determine radiolytic conditions of iodine. These results imply the potential that the injection of seawater has significant impact on iodine source term.


Pool nucleate boiling for seawater containing minerals

上澤 伸一郎; 小泉 安郎; 吉田 啓之

Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2016) (CD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2016/05

Since seawater was injected into cores in the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Company, pool nucleate boiling heat transfer experiments of the distilled water, the real seawater and the 3.5-10 wt% artificial seawater were conducted to examine the effect of sea-salt-deposition on a heat transfer surface. In the seawater experiments, the sea salt which was calcium sulfate was deposited on the heat transfer surface at a certain heat flux. At the same time, the temperature of the heat transfer surface kept rising. The surface temperature rose above 473 K although input heating power was constant. The heat transfer surface temperature rising was caused by the growth of the deposited salt layer, because the deposited calcium sulfate has quite low thermal conductivity. In addition, the relation between the concentration of seawater and the heat flux when the calcium sulfate grew on the heat transfer surface indicated that the deposition occurred by the vaporization in the vicinity of the heat transfer surface.


Hydrogen peroxide production by $$gamma$$ radiolysis of sodium chloride solutions containing a small amount of bromide ion

端 邦樹; 井上 博之*; 小嶋 崇夫*; 岩瀬 彰宏*; 笠原 茂樹; 塙 悟史; 上野 文義; 塚田 隆

Nuclear Technology, 193(3), p.434 - 443, 2016/03

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:75.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

$$gamma$$ radiolysis experiments of solutions, which consisted of a mixture of NaCl and NaBr, were conducted to confirm the validity of radiolysis calculations of seawater simulated solutions and to determine the importance of Br$$^{-}$$ in the production of H$$_{2}$$O$$_{2}$$ via water radiolysis. The steady-state concentration of H$$_{2}$$O$$_{2}$$ in each solution was measured after irradiation and compared to that obtained by radiolysis calculations. It was found that the calculated and experimental results were in good agreement. The concentration of H$$_{2}$$O$$_{2}$$ in the 0.6 M NaCl solution increased approximately three times by the addition of 1 mM NaBr. The result showed that Br$$^{-}$$ plays an important role in the production of H$$_{2}$$O$$_{2}$$ by water radiolysis, presumably due to the reactions of Br$$^{-}$$ with hydroxyl radical. The H$$_{2}$$O$$_{2}$$ production of 1 mM NaCl solutions increased when the pH was either higher or lower than 8. It was considered that hydrated electron also plays an important role in H$$_{2}$$O$$_{2}$$ production in these acidic and alkaline conditions.


Corrosion rate of carbon steel in NaCl solution with various chloride ion concentration under $$gamma$$-ray irradiation

本岡 隆文

JAEA-Review 2015-022, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2014, P. 23, 2016/02



使用済燃料プールから取り出した損傷燃料等の処理方法の検討; 平成25、26年度成果概要報告(受託研究)

飯嶋 静香; 内田 直樹; 田口 克也; 鷲谷 忠博

JAEA-Review 2015-018, 39 Pages, 2015/11




Evaluation of seawater effects on thermal-hydraulic behavior for severe accident conditions, 2; Heat transfer and flow visualization experiment by using internally heated annulus

上澤 伸一郎; 永武 拓; Jiao, L.; Liu, W.; 高瀬 和之; 吉田 啓之

Proceedings of International Conference on Power Engineering 2015 (ICOPE 2015) (CD-ROM), 11 Pages, 2015/11

To understand the current status of the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, the progress of the accident has been calculated by severe accident analysis codes, for example, MAAP, SAMPSON and so on. However, effects of seawater are not considered in these calculations, although the seawater was attempted to inject into the reactors to cool down the nuclear fuels. In the present study, the objective is to understand the basic physical effect of the seawater on the thermal-hydraulic behavior without boiling. We measured and compared the thermal-hydraulic behavior in pure water, NaCl solution and artificial seawater with the concentration of 3.5wt% in a heat transfer and flow visualization experiment by using an internally heated annulus. Above Re = 2300 [-], the correlations between Nusselt number and Reynolds number in the NaCl solution and the artificial seawater were the same with that in the pure water. Moreover, the correlation can be predicted by Dittus-Boelter equation. Below Re = 2300 [-], the Nusselt numbers of each fluid correlated with the Rayleigh number. Therefore, considering physical properties of the NaCl solution and the artificial seawater, the thermal-hydraulics behavior without boiling in the NaCl solution and the artificial seawater was not different from the behavior in the pure water.

32 件中 1件目~20件目を表示