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櫻井 洋亮*; 佐藤 博隆*; 足立 望*; 諸岡 聡; 戸高 義一*; 加美山 隆*
Applied Sciences (Internet), 11(11), p.5219_1 - 5219_17, 2021/06
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:41.32(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)As a new method for evaluating single crystal and oligocrystal, pulsed neutron Bragg-dip transmission analysis/imaging method is being developed. In this study, a single Bragg-dip profile fitting analysis method was newly developed, and applied for analyzing detailed inner information in a crystalline grain position-dependently. In the method, the spectrum profile of a single Bragg-dip is analyzed at each position over a grain. As a result, it is expected that changes of crystal orientation, mosaic spread angle and thickness of a perfect crystal can be evaluated from the wavelength, the width and the integrated intensity of the Bragg-dip, respectively. For confirming this effectiveness, the method was applied to experimental data of position-dependent Bragg-dip transmission spectra of a Si-steel plate consisting of oligocrystals. As a result, inner information of multiple crystalline grains could be visualized and evaluated. The small change of crystal orientation in a grain, about 0.4, could be observed by imaging the Bragg-dip wavelengths. By imaging the Bragg-dip widths, both another grain and mosaic block in a grain were detected. Furthermore, imaging results of the integrated intensities of Bragg-dips were consistent with the results of Bragg-dip width imaging. These small crystallographic changes have not been observed and visualized by previous Bragg-dip analysis methods.
佐藤 成男*; 黒田 あす美*; 佐藤 こずえ*; 熊谷 正芳*; Harjo, S.; 友田 陽*; 齋藤 洋一*; 轟 秀和*; 小貫 祐介*; 鈴木 茂*
鉄と鋼, 104(4), p.201 - 207, 2018/00
被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:40.15(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)To investigate the characteristics of dislocation evolution in ferritic and austenitic stainless steels under tensile deformation, neutron diffraction line-profile analysis was carried out. The austenitic steel exhibited higher work hardening than the ferritic steel. The difference in the work hardening ability between the two steels was explained with the dislocation density estimated by the line-profile analysis. The higher dislocation density of the austenitic steel would originate from its lower stacking fault energy. Dislocation arrangement parameters indicated that the strength of interaction between dislocations in the austenitic steel was stronger than that in the ferritic steel.
Ungr, T.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; 友田 陽*; Rib
rik, G.*; Shi, Z.*
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 48(1), p.159 - 167, 2017/01
被引用回数:54 パーセンタイル:90.71(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Based on high-resolution neutron diffraction experiments we will show that in lath martensite steels the initially homogeneous dislocation structure is disrupted by plastic deformation, to produce a composite on the length scale of martensite lath packets. The diffraction patterns of plastically strained martensitic steel reveal characteristically asymmetric peak profiles in the same way as has been observed in materials with heterogeneous dislocation structures. Lath packets oriented favorably or unfavorably for dislocation glide become soft or hard. The lath packet type develops by work softening or work hardening in which the dislocation density becomes smaller or larger compared to the initial average one. The decomposition into soft and hard lath packets is accompanied by load redistribution between the two lath packet types. The composite behavior of plastically deformed lath martensite opens a new way to understand the elastic-plastic response in this class of materials.
佐藤 成男*; 菖蒲 敬久; 佐藤 こずえ*; 小川 博美*; 我妻 一昭*; 熊谷 正芳*; 今福 宗行*; 田代 仁*; 鈴木 茂*
ISIJ International, 55(7), p.1432 - 1438, 2015/07
被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:51.36(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)冷間延伸されたパーライト鋼ワイヤにおける転位の分布および異方性を特徴付けるために、X線回折線プロファイル解析をシンクロトロン放射マイクロビームを用いて行った。一般に、塑性せん断ひずみはワイヤの中心よりも表面近くでより激しかったが、中心から表面まで転位密度分布はほぼ一定であった。一方、転位の再配列は、転位の細胞構造を進化させ、表面に近づくほど進んだ。異方性転位密度によって、軸方向および横断方向の硬さの差異が説明できることも明らかになった。高温での回折データに基づく線プロファイル解析を行った。セメンタイトの回収率は一定の速度で進行したが、フェライト相の回収率は温度依存性を示し、フェライト相の回収率はセメンタイト相の回収率とはあまり関係していなかった。
柴野 純一*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 塚本 拓也*; 河合 紘和*; 三浦 節男*; Zhang, S.*; 菖蒲 敬久; 小林 道明*
Materials Science Forum, 777, p.176 - 181, 2014/02
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:51.86(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)A ductile damage progress of an aluminum single crystal with the prior activity of the single slip system under tensile loading was verified by a profile analysis using white X-ray obtained in BL28B2 beam line of SPring-8. In this study, the aluminum single crystal of the purity 6N was used as a specimen prepared in I-type geometry for tensile test. In profile analysis, an instrumental function was defined in consideration both of a divergence by a slit and a response function peculiar to the energy dispersive method. The Gauss component of integral breadth related to non-uniform strain and the Cauchy component of integral breadth related to crystallite size were determined by eliminating the broadening by the instrumental function from the diffraction profile of white X-ray. As a result, the characteristics of ductile damage progress near the notch of the aluminum single crystal were inspected from the distribution of both non-uniform strain and dislocation density.
熊谷 晃*; 久保 博孝; 竹永 秀信; 鈴木 慎悟; 清水 勝宏; 朝倉 伸幸; 嶋田 道也
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 42(5), p.529 - 543, 2000/05
被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:39.37(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)JT-60Uのダイバータ領域から放射されるD線のスペクトラルプロファイルの空間的変化を高分解能可視分光器を用いて測定し、中性粒子輸送コードを用いて解析した。その結果、D
依田 修; 小田島 晟*
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 19(7), p.1241 - 1245, 1980/00
被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:50.55(Physics, Applied)非対称X線回折線プロフィルの解析を行い、非対称性は、プロフィルの反射次数が低く、格子歪がプロフィルの幅を広げる効果があまり顕著でない場合には、微結晶のサイズと格子面間隔の間に一定の相関があるために現れることを見出した。線を大量に照射したポリエチレンの002プロフィルに応用し、サイズと両間隔の相関を明らかにして、
依田 修; 土井 健治; 田村 直幸; 栗山 将
Journal of Applied Physics, 44(5), p.2211 - 2217, 1973/05
依田 修; 田村 直幸
Reports on Progress in Polymer Physics in Japan, 16, p.231 - 234, 1973/00
土井 健治; 森 正武*
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 3(2), p.112 - 116, 1964/00
土井 健治
Acta Crystallographica, 14(8), p.830 - 834, 1961/00