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JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2017

Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Mizutani, Tomoko; Nemoto, Masashi; Tobita, Keiji; Kono, Takahiko; Hosomi, Kenji; Hokama, Tomonori; Nishimura, Tomohiro; Matsubara, Natsumi; et al.

JAEA-Review 2018-025, 171 Pages, 2019/02


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2016 to March 2017. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. in March 2011. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring programs, monitoring methods, monitoring results and their trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes. In addition, the data which were influenced by the accidental release and were exceeded the normal range of fluctuation in the monitoring, were evaluated.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2016

Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Mizutani, Tomoko; Nemoto, Masashi; Tobita, Keiji; Hosomi, Kenji; Nagaoka, Mika; Hokama, Tomonori; Nishimura, Tomohiro; Koike, Yuko; et al.

JAEA-Review 2017-028, 177 Pages, 2018/01


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2016 to March 2017. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. in March 2011. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring programs, monitoring methods, monitoring results and their trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes. In addition, the data which were influenced by the accidental release and were exceeded the normal range of fluctuation in the monitoring, were evaluated.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2015

Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Mizutani, Tomoko; Hosomi, Kenji; Nagaoka, Mika; Hokama, Tomonori; Yokoyama, Hiroya; Nishimura, Tomohiro; Matsubara, Natsumi; Maehara, Yushi; et al.

JAEA-Review 2016-035, 179 Pages, 2017/03


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2015 to March 2016. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. in March 2011. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring programs, monitoring methods, monitoring results and their trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes. In addition, the data which were influenced by the accidental release and were exceeded the normal range of fluctuation in the monitoring, were evaluated.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2014

Watanabe, Hitoshi; Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Takeyasu, Masanori; Mizutani, Tomoko; Isozaki, Tokuju*; Nagaoka, Mika; Hokama, Tomonori; Yokoyama, Hiroya; Nishimura, Tomohiro; et al.

JAEA-Review 2015-034, 175 Pages, 2016/03


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2014 to March 2015. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Co. in March 2011.

Journal Articles

Effect of neutron energy and fluence on deuterium retention behaviour in neutron irradiated tungsten

Fujita, Hiroe*; Yuyama, Kenta*; Li, X.*; Hatano, Yuji*; Toyama, Takeshi*; Ota, Masayuki; Ochiai, Kentaro; Yoshida, Naoaki*; Chikada, Takumi*; Oya, Yasuhisa*

Physica Scripta, 2016(T167), p.014068_1 - 014068_5, 2016/02

 Times Cited Count:33 Percentile:83.69(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

The irradiation defects were introduced by Fe$$^{2+}$$ irradiation, fission neutron irradiation and D-T neutron irradiation. After the irradiation, the deuterium ions (D$$_{2}^{+}$$) implantation was performed and the D retention behavior was evaluated by thermal desorption spectroscopy. The experimental results indicated that dense vacancies and voids within the shallow region near the surface were introduced by Fe$$^{2+}$$ irradiation. The trapping state of D by vacancies and void were clearly controlled by the damage concentration and the voids would become the most stable D trapping site. For fission neutron irradiated W, most of the D was adsorbed on the surface and/or trapped by dislocation loops and no vacancies and voids for D trapping due to its lower damage concentration. D trapping by vacancies were found in the bulk of D-T neutron irradiated W, indicating that the neutron energy distribution could make a large impact on irradiation defect formation and the D retention behavior.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2013

Watanabe, Hitoshi; Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Takeyasu, Masanori; Mizutani, Tomoko; Isozaki, Tokuju; Morisawa, Masato; Nagaoka, Mika; Hokama, Tomonori; Yokoyama, Hiroya; et al.

JAEA-Review 2014-042, 175 Pages, 2015/01


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2013 to March 2014. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Co. in March 2011.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the effluent control of low level liquid waste in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories FY2013

Watanabe, Hitoshi; Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Kono, Takahiko; Inoue, Kazumi; Yoshii, Hideki*; Otani, Kazunori*; Hiyama, Yoshinori*; Goto, Ichiro*; Kibe, Satoshi*; et al.

JAEA-Review 2014-040, 115 Pages, 2015/01


Based on the regulations (the safety regulation of Tokai reprocessing plant, the safety regulation of nuclear fuel material usage facilities, the radiation safety rule, the regulation about prevention from radiation hazards due to radioisotopes, which are related with the nuclear regulatory acts, the local agreement concerning with safety and environment conservation around nuclear facilities, the water pollution control law, and bylaw of Ibaraki prefecture), the effluent control of liquid waste discharged from the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories of Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been performed. This report describes the effluent control results of the liquid waste in the fiscal year 2013. In this period, the concentrations and the quantities of the radioactivity in liquid waste discharged from the reprocessing plant, the plutonium fuel fabrication facilities, and the other nuclear fuel material usage facilities were much lower than the limits authorized by the above regulations.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2012

Sumiya, Shuichi; Watanabe, Hitoshi; Miyagawa, Naoto; Nakano, Masanao; Nakada, Akira; Fujita, Hiroki; Takeyasu, Masanori; Isozaki, Tokuju; Morisawa, Masato; Mizutani, Tomoko; et al.

JAEA-Review 2013-056, 181 Pages, 2014/03


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2012 to March 2013. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Co. in March 2011.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the effluent control of low level liquid waste in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories FY2012

Sumiya, Shuichi; Watanabe, Hitoshi; Miyagawa, Naoto; Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Kono, Takahiko; Inoue, Kazumi; Yoshii, Hideki; Otani, Kazunori*; Hiyama, Yoshinori*; et al.

JAEA-Review 2013-041, 115 Pages, 2014/01


Based on the regulations (the safety regulation of Tokai reprocessing plant, the safety regulation of nuclear fuel material usage facilities, the radiation safety rule, the regulation about prevention from radiation hazards due to radioisotopes, which are related with the nuclear regulatory acts, and the local agreement concerning with safety and environment conservation around nuclear facilities, the water pollution control law, and bylaw of Ibaraki prefecture), this report describes the effluent control results of liquid waste discharged from the JAEA's Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories in the fiscal year 2012, from 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013. In this period, the concentrations and the quantities of the radioactivity in liquid waste discharged from the reprocessing plant, the plutonium fuel fabrication facilities, and the other facilities were much lower than the authorized limits of the above regulations.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2011

Sumiya, Shuichi; Watanabe, Hitoshi; Nakano, Masanao; Takeyasu, Masanori; Nakada, Akira; Fujita, Hiroki; Isozaki, Tokuju; Morisawa, Masato; Mizutani, Tomoko; Nagaoka, Mika; et al.

JAEA-Review 2013-009, 195 Pages, 2013/06


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2011 to March 2012. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on Tokyo Electric Power Co. in March 2011.

Journal Articles

Effects to the industry by laser fusion study

Nakai, Sadao*; Izawa, Yasukazu*; Fujita, Masayuki*; Kondo, Kiminori; Daido, Hiroyuki; Mima, Kunioki*; Saso, Akihiro*

Oputoronikusu, 31(9), p.134 - 142, 2012/09

The laser fusion has a long history as a study with high intensity laser. There are many application fields which have been grown up from this laser fusion study. In this article, the various industrial applications related to the laser fusion technology, which are EUV light source, non-thermal processing, particle acceleration, neutron source, space application, and demolition and/or decontamination of nuclear plant, are explained.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2010

Sumiya, Shuichi; Watanabe, Hitoshi; Nakano, Masanao; Takeyasu, Masanori; Nakada, Akira; Fujita, Hiroki; Isozaki, Tokuju; Morisawa, Masato; Mizutani, Tomoko; Kokubun, Yuji; et al.

JAEA-Review 2012-015, 166 Pages, 2012/05


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2010 to March 2011. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on Tokyo Electric Power Co. in 2011 March. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring program, monitoring methods, monitoring results and their trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes. In addition, the data exceeded the normal range of fluctuation by the accidental release was evaluated in the appendices.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2009

Sumiya, Shuichi; Matsuura, Kenichi; Watanabe, Hitoshi; Nakano, Masanao; Takeyasu, Masanori; Fujita, Hiroki; Isozaki, Tokuju; Morisawa, Masato; Mizutani, Tomoko; Kokubun, Yuji; et al.

JAEA-Review 2011-004, 161 Pages, 2011/03


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2009 to March 2010. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring program, monitoring methods, monitoring results and their trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2008

Takeishi, Minoru; Sumiya, Shuichi; Matsuura, Kenichi; Watanabe, Hitoshi; Nakano, Masanao; Takeyasu, Masanori; Isozaki, Hisaaki*; Isozaki, Tokuju; Morisawa, Masato; Fujita, Hiroki; et al.

JAEA-Review 2009-048, 177 Pages, 2009/12


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV; Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2008 to March 2009. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring program, monitoring methods, monitoring results and their trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes.

Journal Articles

Dynamics of ion internal transport barrier in LHD heliotron and JT-60U tokamak plasmas

Ida, Katsumi*; Sakamoto, Yoshiteru; Yoshinuma, Mikiro*; Takenaga, Hidenobu; Nagaoka, Kenichi*; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; Oyama, Naoyuki; Osakabe, Masaki*; Yokoyama, Masayuki*; Funaba, Hisamichi*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 49(9), p.095024_1 - 095024_9, 2009/09

 Times Cited Count:31 Percentile:73.73(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Dynamics of ion internal transport barrier (ITB) formation and impurity transport both in the Large Helical Device (LHD) heliotron and JT-60U tokamak are described. Significant differences between heliotron and tokamak plasmas are observed. The location of the ITB moves outward during the ITB formation regardless of the sign of magnetic shear in JT-60U and the ITB becomes more localized in the plasma with negative magnetic shear. In LHD, the low Te/Ti ratio ($$<$$ 1) of the target plasma for the high power heating is found to be necessary condition to achieve the ITB plasma and the ITB location tends to expand outward or inward depending on the condition of the target plasmas. Associated with the formation of ITB, the carbon density tends to be peaked due to inward convection in JT-60U, while the carbon density becomes hollow due to outward convection in LHD. The outward convection observed in LHD contradicts the prediction by neoclassical theory.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2007

Takeishi, Minoru; Matsuura, Kenichi; Watanabe, Hitoshi; Nakano, Masanao; Takeyasu, Masanori; Isozaki, Hisaaki; Isozaki, Tokuju; Morisawa, Masato; Fujita, Hiroki; Kokubun, Yuji; et al.

JAEA-Review 2008-057, 155 Pages, 2008/11


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of JAEA, Chapter IV; Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2007 to March 2008. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring program, monitoring methods, monitoring results and its trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes.

Journal Articles

Bandwidth enhancement of optical parametric chirped pulse amplification by temporally delayed two pump beams

Ogawa, Kanade; Aoyama, Makoto; Akahane, Yutaka; Tsuji, Koichi; Kawanaka, Junji*; Harimoto, Tetsuo*; Nishioka, Hajime*; Fujita, Masayuki*; Yamakawa, Koichi

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 47(6), p.4592 - 4594, 2008/06

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:29.94(Physics, Applied)

We have demonstrated ultra-broadband optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification of more than 350 nm bandwidth in a near infrared region. We have observed a substantial enhancement (nearly 2-fold) of the parametric amplification bandwidth by using time delayed two broadband pump pulses at degeneracy.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2006

Takeishi, Minoru; Miyagawa, Naoto; Nakano, Masanao; Takeyasu, Masanori; Isozaki, Hisaaki; Isozaki, Tokuju; Morisawa, Masato; Fujita, Hiroki; Kokubun, Yuji; Kato, Chiaki; et al.

JAEA-Review 2007-044, 155 Pages, 2008/02


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of JAEA, Chapter 4; Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2006 to March 2007. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring program, monitoring methods, monitoring results and its trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes.

Journal Articles

Ultra-broadband optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification with a diverged pump beam

Ogawa, Kanade; Akahane, Yutaka; Harimoto, Tetsuo*; Aoyama, Makoto; Tsuji, Koichi; Kawanaka, Junji*; Nishioka, Hajime*; Fujita, Masayuki*; Yamakawa, Koichi

Reza Kenkyu, 35(9), p.596 - 598, 2007/09

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Degenerate optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier pumped by an Yb:YLF chirped-pulse amplification laser

Aoyama, Makoto; Akahane, Yutaka; Ogawa, Kanade; Tsuji, Koichi; Sugiyama, Akira; Harimoto, Tetsuo*; Kawanaka, Junji*; Nishioka, Hajime*; Fujita, Masayuki*; Yamakawa, Koichi

Reza Kenkyu, 35(6), p.398 - 399, 2007/06

We have demonstrated optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification by using a diode-pumped Yb:YLF CPA laser system as a pump source and achieved an ultra-broadband amplification of over 200-nm supporting a 12.6-fs duration (3.7 optical cycles) in spite of being operated around degeneracy. By using a two-stage OPCPA with a higher-energy pump pulse, it should be able to produce a terawatt-class, few-cycle laser pulse without complexly and enlarging the system size. Such a laser is useful for the generation of attosecond pulse generation in the xuv region as well as other high field applications.

51 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)