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Top 10 Access last 30 days

JAEA Reports (JAEA-Research etc.)

  1. High-temperature strength of modified type 316 steel for fast reactor fuel before and after neutron irradiation
    JAEA-Technology 2024-009, 140 Pages, 2024/10
  2. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC2023); October 1-6, 2023, Sendai International Center, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
    JAEA-Conf 2024-001, 40 Pages, 2024/07
  3. Experimental and numerical study on energy separation in vortex tube with a hollow helical fin (Joint research)
    JAEA-Research 2022-007, 28 Pages, 2022/09
  4. None
    JAERI 6010, 7 Pages, 1962/03
  5. Evaluation study of fault activity on Shionohira and Kuruma Faults located at the border of Fukushima and Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
    JAEA-Research 2024-005, 177 Pages, 2024/10
  6. Corrosion Properties of Type 304 Stainless Steel in NaOH Solution
    JNC TN9400 2004-061, 42 Pages, 2004/05
  7. Theoretical background and user's manual for the computer code on groundwater flow and radionuclide transport calculation in porous rock
    JNC TN8400 2001-027, 131 Pages, 2001/11
  8. Analysis of the radioactivity concentrations in low-level radioactive waste generated from JRR-3 and JPDR facilities
    JAEA-Data/Code 2020-022, 34 Pages, 2021/03
  9. None
    JNC TJ7400 2000-001, 79 Pages, 2000/02
  10. Sorption studies of plutonium on geological materials - year 2
    JNC TJ8400 2000-060, 60 Pages, 2000/02

Journal Articles and Oral Presentation

  1. A New Standard DNA Damage (SDD) data format
    Radiation Research, 191, (1), p.76 - 93, 2019/01
  2. Transport of heavy hydrocarbon and its redeposition on plasma facing walls
    Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Vol.8, p.419 - 424, 2009/09
  3. Fast-timing study of the $$l$$-forbidden 1/2$$^+$$ $$rightarrow$$ 3/2$$^+$$ $$M1$$ transition in $$^{129}$$Sn
    Physical Review C, 93, (4), p.044303_1 - 044303_7, 2016/04
  4. Cross-shell excitations in $$^{46}$$Ca studied with fusion reactions induced by a reaccelerated rare isotope beam
    Physical Review C, 103, (5), p.L051302_1 - L051302_6, 2021/05
  5. Experimental visualization of water/ice phase distribution at cold start for practical-sized polymer electrolyte fuel cells
    Communications Engineering (Internet), 3, p.33_1 - 33_7, 2024/02
  6. Dynamic of organic species in organo-clay/polypropyrene composite by quesi-elastic neutron scattering
    Applied Clay Science, 155, p.15 - 19, 2018/04
  7. The IRPA Young Generation Network; Activity report from the middle of 2018 to the beginning of 2021
    Journal of Radiation Protection and Research, 46, (3), p.143 - 150, 2021/09
  8. Development of ${it spatiotemporal}$ measurement and analysis techniques in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; From NAP-HARPES to 4D-XPS
    Vacuum and Surface Science, 64, (2), p.86 - 91, 2021/02
  9. Implementation of a low-activation Au-In-Cd decoupler into the J-PARC 1 MW short pulsed spallation neutron source
    Nuclear Materials and Energy (Internet), 14, p.14 - 21, 2018/01
  10. Development of a reference database for beta-delayed neutron emission
    Nuclear Data Sheets, 173, p.144 - 238, 2021/03


  1. 比熱とエンタルピー変化の測定方法
    特許7250268, 2023/03/24
  2. 地形変化シミュレーション方法
    特許5422833, 2013/12/06
  3. 不溶解性残渣処理プロセス
    特許6515369, 2019/04/26
  4. テクネチウム99Mジェネレータからのモリブデン回収方法
    特許5590527, 2014/08/08
  5. 核医学診断装置、試料評価方法
    特許7551124, 2024/09/06
  6. 耐放射線直管型LEDランプ及び照明装置
    特許7521755, 2024/07/16
  7. ヨウ化水素分解触媒及び水素製造方法
    特許6780847, 2020/10/19
  8. 放射線検出装置
    特開2024-102933, 2024/08/01
  9. 元素分析方法
    特許7153324, 2022/10/05

Top 10 Downloads last 30 days

JAEA Reports (JAEA-Research etc.)

  1. None
    PNC TN1460 94-001, 141 Pages, 1994/04, (3.79MB)

  2. None
    PNC TJ7187 97-002, 586 Pages, 1997/11, (47.21MB)

  3. Handbook on Process and Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing, 3rd Edition
    JAEA-Review 2015-002, 726 Pages, 2015/03, (43.63MB)

  4. Precautions of capacitor inspection and its treatment based on the PCB Special Measures Law
    JAEA-Technology 2022-036, 31 Pages, 2023/03, (8.77MB)

  5. High Intensity Proton Accelerator Project (J-PARC) technical design report materials & life science experimental facility
    JAERI-Tech 2004-001, 1171 Pages, 2004/03, (80.84MB)

  6. Proceedings of the 2021 Symposium on Nuclear Data; November 18-19, 2021, On-line Connection Conference
    JAEA-Conf 2022-001, 226 Pages, 2022/11, (17.97MB)

  7. None
    PNC TJ7417 95-001, 89 Pages, 1995/03, (111.48MB)

  8. Detailed design of new material nitric acid recovery evaporator
    PNC TN8410 87-086VOL1, 1037 Pages, 1986/09, (34.39MB)

  9. None
    JNC TY1400 2005-013, 590 Pages, 2005/09, (49.28MB)

  10. None
    PNC TN9440 91-013, 136 Pages, 1991/06, (3.35MB)

Journal Articles and Oral Presentation

  1. New liquid-liquid extraction apparatus; "Emulsion-flow" extractor
    AA20170526, 2017/11, (2.29MB)
  2. Is it possible to deter armed attack against nuclear power plants by International law; Its limit and future perspective
    AA20221023, 2023/09, (0.55MB)
  3. What's about "application document for the Permission of Reactor Installment License"
    AA20110510, 2011/11, (1.41MB)
  4. The Nuclear security measures; From the view point of cyber security
    AA20200515, 2020/11, (0.57MB)
  5. Overview; Rethinking the grey literature's definition
    AA20110802, 2012/02, (0.41MB)
  6. Evolution of shell structure in exotic nuclei
    AA20190511, 2020/03, (5.43MB)
  7. Legal implication of armed attack to nuclear facilities in Ukraine
    AA20220714, 2023/01, (1.07MB)
  8. Benchmarking of flux-driven full-F gyrokinetic simulations
    AA20170418, 2017/10, (4.26MB)
  9. Coexisting normal and intruder configurations in $$^{32}$$Mg
    AA20210459, 2021/11, (1.01MB)
  10. A Study on the propagation characteristics of surface waves in granite based on ultrasonic measurements
    AA20200209, 2020/00, (2.72MB)

Patent (Published unexamined patent application)

  1. 放射線分析方法、放射線検出器
    特開WO2022/075455, 2022/04/14(37.94KB)

  2. 液液系多段装置及びそれを用いた特定物質の製造方法
    特開2022-164276, 2022/10/27(37.94KB)

  3. モリブデン-99の製造用ターゲット材料及びその製造方法
    特開2023-154459, 2023/10/20(37.94KB)

  4. 希土類金属の抽出剤と抽出方法
    特許5035788, 2012/07/13(37.94KB)

  5. 加工装置および加工装置の制御方法
    特開2023-075422, 2023/05/31(37.94KB)

  6. 鋼材
    特許7492259, 2024/05/21(37.94KB)

  7. 放射線分析方法、放射線分析装置、放射線検出器
    特開WO-2022/075455, 2022/04/14(37.94KB)

  8. 金属元素の分離方法
    特許6693647, 2020/04/20(37.94KB)

  9. 不溶解性残渣処理プロセス
    特許6515369, 2019/04/26(37.94KB)

  10. 放射能評価方法、放射能評価プログラム及び放射能評価装置
    特許7426624, 2024/01/25(37.94KB)