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最新情報 2025年2月 136件

研究開発報告書類 7件 

  1. NSRR制御棒校正表の妥当性の検証
    JAEA-Technology 2024-015, 30 Pages, 2025/01
  2. Analysis methodology of the calculation code, WRAC-JAEA, for determining major indexes of corrosive circumstance in light water reactors
    JAEA-Data/Code 2024-003, 119 Pages, 2025/01
  3. 燃料挙動解析コードパッケージFEMAXIの機能拡充; 軽水炉燃料の反応度事故時挙動解析モジュールRANNSの開発と検証
    JAEA-Data/Code 2024-012, 76 Pages, 2024/12
  4. $$alpha$$固体廃棄物A管理システムの構築
    JAEA-Testing 2024-003, 128 Pages, 2025/01
  5. 令和5年度大型計算機システム利用による研究成果報告集
    JAEA-Review 2024-044, 121 Pages, 2025/01
  6. 2022年度楢葉遠隔技術開発センター年報
    JAEA-Review 2024-046, 52 Pages, 2025/01
  7. 原子力人材育成センターの活動(令和5年度)
    JAEA-Review 2024-048, 69 Pages, 2025/01

学会誌等掲載論文 126件 

  1. Atom-vacancy-defect-derived electric hysteresis loops and stochastic low-frequency noises in few-atom layer MoS$$_2$$
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16, (46), p.64190 - 64196, 2024/11
  2. Direct observations of dynamic and reverse transformation of Ti-6Al-4V alloy and pure titanium
    Acta Materialia, 268, p.119780_1 - 119780_11, 2024/04
  3. Characteristic deformation microstructure evolution and deformation mechanisms in face-centered cubic high/medium entropy alloys
    Acta Materialia, 283, p.120498_1 - 120498_15, 2025/01
  4. Coexistence of quantum-spin-hall and quantum-hall-topological-insulating states in graphene/hBN on SrTiO$$_3$$ substrate
    Advanced Materials, 36, (19), p.2311339_1 - 2311339_8, 2024/05
  5. Radio frequency discharge apparatus for studying spin transfer from solid surfaces to metastable helium gas
    AIP Advances (Internet), 14, (3), p.035217_1 - 035217_8, 2024/03
  6. Gate-tunable resistance drops related to local superconducting gaps in thin TaS$$_2$$ layers on SrTiO$$_3$$ substrates
    APL Materials (Internet), 11, (8), p.081106_1 - 081106_6, 2023/08
  7. Real-space observation of standing spin-wave modes in a magnetic disk
    Applied Physics Letters, 121, (13), p.132402_1 - 132402_5, 2022/09
  8. Revealing the role of high-valence elementary substitution in the hydrogen-induced Mottronic transitions of vanadium dioxide
    Applied Physics Letters, 124, (8), p.082103_1 - 082103_7, 2024/02
  9. Understanding spin currents from magnon dispersion and polarization; Spin-Seebeck effect and neutron scattering study on Tb$$_3$$Fe$$_5$$O$$_{12}$$
    Applied Physics Letters, 124, (13), p.132406_1 - 132406_7, 2024/03
  10. Integration of multiple dense point clouds based on estimated parameters in photogrammetry with QR code for reducing computation time
    Artificial Life and Robotics, 29, (4), p.546 - 556, 2024/09
  11. Possibility of secondary $$i$$- and $$s$$-processes following $$r$$-process in the collapsar jet
    Astrophysical Journal Letters, 966, (2), p.L37_1 - L37_7, 2024/05
  12. Configuration and dynamics of hydride ions in the nitride-hydride catalyst Ca$$_{3}$$CrN$$_{3}$$H
    Chemistry of Materials, 37, (1), p.489 - 496, 2024/12
  13. SRPES and XPS analysis of activation and deterioration processes for Ti-Zr-V NEG coating
    e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology (Internet), 22, (4), p.316 - 326, 2024/08
  14. An Introduction to spent nuclear fuel decay heat for light water reactors; A Review from the NEA WPNCS
    EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies (Internet), 10, p.9_1 - 9_83, 2024/10
  15. Review of JAEA's Monte Carlo codes for nuclear reactor core analysis
    EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies (Internet), 11, p.1_1 - 1_7, 2025/01
  16. Summary of the $$K^- pp$$ bound-state observation in E15 and future prospects
    EPJ Web of Conferences, 262, p.01008_1 - 01008_7, 2022/04
  17. Recent progress and future prospects of hyperon nucleon scattering experiment
    EPJ Web of Conferences, 271, p.04001_1 - 04001_7, 2022/11
  18. J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility extension project
    EPJ Web of Conferences, 271, p.11001_1 - 11001_7, 2022/11
  19. Numerical intercomparison of PHITS and Geant4 Monte Carlo codes for fast neutron inelastic scattering applications
    European Physical Journal Plus (Internet), 139, p.565_1 - 565_9, 2024/07
  20. Modeling of coupled processes in full-scale engineered barrier system performance experiment at Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory, Japan
    Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 41, p.100636_1 - 100636_14, 2025/03
  21. Analysis of ex-vessel debris coolability of boiling water reactors
    International Journal of Energy Research, 2024, (1), p.9748588_1 - 9748588_18, 2024/08
  22. Two-group drift-flux model for upward cap-bubbly two-phase flows in large square channels
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 237, p.126445_1 - 126445_14, 2025/02
  23. Heat transfer characteristics of downward saturated boiling flow in vertical round pipes
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 239, p.126598_1 - 126598_18, 2025/04
  24. Hydrogen diffusion in cerium oxide thin films fabricated by pulsed laser deposition
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 50, (Part D), p.969 - 978, 2024/01
  25. Quantification of radicals in aqueous solution by positronium lifetime; An Experiment using a clinical PET scanner
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 63, (8), p.086003_1 - 086003_8, 2024/08
  26. Local and electronic structures of NaNbO$$_3$$, AgNbO$$_3$$, and KNbO$$_3$$
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 63, (9), p.09SP12_1 - 09SP12_10, 2024/09
  27. Coverage-dependent desorption kinetics of water on a well-ordered alumina thin film surface
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 160, (3), p.034703_1 - 034703_9, 2024/01
  28. Synthesis of carbon nanowalls using plasma-irradiated solid carbon and absorption of Cs in water
    Journal of Electronic Materials, 54, p.686 - 692, 2025/01
  29. Combined analysis of Belle and Belle II data to determine the CKM angle $$ phi_{3} $$ using $$B^+ to D(K_{S}^0 h^+ h^-) h^+$$ decays
    Journal of High Energy Physics (Internet), 2022, (2), p.63_1 - 63_33, 2022/02
  30. First Measurement of the $$Lambda_c^+ to p eta'$$ decay
    Journal of High Energy Physics (Internet), 2022, (3), p.90_1 - 90_11, 2022/03
  31. An Improved search for the electric dipole moment of the $$tau$$ lepton
    Journal of High Energy Physics (Internet), 2022, (04), p.110_1 - 110_13, 2022/04
  32. Edge sites on platinum electrocatalysts are responsible for discharge in the hydrogen evolution reaction
    Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12, (42), p.28731 - 28743, 2024/10
  33. J-PARC Linac and RCS; Operational status and upgrade plan to 2 MW
    Journal of Neutron Research, 26, (2-3), p.59 - 67, 2024/01
  34. Effects of Al addition on Vickers hardness increase by thermal aging of Fe-Cr-Al alloys; Evaluation by systematic experiments, machine learning modeling, and first-principles calculations
    Journal of Nuclear Materials, 606, p.155606_1 - 155606_12, 2025/02
  35. Whole core analysis of BEAVRS benchmark for hot zero power condition using MVP3 with JENDL-5
    Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61, (2), p.177 - 191, 2024/02
  36. Experiences from the cutting of metallic blocks from simulant Fukushima Daiichi fuel debris
    Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61, (9), p.1239 - 1247, 2024/09
  37. Activation level of the concrete building and pressure vessel in JAEA-Tokai tandem accelerator
    Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61, (10), p.1298 - 1307, 2024/10
  38. Development of a dissolution method for analyzing the elemental composition of fuel debris using sodium peroxide fusion technique
    Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 62, (1), p.56 - 64, 2025/01
  39. Chemical interaction of CsOH vapor with UO$$_{2}$$ and Fe-Zr melt
    Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 62, (1), p.78 - 85, 2025/01
  40. H$$_{2}$$ molecule generation from dissociatively adsorbed water on TiO$$_{2}$$ through photoexcitation
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128, (20), p.8188 - 8198, 2024/05
  41. Temperature dependence of the hyperfine parameters on Fe$$_{3}$$O$$_{4}$$(111) surfaces
    Journal of Physics Communications, 6, (10), p.105004_1 - 105004_6, 2022/10
  42. Ultrahigh concentration hydrogen doping into TiO$$_{2}$$
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146, (46), p.32013 - 32021, 2024/11
  43. Hydrogen absorption in an epitaxial thin film of high-entropy perovskite oxide
    Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 42, (2), p.023402_1 - 023402_6, 2024/03
  44. Quantitative evaluation of irradiated ductility degradation using the indentation technique combined with numerical experiments
    Materials, 17, (23), p.5925_1 - 5925_14, 2024/12
  45. Development of a simplified boiling model applied for large-scale detailed two-phase flow simulations based on the VOF method
    Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 11, (4), p.24-00188_1 - 24-00188_12, 2024/07
  46. High-pressure polymerization of phenol toward degree-4 carbon nanothread
    Nano Letters, 25, (3), p.1028 - 1035, 2025/01
  47. Enhanced magnetism derived from pore-edge spins in thin Fe$$_3$$GeTe$$_2$$ nanomeshes
    Nanotechnology, 35, (47), p.475601_1 - 475601_9, 2024/11
  48. Development of a coarse-mesh subchannel CFD model for prediction of core thermal-hydraulics in natural circulation conditions
    Nuclear Engineering and Design, 432, p.113738_1 - 113738_12, 2025/02
  49. Difference in accumulation of plutonium and curium isotopes formed in americium targets irradiated in Joyo and JMTR
    Nuclear Engineering and Design, 432, p.113755_1 - 113755_17, 2025/02
  50. Monte Carlo and experimental assessment of the optimal geometry of the source and collimator for a table-top NRTA system for small nuclear material measurement
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1072, p.170189_1 - 170189_14, 2025/03
  51. Evaluation of the distribution accuracy of radioactivity from a gamma-ray source using an omnidirectional detector for radiation imaging with fractal geometry
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1072, p.170207_1 - 170207_12, 2025/03
  52. Pressure-induced polymerization of 1,4-difluorobenzene towards fluorinated diamond nanothreads
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 27, (2), p.1112 - 1118, 2025/01
  53. Vicinage effect on the yield of convoy electrons emitted from thin carbon foil induced by the penetration of 3.5 MeV/atom C$$_{n}$$$$^{+}$$ ions
    Physical Review A, 110, (6), p.062826_1 - 062826_7, 2024/12
  54. Tunable sigmoid behavior of a magnon-based parametron using a Y$$_3$$Fe$$_5$$O$$_{12}$$/Pt bilayer disk
    Physical Review Applied (Internet), 22, (3), p.L031002_1 - L031002_6, 2024/09
  55. Magnon-magnon coupling in synthetic ferrimagnets
    Physical Review B, 108, (10), p.104407_1 - 104407_12, 2023/09
  56. Electrical detection of parallel parametric amplification and attenuation in a Y$$_3$$Fe$$_5$$O$$_{12}$$/Pt bilayer disk
    Physical Review B, 108, (14), p.L140410_1 - L140410_6, 2023/10
  57. Theory of the spin Seebeck effect influenced by crystal-field excitations in Tb$$_3$$Fe$$_5$$O$$_{12}$$
    Physical Review B, 111, (1), p.014407_1 - 014407_12, 2025/01
  58. Kinematic dependence of azimuthal anisotropies in $$p$$$$+$$Au, $$d$$$$+$$Au, and $$^3$$He+Au at $$sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}$$ = 200 GeV
    Physical Review C, 105, (2), p.024901_1 - 024901_13, 2022/02
  59. Systematic study of nuclear effects in $$p$$$$+$$Al, $$p$$$$+$$Au, $$d$$$$+$$Au, and $$^{3}$$He$$+$$Au collisions at $$sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200$$ GeV using $$pi^0$$ production
    Physical Review C, 105, (6), p.064902_1 - 064902_19, 2022/06
  60. Measurement of $$psi(2S)$$ nuclear modification at backward and forward rapidity in $$p$$$$+$$$$p$$, $$p$$$$+$$Al, and $$p$$$$+$$Au collisions at $$sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200$$ GeV
    Physical Review C, 105, (6), p.064912_1 - 064912_12, 2022/06
  61. $$phi$$ meson production in $$p$$$$+$$Al, $$p$$$$+$$Au, $$d$$$$+$$Au, and $$^3$$He$$+$$Au collisions at $$sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200$$ GeV
    Physical Review C, 106, (1), p.014908_1 - 014908_13, 2022/07
  62. $$alpha$$-induced total reaction cross sections based on the intranuclear cascade model
    Physical Review C, 110, (6), p.064620_1 - 064620_5, 2024/12
  63. Measurements of the branching fractions of $$Xi_c^0 to Lambda K_S^0$$, $$Xi_c^0 to Sigma^0 K_S^0$$, and $$Xi_c^0 to Sigma^+ K^-$$ decays at Belle
    Physical Review D, 105, (1), p.L011102_1 - L011102_10, 2022/01
  64. Study of $$overline{B}{}^0rightarrow D^{+}h^{-} (h=K/pi)$$ decays at Belle
    Physical Review D, 105, (1), p.012003_1 - 012003_9, 2022/01
  65. Measurement of $${mathcal B}$$($$B_s rightarrow D_s X$$) with $$B_s$$ Semileptonic Tagging
    Physical Review D, 105, (1), p.012004_1 - 012004_9, 2022/01
  66. Search for the decay $$B_s^0rightarrowetaeta$$
    Physical Review D, 105, (1), p.012007_1 - 012007_7, 2022/01
  67. Search for tetraquark states $$X_{ccbar{s}bar{s}}$$ in $$D_{s}^{+}D_{s}^{+}~(D_{s}^{*+}D_{s}^{*+})$$ final states at Belle
    Physical Review D, 105, (3), p.032002_1 - 032002_12, 2022/02
  68. Search for $$B^0$$ meson decays into $$Lambda$$ and missing energy with a hadronic tagging method at Belle
    Physical Review D, 105, (5), p.L051101_1 - L051101_8, 2022/03
  69. Measurement of the branching fraction and $$CP$$ asymmetry for $$Btobar{D}^{0} pi$$ decays
    Physical Review D, 105, (7), p.072007_1 - 072007_13, 2022/04
  70. First test of Lepton Flavor Universality in the charmed baryon decays $$Omega^{0}_{c} to Omega^{-} ell^{+} nu_{ell}$$ using data of the Belle experiment
    Physical Review D, 105, (9), p.L091101_1 - L091101_7, 2022/05
  71. Search for the radiative penguin decays $$B^{0} to K_S^{0}K_S^{0}$$$$gamma$$ in the Belle experiment
    Physical Review D, 106, (1), p.012006_1 - 012006_9, 2022/07
  72. Search for the decay $$B_s^0 to eta^prime K_S^0$$
    Physical Review D, 106, (5), p.L051103_1 - L051103_8, 2022/09
  73. Search for $$X(3872)topi^+pi^-pi^0$$ at Belle
    Physical Review D, 107, (5), p.052004_1 - 052004_8, 2023/03
  74. Precise measurement of differential cross sections of the $${Sigma}^- p to {Lambda} n$$ reaction in momentum range 470-650 MeV/$$c$$
    Physical Review Letters, 128, (7), p.072501_1 - 072501_6, 2022/02
  75. Search for a light Higgs boson in single-photon decays of $$Upsilon(1S)$$ using $$Upsilon(2S) to pi^+ pi^- Upsilon(1S)$$ tagging method
    Physical Review Letters, 128, (8), p.081804_1 - 081804_9, 2022/02
  76. Measurement of Two-Particle Correlations of Hadrons in $$e^{+}e^{-}$$ Collisions at Belle
    Physical Review Letters, 128, (14), p.142005_1 - 142005_8, 2022/04
  77. Strongly coupled spin waves and surface acoustic waves at room temperature
    Physical Review Letters, 132, (5), p.056704_1 - 056704_7, 2024/01
  78. Observation of nonreciprocal diffraction of surface acoustic wave
    Physical Review Letters, 134, (2), p.027001_1 - 027001_5, 2025/01
  79. Composition-tunable magnon-polaron anomalies in spin Seebeck effects in epitaxial Bi$$_x$$Y$$_{3-x}$$Fe$$_5$$O$$_{12}$$ films
    Physical Review Materials (Internet), 6, (10), p.104402_1 - 104402_13, 2022/10
  80. Controlling dual Mott states by hydrogen doping to perovskite rare-earth nickelates
    Physical Review Materials (Internet), 7, (8), p.085003_1 - 085003_6, 2023/08
  81. Surface structure of the 3$$times$$3-Si phase on Al(111), studied by the multiple usages of positron diffraction and core-level photoemission spectroscopy
    Physical Review Materials (Internet), 9, (1), p.014002_1 - 014002_11, 2025/01
  82. Possible field-induced quantum state in a rhombic lattice antiferromagnet KCoPO$$_{4}$$$$cdot$$H$$_{2}$$O
    Physical Review Materials (Internet), 9, (1), p.014406_1 - 014406_9, 2025/01
  83. Orbital moir$'e$ and quadrupolar triple-q physics in a triangular lattice
    Physical Review Research (Internet), 6, (4), p.L042068_1 - L042068_7, 2024/12
  84. Free outflow from the end of a horizontal circular pipe related to flow from the PWR cold leg to the downcomer
    Progress in Nuclear Energy, 180, p.105593_1 - 105593_11, 2025/02
  85. Response function measurement for a non-destructive gas-sheet beam profile monitor
    Review of Scientific Instruments, 95, (12), p.123308_1 - 123308_11, 2024/12
  86. First-principles calculations on dislocations in MgO
    Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 25, (1), p.2393567_1 - 2393567_9, 2024/09
  87. Evolution of radionuclide transport and retardation processes in uplifting granitic rocks, Part 1; Key processes, conceptual models and scenario
    Science of the Total Environment, 957, p.177375_1 - 177375_17, 2024/12
  88. Evolution of radionuclide transport and retardation processes in uplifting granitic rocks, Part 2; Modelling coupled processes in uplift scenarios
    Science of the Total Environment, 958, p.177690_1 - 177690_17, 2025/01
  89. Optical and spin-selective time-of-flight measurement of light-induced desorption of Rb from Fe$$_{3}$$O$$_{4}$$ surfaces
    Scientific Reports (Internet), 13, p.14965_1 - 14965_11, 2023/09
  90. Comprehensive increase in CO$$_{2}$$ release by drying-rewetting cycles among Japanese forests and pastureland soils and exploring predictors of increasing magnitude
    Soil (Internet), 11, (1), p.35 - 49, 2025/01
  91. Large-eddy simulation analysis on the area of influence of local hilly terrains on plume dispersion released from a stack
    SOLA (Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere) (Internet), 21, p.17 - 23, 2025/01
  92. Solvent extraction behaviors of rhodium and palladium in nitric acid solutions using amide extractants
    Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan, 32, (1), p.53 - 62, 2025/00
  93. 日本列島の若い山地における低温熱年代法の適用性
    フィッション・トラックニュースレター, (37), p.1 - 5, 2024/12
  94. 四国山地における低温領域の熱年代データの空間分布とその解釈
    フィッション・トラックニュースレター, (37), p.8 - 10, 2024/12
  95. Potential of the young age reference materials; CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb dates of Cenozoic zircons in Japan
    Fuisshon, Torakku Nyusureta, (37), p.11 - 13, 2024/12
  96. 亀裂性堆積岩を対象とした地下水流動解析における有効間隙率の与え方; 北海道幌延に分布する声問層と稚内層浅部の事例
    原子力バックエンド研究(CD-ROM), 31, (2), p.82 - 95, 2024/12
  97. 地球表層環境のヨウ素129研究の現状と考察; 地質環境長期安定性評価に向けて
    原子力バックエンド研究(CD-ROM), 31, (2), p.96 - 110, 2024/12
  98. 核破砕中性子源水銀標的容器の材料劣化評価に対する押込み試験技術の適用
    実験力学, 24, (4), p.212 - 218, 2024/12
  99. 高温ガス炉水素製造システムの概要と開発の状況
    金属, 95, (1), p.25 - 33, 2025/01
  100. 超高真空技術をあらゆる産業へ応用できる省エネゲッターポンプ; 真空容器自体を無電力の超高真空ポンプにする技術の社会実装
    クリーンテクノロジー, 35, (1), p.39 - 42, 2025/01
  101. 幌延深地層研究センター周辺で発生した地震による立坑掘削損傷領域への影響
    トンネル工学報告集(CD-ROM), 34, p.IV-1_1 - IV-1_6, 2024/12
  102. Estimation of the intergranular corrosion rate of stainless steel using cellular automata calculation considering stochastic process
    Corrosion Modelling with Cellular Automata; European Federation of Corrosion Publications, Number 71, p.131 - 153, 2024/03
  103. Chapter 9, Advanced materials; Oxide-dispersion strengthened steels
    Materials and Processes for Nuclear Energy Today and in the Future, p.279 - 297, 2024/10
  104. Clearance operation on the turbine system in FUGEN
    Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2023/05
  105. Neutronics/thermal-hydraulics coupling simulation using JAMPAN in a single BWR fuel assembly
    Proceedings of 31st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE31) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2024/11
  106. Proposal of negative stress ratio R for fatigue crack growth rates of austenitic stainless steels in air for ASME Code Section XI based on trend in experimental data
    Proceedings of ASME 2024 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP 2024) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2024/07
  107. Plastic constraint correction factor $$chi$$ for brittle fracture in ductile-brittle transition temperature region
    Proceedings of ASME 2024 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP 2024) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2024/07
  108. Biaxial constraint effect on fracture toughness evaluation of reactor pressure vessel under pressurized thermal shock events
    Proceedings of ASME 2024 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP 2024) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2024/07
  109. Development and field-test of an "in-situ" alpha air monitor in a harsh environment
    Proceedings of International Conference on Decommissioning Challenges; Role and importance of innovations (DEM 2024) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2024/05
  110. Validation study on SFR core bowing codes using Joyo ex-core experiment data; Multiple duct bowing benchmark
    Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Fuel Cycle (GLOBAL2024) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2024/10
  111. Validation study on SFR core bowing codes using Joyo ex-core experiment data; Single duct bowing benchmark
    Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Fuel Cycle (GLOBAL2024) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2024/10
  112. 多極子を用いた異方性の記述に基づく現象論
    アシンメトリ量子若手秋の学校; 改訂版, p.207 - 248, 2024/09
  113. 堆積軟岩を対象とした高レベル放射性廃棄物模擬処分孔掘削時の岩盤損傷の発達状況
    第16回岩の力学国内シンポジウム講演論文集(インターネット), p.269 - 274, 2025/01
  114. 大規模三次元連成解析に基づく幌延深地層研究センター350m調査坑道での掘削$$sim$$長期透水試験に対する再現シミュレーション
    第16回岩の力学国内シンポジウム講演論文集(インターネット), p.304 - 309, 2025/01
  115. 非核化達成のための技術的プロセスに関する研究,2; ウラン濃縮施設の廃棄・検証
    第43回日本核物質管理学会年次大会会議論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2022/11
  116. 大規模公共イベント等における核・放射性物質モニタリング技術開発
    第44回日本核物質管理学会年次大会会議論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2023/11
  117. 将来に向けた原子力技術の展開; 核種の分離・変換技術
    原子力年鑑2025, p.75 - 80, 2024/10
  118. 柔粘性結晶の圧力熱量効果による冷却のメカニズム
    革新的冷却技術; メカニズムから素子・材料・システム開発まで, p.19 - 28, 2024/01
  119. Evaluation of photonuclear reaction cross-section data for $$^{209}$$Bi at 13 and 17 MeV photon energies
    JAEA-Conf 2024-002, p.139 - 143, 2024/11
  120. J-PARC MLF BL11でのスクリーンショットによる測定状況確認システム
    CROSS Reports(インターネット), 1, 9 Pages, 2023/12
  121. Assessment of caesium-137 detections at CTBTO radionuclide monitoring stations in East Asia and their relationship to Asian dust dispersion
    Pure and Applied Geophysics, 14 Pages, 2024/00
  122. Rock strength and stress dependence of local flow-path connectivity within faults or fractures; A Preliminary overview of virtual and in-situ hydraulic tests
    Hydrogeology Journal, 32, (8), 23 Pages, 2025/00
  123. Uncertainty quantification of $$^{237}$$Np, $$^{241}$$Am, and $$^{243}$$Am reaction rates in highly enriched uranium fuel cores at Kyoto University Critical Assembly
    Nuclear Science and Engineering, 16 Pages, 2024/00
  124. Accurate implicit moving particle simulation method with angular momentum conservation for high-viscous free-surface flow
    Computational Particle Mechanics, 15 Pages, 2024/00
  125. Pseudotunnel magnetoresistance in twisted van der Waals Fe$$_3$$GeTe$$_2$$ homojunctions
    Advanced Materials, p.2411459_1 - 2411459_11, 2025/00
  126. Directional vector-based quick evaluation method for protective plate effects in X-ray fluoroscopy (DQPEX)
    Radiological Physics and Technology, 13 Pages, 2024/00

特許 3件 

  1. ワダライト及びワダライトの製造方法
    特開2025-001520, 2025/01/08
  2. 放射線検出装置、放射性核種検出装置、放射性核種分布測定方法
    特開2025-015087, 2025/01/30
  3. レーザ装置、元素分析システム、及び元素分析方法
    特開2025-016132, 2025/01/31