※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Designing of Action Plans for Risk Communication on the Uranium Mining Site Remedy at Ningyo-toge Environmental Engineering Center

藪田 尚弘*; 滝沢 真之*; 氷川 珠恵*; 河合 潤*

Yabuta, Naohiro*; Takizawa, Masayuki*; Hikawa, Tamae*; Kawai, Jun*


On the closure of uranium production facilities, settled at Ningyo-Toge Environmental Engineering Center (NTEEC) and other area in Okayama and Tottori prefectures, Action Plans for risk communication with residence and local governments were developed. Firstly, to clarify requirements for risk communication plans, extensive case study for resemblance project of other fields were performed, such as chemical hazards exposure, industrial waste disposal, metal mining site closure and overseas uranium mining site closure. Secondly, with the understanding of societal environment issues around NTEEC, missions of risk communication at NTEEC case were listed. After considerations above, action plans for risk communication on the uranium mining sites remedy at NTEEC were developed. Plans involves several alternatives and were to be performed in building blocks manner. Emergency management plans during pursuing of risk communication plans were also developed.



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