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動力炉・核燃料開発事業団東海事業所標準分析作業法; 周辺環境管理編

Manual of standard procedures for environmental sampling and analysis

北原 義久*; 大和 愛司*; 野村 保*; 小山田 常夫*; 宮永 直人*; 片桐 裕実*; 竹松 光春*; 木村 均*

Kitahara, Yoshihisa*; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered


This manual includes standard procedures for environmental sampling, sample preparation and radionuclide analysis and is applied to the environmental monitoring around the nuclear facilities of Tokai Works of PNC. The first edition was published in 1975. Almost all analytical procedures have been modified for these five years, so the second edition revised entirely was to be published this time.



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