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振動充填燃料焼結体の熱伝導度測定試験(3) -熱伝導度測定-

Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Sintered Vibro-Packed Fuel (3) -Thermal Conductivity Measurement-

水野 峰雄*; 高阪 裕二*; 小川 伸太*

Mizuno, Mineo*; Kosaka, Yuji*; Ogawa, Shinta*


Measurement of thermal conductivity of sintered UO2 particle bed was performed to investigate the necking effect on thermal conductivity. Test samples were prepared with high temperature creep test equipment. Plate comparison method was applied to the measurement. Thermal conductivity measurements were done for two neck ratio samples (0% and 37%) under the temperature from 600 to 800 Celsius degrees.



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