※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Selenium sorption in a sedimentary rock/saline groundwater system and spectroscopic evidence

夏 暁彬; 亀井 玄人 ; 飯島 和毅  ; 柴田 雅博 ; 大貫 敏彦*; 香西 直文*   

Xia, X.; Kamei, Gento; Iijima, Kazuki; Shibata, Masahiro; Onuki, Toshihiko*; Kozai, Naofumi*


Sorption of Se was studied by batch sortion tests by using sedimentary rock samples and corresponding saline groundwater from Horonobe underground research laboratory site under reducing condition. Spectroscopic analyses were performed by XANES after the sorption tests to identify the oxidation states of Se on the sedimenatary rock. The results suggest that the dominant factors affecting the Se sorption are Fe-bearing minerals, especially pyrite, exchangable Fe, and organic matters. The XANES analytical results revealed that most Se on the sedimentary rock was Se(0)in the case of natural saline groundwater, while only some proportions of Se was Se(0)in case of synthetic groundwater, which contains no organic matter. These suggest that the organic matter probably affect the sorption through changing Se oxidation states, and in a natural seimentary rock/salin groundwater system, reduction of selenium to be Se(0) and its incorporation into pyrite could be expected to be an important sorption mechanism.



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