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Rotational states of CH$$_{3}$$CN selected using hexapole electric field (Cooperative research)

橋之口 道宏*; 岡田 美智雄*; 笠井 俊夫*; 盛谷 浩右; 寺岡 有殿

Hashinokuchi, Michihiro*; Okada, Michio*; Kasai, Toshio*; Moritani, Kosuke; Teraoka, Yuden


The dynamical processes such as the energy transfer of a molecule to a surface, etc. play an important role in surface chemical reactions. An oriented-molecular-beam method can provide a great insight into these processes. We have developed a UHV-compatible oriented-molecular-beam machine. In the present study, we performed rotational-state selection of CH$$_{3}$$CN using hexapole electric field. We measured the focusing curve of CH$$_{3}$$CN, which was reproduced by the trajectory simulation including the second-order Stark effect in the inhomogeneous hexapole electric field. The expected orientation distributions suggest our ability to control the molecular orientation in surface reactions.



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