※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Magnetic-field-induced transition in the lattice modulation of colossal magnetoelectric GdMnO$$_3$$ and TbMnO$$_3$$ compounds


有馬 孝尚*; 後藤 剛史*; 山崎 裕一*; 宮坂 茂樹*; 石井 賢司; 坪田 雅己; 稲見 俊哉; 村上 洋一*; 十倉 好紀*

Arima, Takahisa*; Goto, Tsuyoshi*; Yamazaki, Yuichi*; Miyasaka, Shigeki*; Ishii, Kenji; Tsubota, Masami; Inami, Toshiya; Murakami, Yoichi*; Tokura, Yoshinori*

強磁場下での単結晶放射光X線回折実験を磁気誘電化合物GdMnO$$_3$$とTbMnO$$_3$$で行った。低温で磁場の印加によって誘起される${bf P}$//aの強誘電相は斜方晶のb軸方向へのq=1/2と1/4の整合な格子変調によって特徴づけられる。この格子変調は変調ベクトル(0 1/4 1)の反強磁性スピン配列によるものである。スピン構造の変化は直接磁場誘起誘電相転移と関係づけられる。なぜなら、いかなる(0 1/4 1)の整合スピン変調はPbnm空間群を持つ歪んだペルブスカイトの${it a}$軸に垂直な映心面を壊すからである。

Single-crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements in strong magnetic fields have been performed for magnetoelectric compounds GdMnO$$_3$$ and TbMnO$$_3$$. It has been found that the ${bf P}$//a ferroelectric phase induced by the application of a magnetic field at low temperatures is characterized by commensurate lattice modulation along the orthorhombic ${it b}$ axis with q=1/2 and q=1/4. The lattice modulation is ascribed to antiferromagnetic spin alignment with a modulation vector of (0 1/4 1). The change of the spin structure is directly correlated with the magnetic-field-induced electric phase transition, because any commensurate spin modulation with (0 1/4 1) should break glide planes normal to the ${it a}$ axis of the distorted perovskite with the space group.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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