In-beam -ray study of the neutron-rich nuclei of U, Pu, and Cm produced by the (O, O) reaction
(O, O)反応を利用したインビーム線分光による中性子過剰核U, Pu, Cmの研究
石井 哲朗 ; 重松 宗一郎*; 牧井 宏之 ; 浅井 雅人 ; 塚田 和明 ; 豊嶋 厚史; 松田 誠 ; 牧嶋 章泰*; 静間 俊行; 金子 順一*; Hossain, I.*; 當銘 勇人; 小原 雅子*; 市川 進一; 河野 俊之*; 小川 雅生*
Ishii, Tetsuro; Shigematsu, Soichiro*; Makii, Hiroyuki; Asai, Masato; Tsukada, Kazuaki; Toyoshima, Atsushi; Matsuda, Makoto; Makishima, Akiyasu*; Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Kaneko, Junichi*; Hossain, I.*; Tome, Hayato; Ohara, Masako*; Ichikawa, Shinichi; Kono, Toshiyuki*; Ogawa, Masao*
中性子過剰核U, Pu, Cmの励起準位構造をインビーム線分光法により研究した。これらの原子核は、原子力機構・東海タンデム加速器施設において、U, Pu, Cm(O, O) 2中性子移行反応により生成した。Si -検出器を用いて散乱粒子Oを識別し、さらにOの運動エネルギーを選択することにより、残留核U, Pu, Cmの脱励起線を同定した。線測定の結果より、これらの原子核の基底回転バンドを12 状態まで確立した。回転バンドの慣性能率より、中性子数152の変形閉殻が陽子数96のCmまでは存在し、陽子数94のPuでは消失することを明らかにした。
We have measured deexcitation rays in the neutron-rich nuclei of U, Pu and Cm. These nuclei were produced by the (O, O) two-neutron transfer reactions with a 200, 162 and 162 MeV O beams and a U, Pu and Cm targets, respectively, using the tandem accelerator at Tokai, Japan. The rays in residual nuclei were measured by taking coincidence with scattering particles using Si - detectors. We have identified rays in U, Pu and Cm by selecting the kinetic energies of O particles which correspond to the excitation energies in these nuclei below their neutron separation energies. The ground-state bands of U, Pu and Cm were established up to 12 states and the octupole band of U was established up to 9 state. Because the deformations of these nuclei are well developed, the moments of inertia reflect the pairing gap, which is expected to be smaller, resulting in a larger moment of inertia, at the deformed shell closure. We have found that the moment of inertia of the ground-state band of Cm is considerably larger than that of Cm. This fact supports the existence of the deformed subshell closure at in Cm isotopes. On the other hand, the moment of inertia of Pu was found to be smaller than that of Pu, which suggests that the deformed subshell closure at weakens or disappears in Pu isotopes. These results are consistent with the prediction by a cranking model calculation.