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 年 ~ 

Role of multiparticle-multihole states in $$^{18,19}$$O in thermal neutron capture of $$^{18}$$O


永井 泰樹*; 瀬川 麻里子   ; 大崎 敏郎*; 松江 秀明 ; 武藤 一雄*

Nagai, Yasuki*; Segawa, Mariko; Osaki, Toshiro*; Matsue, Hideaki; Muto, Kazuo*


The primary $$E$$1 $$gamma$$-ray transition strength from the thermal neutron capture of $$^{18}$$O to the 3/2$$^{-}$$ state, 18 keV below the neutron threshold of $$^{19}$$O, was found to be about two hundred thousand times stronger than that to the 1/2$$^{-}$$ excited state, 729 keV below the threshold. In addition, the $$E$$1 strength from the 3/2$$^{-}$$ state leading to the 3/2$$^{+}$$ state with three ($$d$$$$_{5/2}$$)$$^{3}$$ neutrons was six times stronger than that to the 5/2$$^{+}$$ ground state with a single ($$d$$$$_{5/2}$$) neutron. These anomalous $$gamma$$-ray decay patterns give the first clear experimental evidence for the predicted property of the 3/2$$^{-}$$ state as mainly having a one-hole-four-particle configuration. Unique features of the $$^{18}$$O ground state with a two-hole-four-particle configuration and of the 3/2$$^{+}$$ state combined with a discrete prompt $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy following the thermal neutron capture of $$^{18}$$O enabled us to exclusively identify the configuration of the 3/2$$^{-}$$ state.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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