※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Implementing of action plans for risk communication on the uranium mining sites remedy at Ningyo-Toge Environmental Engineering Center, 1 (Contract research)

薮田 尚宏*; 河合 潤*; 氷川 珠江*; 時澤 孝之; 佐藤 和彦 ; 古賀 修

Yabuta, Naohiro*; Kawai, Jun*; Hikawa, Tamae*; Tokizawa, Takayuki; Sato, Kazuhiko; Koga, Osamu


On the closure of uranium mine site at Ningyo-Toge, the action plans for risk communication with residence and local governments were developed and implemented. Under a practical program of the risk communication, an ethnographical research on Ningyo-toge has been conducted by local high school students. The research was focused on several social groups such as engineers at the Center and residents around Ningyo-toge and described their circumstances from the past to the present. In addition, it should be noted that as a results, the research project led several effects listed below; (1) High school students understood significance of the uranium development projects implemented at Ningyo-toge, (2) Differences of standpoints between local residents and Ningyo-toge became clearer, (3) Foundation to communicate between local communities and Ningyo-toge was found out, (4) The educational program on an ethnographical research was conducted autonomously by local high school students.



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