IASCC照射試験に係るキャプセルの製作,2; き裂発生試験用キャプセル(共同研究)
Fabrication of irradiation capsule for IASCC irradiation tests, 2; Irradiation capsule for crack propagation test (Joint research)
井手 広史 ; 松井 義典 ; 川又 一夫; 田口 剛俊 ; 金澤 賢治; 小沼 勇一; 渡邊 浩之; 井上 修一 ; 出雲 寛互; 石田 卓也; 斎藤 隆; 加治 芳行 ; 宇賀地 弘和 ; 塚田 隆 ; 石塚 悦男 ; 河村 弘
Ide, Hiroshi; Matsui, Yoshinori; Kawamata, Kazuo; Taguchi, Taketoshi; Kanazawa, Yoshiharu; Onuma, Yuichi; Watanabe, Hiroyuki; Inoue, Shuichi; Izumo, Hironobu; Ishida, Takuya; Saito, Takashi; Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Ugachi, Hirokazu; Tsukada, Takashi; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Kawamura, Hiroshi
It is known that Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking (IASCC) occurs when austenitic stainless steel components used for light water reactor (LWR) are irradiated for a long period. In order to evaluate the high aging of the nuclear power plant, the study of IASCC becomes the important problem. The specimens irradiated in the reactor were evaluated by post irradiation examination in the past study. For the appropriate evaluation of IASCC, It is necessary to test it under the simulated LWR conditions; temperature, water chemistry and irradiation conditions. In order to perform in-pile SCC test, saturated temperature capsule (SATCAP) was developed. There are crack growth test, crack propagation test and so on for in-pile SCC test. In this report, SATCAP for crack propagation test is reported.