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 年 ~ 


The Promotion of 3S initiative towards the balance for peaceful use of nuclear energy with nuclear non-proliferation

和泉 圭紀; 北村 隆文; 木本 徹; 鈴木 美寿; 井上 猛; 直井 洋介 ; 玉井 広史 ; 山村 司; 門田 公秀*

Izumi, Yoshinori; Kitamura, Takafumi; Kimoto, Toru; Suzuki, Mitsutoshi; Inoue, Takeshi; Naoi, Yosuke; Tamai, Hiroshi; Yamamura, Tsukasa; Kadota, Koshu*


With the growing number of countries being interested in nuclear energy as a means for climate change and energy security concern, the importance of the compliance is again pointed out not only with the nuclear safety but also with the nuclear non-proliferation. Based on the abovementioned common acknowledgement, with the international collaboration, 3S initiative for the assurance of the nuclear non proliferation (safeguards), safety, and security, was proposed in Toyako summit G8 leaders declaration, and its importance was reaffirmed in LAquila summit G8 leaders declaration. In the paper, the result of study for the concrete measure of the 3S initiative will be introduced from the point of synergy effect on Fostering the 3S culture, Enforcement of the 3S package between software and hardware, Technology development for 3S, and Public acceptance activity for 3S.



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