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Shielding experiments under JASMIN collaboration at Fermilab, 3; Measurement of high-energy neutrons penetrating a thick iron shield from the antiproton production target by Au activation method

フェルミ国立加速器研究所における遮蔽実験,3; 反陽子生成ターゲットから厚い鉄遮へい体を透過してくる高エネルギー中性子の金放射化法を用いた測定

松村 宏*; 木下 哲一*; 岩瀬 広*; 豊田 晃弘*; 春日井 好己  ; 松田 規宏  ; 坂本 幸夫; 中島 宏; 八島 浩*; Mokhov, N.*; Leveling, A.*; Boehnlein, D.*; Vaziri, K.*; Lautenschlager, G.*; Schmitt, W.*; 大石 晃嗣*

Matsumura, Hiroshi*; Kinoshita, Norikazu*; Iwase, Hiroshi*; Toyoda, Akihiro*; Kasugai, Yoshimi; Matsuda, Norihiro; Sakamoto, Yukio; Nakashima, Hiroshi; Yashima, Hiroshi*; Mokhov, N.*; Leveling, A.*; Boehnlein, D.*; Vaziri, K.*; Lautenschlager, G.*; Schmitt, W.*; Oishi, Koji*


In an antiproton production (Pbar) target station of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL), the secondary particles produced by bombarding a target with 120-GeV protons are shielded by a thick iron shield. In order to obtain experimental data on high-energy proton accelerator facilities, we indirectly measured $$>$$ 100-MeV neutrons at the outside of the iron shield. The measurement was performed by using the Au activation method coupled with a low-background $$gamma$$-ray counting system. As an indicator for the neutron flux, we determined the production rates of 8 spallation nuclides ($$^{196}$$Au, $$^{188}$$Pt, $$^{189}$$Ir, $$^{185}$$Os, $$^{175}$$Hf, $$^{173}$$Lu, $$^{171}$$Lu, and $$^{169}$$Yb) in the Au activation detector. The measured production rates were compared with the theoretical production rates calculated using PHITS. We proved that the Au activation method can serve as a powerful tool for indirect measurements of $$>$$ 100-MeV neutrons that play a vital role in neutron transport.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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