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Atmosphere-paddy field exchanges simulated with multi-layer atmosphere-soil-vegetation model (SOLVEG)


堅田 元喜; 小野 圭介*; 林 健太郎*; 永井 晴康  ; 宮田 明*; 間野 正美*

Katata, Genki; Ono, Keisuke*; Hayashi, Kentaro*; Nagai, Haruyasu; Miyata, Akira*; Mano, Masayoshi*


In order to investigate the nitrogen cycling at the paddy field, a multi-layer atmosphere-soil-vegetation model (SOLVEG) was modified to simulate water and heat exchanges at the rice paddy field. The SOLVEG is useful to evaluate the impacts of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on paddy fields since the well-validated schemes of atmospheric gas and particle deposition onto leaf surfaces are included. The model was tested at the Mase paddy site in Japan. The SOLVEG reproduced well the temporal variations in of water, heat and momentum fluxes over the paddy field after harvest. The analyses of the calculated CO$$_{2}$$ and surface fluxes were also made to clarify the atmosphere-rice plants exchanges during the growing season of rice plants.



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