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Functional analysis of universally conserved genes, ${it ygjD}$ and ${it yeaZ}$ orthologs, in DNA repair of ${it Deinococcus radiodurans}$

デイノコッカス・ラジオデュランスのDNA修復における${it ygjD}$及び${it yeaZ}$遺伝子オルソログの機能解析

小野寺 威文; 佐藤 勝也; 太田 敏博*; 鳴海 一成

Onodera, Takefumi; Sato, Katsuya; Ota, Toshihiro*; Narumi, Issei

The ${it ygjD}$ and ${it yeaZ}$ orthologs are highly conserved in eubacteria, and the former is also widely found in the genomes of archaea and eukaryotes. ${it D. radiodurans}$, well known as a radioresistant bacterium, possesses the both orthologs, hereafter ${it DrygjD}$ and ${it DryeaZ}$. In this study, we successfully constructed ${it DrygjD}$ disruptant, ${it DryeaZ}$ disruptant and ${it DrygjD DryeaZ}$ double-disruptant strains. This result clearly indicated that neither ${it DrygjD}$ nor ${it DryeaZ}$ genes is essential for cell viability in ${it D. radiodurans}$. These gene disruptant strains exhibited extreme sensitivity to mitomycin-C compare to the wild-type strain. The deficiency of ${it DrygjD}$ and ${it DryeaZ}$ genes was complemented to restore the wild-type phenotype by introducing plasmids that express these genes.



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