Contribution to the improvement of dissemination of grey literature; JAEA Library's efforts for collecting, organizing and disseminating information on nuclear accidents
灰色文献の流通性向上への貢献; JAEA図書館における原子力事故に関する情報の収集,整理,発信の取組み
池田 貴儀; 大島 健志; 權田 真幸 ; 長屋 俊; 早川 美彩 ; 峯尾 幸信; 米澤 稔 ; 板橋 慶造
Ikeda, Kiyoshi; Oshima, Takeshi; Gonda, Mayuki; Nagaya, Shun; Hayakawa, Misa; Mineo, Yukinobu; Yonezawa, Minoru; Itabashi, Keizo
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) Library has collected information on the 3.11 accident from various sources and websites and then disseminated it over the Internet. However, there are some unresolved issues in terms of permanent accessibility to information and the lack of bibliographical control. We contribute to the improvement of the dissemination of grey literature by creating the metadata and organizing it with classification. We have created more than 4,000 metadata of the website's information concerning TEPCO's "photo and video collection", and more than 3,000 metadata of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan's "press release". We have also created metadata of presentations at the meetings of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ), held in September 2012 and March 2013.