※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Research and development of in-situ measurement for radiation distribution of waterbed

眞田 幸尚   ; 高村 善英; 卜部 嘉; 土田 清文; 西澤 幸康; 山田 勉; 佐藤 義治; 平山 弘克; 西原 克哉; 伊村 光生; 石田 睦司; 石橋 聖; 佐瀬 隆聡*; 鈴木 元和*; 森 英治; 米澤 重晃; 鳥居 建男  

Sanada, Yukihisa; Takamura, Yoshihide; Urabe, Yoshimi; Tsuchida, Kiyofumi; Nishizawa, Yukiyasu; Yamada, Tsutomu; Sato, Yoshiharu; Hirayama, Hirokatsu; Nishihara, Katsuya; Imura, Mitsuo; Ishida, Mutsushi; Ishibashi, Satoshi; Sase, Takaaki*; Suzuki, Motokazu*; Mori, Hideharu; Yonezawa, Shigeaki; Torii, Tatsuo


Distribution of radiocesium existing on the waterbed such as lake or pond was concerned about at the present that passed for two years by an accident. Here, the direct measurement technique of the radiocesium concentration (in-situ measurement technique) was developed. This method was used an plastic scintillation detector (p-Scanner). This detector carried out quick measurement of a large area. In addition, the count-rate of p-Scanner was converted to the radiocesium concentration (Ba/kg-wet) by comparative measurement of $$gamma$$-ray spectrometer. We applied the technique to the agricultural pond in Fukushima and made a map of distribution of radiocesium concentration.



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