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Redox equilibrium of the UO$$_2^{2+}$$/UO$$_2^{+}$$ couple in Li$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$-Na$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$ eutectic melt at 550$$^{circ}$$C


永井 崇之  ; 上原 章寛*; 藤井 俊行*; 佐藤 修彰*; 小藤 博英  ; 明珍 宗孝; 山名 元*

Nagai, Takayuki; Uehara, Akihiro*; Fujii, Toshiyuki*; Sato, Nobuaki*; Kofuji, Hirohide; Myochin, Munetaka; Yamana, Hajimu*

550$$^{circ}$$Cの溶融Li$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$-Na$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$共晶塩中のUOUO$$_2^{2+}$$/UOUO$$_2^{+}$$対の酸化還元平衡を、サイクリックボルタンメトリ及び吸光分光測定で評価した。サイクリックボルタンメトリにより、UO$$_2^{2+}$$/UO$$_2^{+}$$対の標準酸化還元電位の概略値を求めた。さらに、UO$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$を含む浴塩にUO$$_2^{2+}$$含有試料を添加しながら吸光スペクトルと浸漬電位を測定し、スペクトルから評価したUO$$_2^{2+}$$とUOUO$$_2^{+}$$の濃度比と浸漬電位の関係から、UOUO$$_2^{2+}$$/UO$$_2^{+}$$対の標準酸化還元電位-0.847$$pm$$0.010V vs. O$$_{2}$$/O$$^{2-}$$を求めた。

The redox equilibrium of UO$$_2^{2+}$$/UO$$_2^{+}$$ couple was measured in Li$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$-Na$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$ eutectic melt at 550$$^{circ}$$C by cyclic voltammetry and absorption spectrophotometry. The standard redox potential of UO$$_2^{2+}$$/UO$$_2^{+}$$ couple was approximately evaluated by cyclic voltammetry. Further, the absorption spectrum and equilibrium potential were measured, repeatedly adding UO$$_2^{2+}$$ source material into the melt containing UO$$_2^{+}$$. From the correlation between the equilibrium potential of the melt and the concentration ratio [UO$$_2^{2+}$$]/[UO$$_2^{+}$$] spectrophotometrically evaluated, the standard redox potential of UO$$_2^{2+}$$/UO$$_2^{+}$$ couple was determined to be -0.847$$pm$$0.010 V vs. O$$_{2}$$/O$$^{2-}$$.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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