Sputtering of amorphous SiN induced by 540 keV C
540 keV C
北山 巧*; 森田 陽亮*; 中嶋 薫*; 鈴木 基史*; 鳴海 一雅; 齋藤 勇一; 松田 誠
; 左高 正雄*; 辻本 将彦*; 磯田 正二*; 木村 健二*
Kitayama, Takumi*; Morita, Yosuke*; Nakajima, Kaoru*; Suzuki, Motofumi*; Narumi, Kazumasa; Saito, Yuichi; Matsuda, Makoto; Sataka, Masao*; Tsujimoto, Masahiko*; Isoda, Shoji*; Kimura, Kenji*
Our previous observation of an ion track by sub-MeV C
-ion bombardment of a thin amorphous silicon nitride (a-SiN) film with transmission-electron microscopy has shown a large density reduction in the core region, and it suggests emission of thousands of atoms from the cylindrical region. Sputtering yields of a-SiN films by C
ions were evaluated in order to confirm this suggestion. A-SiN films deposited on Si(001) were irradiated with 540-keV C
ions at fluences up to 1
. The sputtering yields were estimated to be 3900
500 N atoms/ion and 1500
1000 Si atoms/ion from the compositional depth profiles measured with high-resolution Rutherford-backscattering spectroscopy. The sputtering yield of N was two orders of magnitude larger than the elastic sputtering yield by the SRIM code, indicating that the observed sputtering yield cannot be explained by elastic collisions. The sputtering yield of an a-SiN film by 100-MeV Xe
ions was also measured in order to confirm a possibility of electronic sputtering. Although the electronic stopping power for 100-MeV Xe is more than twice larger than that for 540-keV C
, the observed sputtering yield was only
200 atoms/ion. This indicates that the huge sputtering yield for the impact of C
cannot be explained by the simple electronic sputtering, either. A possible explanation might be a synergistic effect of the nuclear and electronic stopping powers.