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Current activities and future plans for nuclear data measurements at J-PARC


木村 敦   ; 原田 秀郎   ; 中村 詔司  ; 岩本 修  ; 藤 暢輔   ; 小泉 光生 ; 北谷 文人  ; 古高 和禎  ; 井頭 政之*; 片渕 竜也*; 水本 元治*; 堀 順一*; 木野 幸一*; 鬼柳 善明*

Kimura, Atsushi; Harada, Hideo; Nakamura, Shoji; Iwamoto, Osamu; Toh, Yosuke; Koizumi, Mitsuo; Kitatani, Fumito; Furutaka, Kazuyoshi; Igashira, Masayuki*; Katabuchi, Tatsuya*; Mizumoto, Motoharu*; Hori, Junichi*; Kino, Koichi*; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*

In order to improve the data accuracy of neutron-capture cross sections of minor actinides (MAs) and long-lived fission products (LLFPs), a new experimental instrument named "Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction measurement Instrument (ANNRI)" has been constructed in the Materials and Life science experimental Facility (MLF) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC), and measurements of neutron-capture cross sections of MAs, LLFPs and some stable isotopes with high intensity pulsed neutrons have been started. The analyses for $$^{244}$$Cm, $$^{246}$$Cm, $$^{241}$$Am and $$^{237}$$Np were finished; those for $$^{129}$$I, $$^{107}$$Pd, $$^{99}$$Tc, $$^{93}$$Zr and some stable isotopes are in progress. These results will make significant contributions in the field of developing innovative nuclear systems.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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