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Predoping effects of boron and phosphorous on arsenic diffusion along grain boundaries in polycrystalline silicon investigated by atom probe tomography


高見澤 悠 ; 清水 康雄*; 井上 耕治*; 野沢 康子*; 外山 健*; 矢野 史子*; 井上 真雄*; 西田 彰男*; 永井 康介*

Takamizawa, Hisashi; Shimizu, Yasuo*; Inoue, Koji*; Nozawa, Yasuko*; Toyama, Takeshi*; Yano, Fumiko*; Inoue, Masao*; Nishida, Akio*; Nagai, Yasuyoshi*

The effect of phosphorus (P) and boron (B) doping on arsenic (As) diffusion in polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) was investigated using laser-assisted atom probe tomography. In all samples, a high concentration of As was found at the grain boundaries, indicating that such boundaries represent the main diffusion path. However, As grain-boundary diffusion was suppressed in the B-doped sample, and enhanced in the P-doped sample. In a sample co-doped with both P and B, As diffusion was somewhat enhanced, indicating competition between the effects of the two dopants. This can be explained by the pairing of P and B atoms. The results suggest that grain-boundary diffusion of As can be controlled by varying the local concentration of P and B dopants.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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