※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


First-principles calculations of $$<$$c+a$$>$$ screw dislocations in Mg

板倉 充洋  ; 蕪木 英雄; 山口 正剛   ; 都留 智仁   

Itakura, Mitsuhiro; Kaburaki, Hideo; Yamaguchi, Masatake; Tsuru, Tomohito


Fuel cladding in nuclear reactors are made of Zirconium alloy, which has hexagonal crystal structure. Because of the low symmetry of the structure, hexagonal metals are known to have poor ductility and formability, and identification of alloying effect and irradiation effect on the ductility of these metals are currently very important subject. The present study concentrate on the pyramidal dislocations in Mg, which is a typical hexagonal metal suitable for the model studies. The pyramidal dislocations plays a key rolein the ductile deformation and understanding its nature is essential to improve the ductility of the material. The present study revealed for the first time the structure and migration process of the pyramidal dislocations, opening a way to design an alloy of better ductility based on the computational predictions.



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