Uplift and denudation history of the Yoro-Suzuka-Nunobiki mountains based on apatite fission-track thermochronology
末岡 茂 ; 堤 浩之*; 田上 高広*; 長谷部 徳子*; 田村 明弘*; 荒井 章司*; 柴田 健二
Sueoka, Shigeru; Tsutsumi, Hiroyuki*; Tagami, Takahiro*; Hasebe, Noriko*; Tamura, Akihiro*; Arai, Shoji*; Shibata, Kenji
We are attempting to reveal uplift/denudation history of the Yoro-Suzuka-Nunobiki mountains, southwest Japan, by using apatite fission-track (AFT) thermochronology. We obtained AFT ages of 47-30 Ma. The ages are younger in the central and southern part of the Suzuka Range and get older to the north and south. Inverse thermal modeling based on the AFT ages and lengths indicates the difference among the ages reflect amount of denudation accommodate with the mountains uplifting in the past few million years. These results imply the process of the mountain uplifting of this area is more complicated than the developments of the basins propagating from south to north.