※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

A Molecular dynamics study on the structure and formation mechanisms of a $$<$$c+a$$>$$ dislocation in magnesium


蕪木 英雄; 板倉 充洋  ; 山口 正剛   ; 都留 智仁   

Kaburaki, Hideo; Itakura, Mitsuhiro; Yamaguchi, Masatake; Tsuru, Tomohito

The generation of non-basal c+a dislocations near the c-axis direction is the key to inducing the widespread plasticity in highly anisotropic hcp magnesium. Using the molecular dynamics method, we have studied the formation process of c+a screw and edge dislocations by compressing the a-axis direction, pependicular to the c-axis, of magnesium single crystal. We found the formation of stacking faults by the emission of basal a-dislocations and also the formation of boundaries consisting of a-dislocations. At the last stage of the deformation process, we confirmed the generation of non-basal c+a dislocations from the stressed junctions of the boundary and stacking faults.



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