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 年 ~ 


Accurate structure analyses of polymer crystals on the basis of wide-angle X-ray and neutron diffractions

田代 孝二*; 塙坂 真*; 山元 博子*; Wasanasuk, K.*; Jayaratri, P.*; 吉澤 功徳*; 田中 伊知朗*; 新村 信雄*; 日下 勝弘*; 細谷 孝明*; 大原 高志   ; 栗原 和男; 黒木 良太; 玉田 太郎; 藤原 悟; 勝部 勝義*; 森川 佳介*; 古宮 行淳*; 北野 利明*; 二宗 隆*; 尾関 智二*

Tashiro, Koji*; Hanesaka, Makoto*; Yamamoto, Hiroko*; Wasanasuk, K.*; Jayaratri, P.*; Yoshizawa, Yoshinori*; Tanaka, Ichiro*; Niimura, Nobuo*; Kusaka, Katsuhiro*; Hosoya, Takaaki*; Ohara, Takashi; Kurihara, Kazuo; Kuroki, Ryota; Tamada, Taro; Fujiwara, Satoru; Katsube, Katsuyoshi*; Morikawa, Keisuke*; Komiya, Yukiatsu*; Kitano, Toshiaki*; Nishu, Takashi*; Ozeki, Tomoji*


The crystal structure analysis of various polymer substances has been reviewed on the basis of wide-angle high-energy X-ray and neutron diffraction data. The progress in structural analytical techniques of polymer crystals have been reviewed at first. The structural models proposed so far were reinvestigated and new models have been proposed for various kinds of polymer crystals including polyethylene, poly(vinyl alcohol), poly(lactic acid) and its stereocomplex etc. The hydrogen atomic positions were also clarified by the quantitative analysis of wide-angle neutron diffraction data, from which the physical properties of polymer crystals have been evaluated theoretically. The bonded electron density distribution has been estimated for a polydiacetylene single crystal on the basis of the so-called X-N method or by the combination of structural information derived from X-ray and neutron diffraction data analysis. Some comments have been added about future developments in the field of structure-property relationship determination.



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分野:Polymer Science



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