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Decontamination of radio-Cs from the contaminated water medea with radiation-grafted fibrous adsorbents


瀬古 典明; 植木 悠二; 保科 宏行; 佐伯 誠一; 柴田 卓弥  ; 笠井 昇

Seko, Noriaki; Ueki, Yuji; Hoshina, Hiroyuki; Saiki, Seiichi; Shibata, Takuya; Kasai, Noboru

To contribute Fukushima recovery, a fibrous absorbent has been developed by introducing ammonium 12-molybdophosphate (AMP) onto polyethylene nonwoven fabric with radiation-induced graft polymerization technique. In order to grasp the removal performances of radio Cs, the AMP grafted absorbents were evaluated at Fukushima field. Then, the dissolved radio Cs in well water and stream water could be adsorbed in the AMP grafted absorbent. Furthermore, we had conducted one-year monitoring test with the water purifier filled with the AMP grafted adsorbent at private houses in Kawauchi-Mura, Fukushima. As a result, no radio Cs has been detected in tap water filtered through the water purifier, so the developed adsorbent has sufficient effectiveness to trap radio Cs. From these achievements, we could commercialized the Cs-cut grafted fabric adsorbent as water purifier.



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