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Deceleration processes of secondary electrons produced by a high-energy Auger electron in a biological context


甲斐 健師   ; 横谷 明徳; 鵜飼 正敏; 藤井 健太郎; 渡辺 立子

Kai, Takeshi; Yokoya, Akinari; Ukai, Masatoshi; Fujii, Kentaro; Watanabe, Ritsuko

We performed a fundamental study of deceleration of low-energy electron ejected from water to predict clustered DNA damage formation involved in the decelerating electrons in water using a dynamic Monte Carlo code included Coulombic force between ejected electron and its parent cation. The decelerating electron in water was recaptured by the Coulombic force within hundreds of femtosecond. We suggested that the return electron contribute to modification of DNA damage because the electron will recombine to electric excited states of the parent cation, or will be prehydrated in water layer near the parent cation in DNA. Thus effect of the Coulombic force plays a significant role in evaluation of DNA damage involved in the electron deceleration in water.



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