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Actions to protect the public in an emergency due to severe conditions at a light water reactor (Translated document)

本間 俊充; 高原 省五  ; 飯島 正史; 佐藤 宗平; 木村 仁宣 ; 嶋田 和真 

Homma, Toshimitsu; Takahara, Shogo; Iijima, Masashi; Sato, Sohei; Kimura, Masanori; Shimada, Kazumasa

本報告書は、国際原子力機関が2013年5月に出版した「Actions to Protect the Public in an Emergency due to Severe Conditions at a Light Water Reactor」を邦訳したものである。原資料はIAEAのウェブサイトから入手できる(https://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/EPR-NPP_PPA_web.pdf)。

This is a Japanese translation of "Actions to Protect the Public in an Emergency due to Severe Conditions at a Light Water Reactor", which is published by the International Atomic Energy Agency in May 2013. The original IAEA Publication is available on the IAEA Website (https://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/EPR-NPP_PPA_web.pdf).



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